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Here we go with out last update of the days guys!  Finally we meet Zamasu!  This episode was the perfect amount of lore with action!


DBS 53



Y'all seen Epsiode 51 one yet


Fun fact: Zamasu is voiced by James Marsters of Buffy fame. For whatever reason, he's playing under the name David Gray but James also played Zamasu in Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse 2 ( don't play that game yet due to spoilers) but when you get through the arc and then see the arc on the game, you can tell its the same voice actor. I'm just guessing the reason why hes playing him under a different name is because of the fact that he was in Dragon Ball: Evolution (AKA the live action movie that's apparently WORSE than Dragon Ball GT)


This was the episode where I finally started to figure out what was going on. I was also taking a class on time travel in movies and TV at the time so that was a huge help when figuring things out

Dedotated Wam

It has to be worse, since GT was pretty good for the most part. It didn't do a good job of keeping the audience from Z though, it was more for OG Dragon Ball fans.


Man, after having watched the subbed version, and just now rewatching some certain particular scenes in the fantastically dubbed version, I literally got chills! I cannot WAIT for the guys to see some of the upcoming stuff, as they are probably even even bigger fans than I am, having grown up with DB. :)