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First off I want to apologize about the audio.  We had a few technical difficulties while recording this binge.  But either way here we go with the third episode in this series! This episode IMO is Walts very first step into Breaking  Bad.  This was his first hands on kill.  Yes he did kill Emilio but that was defense.  This was more personal.  What did you guys think about this episode when you guys watched it? - Nahid


Breaking Bad 1x3 Reaction



I forgot how good season one was. I don't remember enjoying the latter seasons too much for some reason and it took me forever to finally give that last season a shot. But damn, did they setup a fantastic series with this season. ]


BTW go easy on Skyler because they try to make her less one-note later on, but a lot of fans couldn't let go of this early stuff. It's been acknowledged by the creators as more of a flaw on their part at first than the character


Also I'm really enjoying how deep the discussions are getting in terms of character and motivation because this show really rewards that with lots of complexity and subtlety, especially as it gets farther in.

Joseph Sanchez

How Hank's character develops over time is one of the true beauties of this show.


First Shout-Out of many! (Hopefully)


The sound wasn't too bad. I think you're doing a good job keeping the conversation going with your questions. And definitely feel free to put in your own opinions as well, but frame it in the context of how you felt at the time you first watched it.


hannah is a babe


really enjoying Hannah's contributions in the discussions. she is picking up on so much. I can't wait until you guys get to the later episodes.

Josh B

Season 1 is good, but I would say that is a minority opinion.