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Another amazing episode of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood! We're so excited to be learning more about alchehistory and can't wait to discover more about it's potential to counter Father's evil plans! Although, now that we found out about this entirely new ace up Father's sleeve, I don't even know if there is hope anymore!! Just WTF!!!  

Also, merch is definitely coming!!! Please check on Normies Storefront on teespring, we should be adding Alchemy sock design as well as alcheist's socks. I am hoping we'll have them tomorrow! 

- Marketa





Lmao, gotta write the title 6 times? lol


Someone fell asleep on the keyboard while hitting ctrl v it seems


Phenomenal title guys. Liking the energy!


The title is to vague, what show was this again?

Justin Neason

The fact that yall are watching 2 of the most brilliant anime I know at once is killing me. Also once again, FMAB proves how good it is at utilizing all it's characters in unexpected ways :')


edit: oh they fixed it haha


Technically, Father always had an Army, just made up of humans.

ryan ecker

Suraj is right, never trust a guy in anime with shiny glasses... He might try to talk to you about his family: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/1wvp20l.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/1wvp20l.png</a>


The alchemy color is only red if that person is using a philosopher's stone or if its a homunculus that's made from a philosopher's stone,cause remember ed and al's alchemy was always blue. Also, if you go back earlier in the series, ed already said what father is trying to accomplish. But you guys clearly forgot what he said or when he said it


lmfao suraj's King Bradley impression was hilarious

Lavota Carter

Remember how Ed and Al were on their All is One, One is All task from Izumi? Ed used the Circle of Life to come to the right conclusion. And he said that people are like the "ant" in regards to the "universe" of alchemy.So the bite of the ant is the counteroffensive of the humans


Both alchemy and alkahestry are blue. Also don't forget, Dr. Marcoh is an alchemist.


i like how during the fight with envy one of the ice sculptures shown was the thousand years of death from naruto