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Jaters gonna skate!

Also hello, this is Marketa and I vaguely remember what this episode was about! I just remember that Sawyer is dreamy as always for sure. Hope you enjoy this one!


Lost 2x13 The Long Con - Reaction

More Losties added to the Nikki Hate Train! Catch up on some of Sawyer's backstory with Suraj and Nikki in S02E13, The Long Con. Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies



Chelsea plays Gina in Brooklyn 99, not Rosa :)


Great episode, great reaction

Kyle Edmond

This reminds me of Lost!!!


Really love Nikki’s reactions, I must admit the first time I saw the episode I really, really didn’t like it cause just like Nikki I was so disappointed in Sawyer, he had come such a long way, this episode seemed like a huge step-back in terms of character development. But rewatching it I’ve come to appreciate it a lot more and it is indeed a really good episode, James is so smart in how he played everybody. As far as Charlie is concerned I was really taken aback seeing his involvement the first time around, but taking into account his humiliation in the episode prior and his ostracization from the rest of the group it makes sense within those parameters that he’d go as far as he did to get revenge on the man responsible for all it in his mind John Locke. I think Sawyer and Charlie linked up after Jack stole back the pills from Sawyer, he even warned him not to do it. Also I firmly believe everything was orchestrated by Sawyer but I don’t think he instructed Charlie to hurt Sun just to scare her, I also believe Charlie didn’t cause that gnash on her forehead, from how I understood it he pulled the bag on her head and tied her arms and dragged her through the jungle for a couple of meters, then she fought back and he let her go and so she ran with the bag still on her head and collided with a tree... at least that’s how I understood it, someone tell me if I’m wrong?


are u team jate or skate marketa