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Here we are again with another Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode! This is Season 2 Episode 5! HEN IN THE WOLF HOUSE! Another great episode I'm really really loving this season hopefully it shows in our reactions. I'll let the react and discussions speak for themsevles

- Suraj


AOS 2x5 Final


Jules Eris

aaaw yeeea thanks fams

Justin Neason

Suraj, just a reminder. Skye's dad didn't abandon her. Remember in season 1 when they talked about monsters killing a bunch of people, and they agents in charge of the 084 (skye)had to stay on rotation because something/someone really wanted her ;)


in a throwaway line in episode 2, they mentioned that hunter was an SAS member. hes british air force that became a merc.


Not one john wick reference for bobbi. I'm actually impressed


In one of the previous episodes, if my memory serves me well, Coulson mentioned he has another agent in Hydra besides Simmons. That means Bobbi's undercover mission is not something writers come up with for this episode. Next episode is a blast, really looking forward to it. Sky will spy again. Thanos is not the only one who can snap, we will see Ward 'snap' as well :].


(yakko voice) hellloooooo morse

Calculatus Eliminatus

I love it when I see the reaction and they think its just going to follow a simple trope and story line. Someday, they will learn to expect so much more because the characters are more complex.

Kim Carragher

I know it often feels like the writers just make shit up for drama that will last an episode - but bear with it. The writers PLAN their show. Hopefully the mid season finale is a double drop (and the season finale as that is intended as a double episode event anyways). Great reaction and loved that you didn’t even clue in that Bobbi was an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.


You guys are coming to conclusions too quickly. Keep watching and all will be revealed. I know season 1 was bad but this show is more complicated then you think.


Marketa vs. Pat is the best! Pat had some pretty good points (sky's dad) in this discussion besides his "murdering billions of people" is a cool idea :D

Linsey Morris

rana and pat being appalled at simmons turning on her hydra lab partner while being the ward defense squad is uhhhhh interesting lmao. I'M SO HAPPY YOU FINALLY MET BOBBI MORSE MY QUEEN!!! i love this team so much.


that really makes no sense, They are so pro Ward but Jemma does something to save her life and they're like how could she...lol


But so infuriating to see them in this state. Especially Marketa and Chris.

n p

Bobbi Morse aka Mockingbird is straight out of the comics, a character that's been around since the 70's... She's one of the more notable "regular" non-superhero Shield agents like Black Widow, Hawkeye, Sharon Carter, Mariah Hill and so on... in a way she's kind of marvel's answer to DC's Black Cannary without the superpowers.


So Chris sleeps through most of the episode, then says stuff about the show in a degrading matter and get to wild conclussions? OK. The point is guys: 1. Please stop with the 084 juice. Raina has nothing to do with aything 084. 2. Stop making assumptions or conclussions about stuff that you dont have enough info on and then critizizing the show for it. 3. Yes Fitz knew that simmons was undercover at hydra, they discussed that in episode 3. And its fine that you forget stuff, but it seem to be more with this show then the others and I dont know if thats just you guys not being interested enough to pay attention or long time between binghes. There was some good stuff too though. That whole Raina bluffing/not bluffing, bobbi reveal stuff was good. And Marketa vs Pat is always fun. PS: I cant for next episode and episode 8 to get back on track on some things and im going to miss Pat.


Yeah It didnt really show that you were loving this season in the reaction, sorry suraj. Maybe you, but I mean Chris was sleeping. AGAIN.

Calculatus Eliminatus

I think perhaps the 084 confusion is because the substance they gave Skye and Coulson was GH325, also a numeric name. Garrett took GH32? the ? mark because it was a recreation not the true stuff. So, it's fair to say GH325 juice but 084 juice is a bit off the mark. 084 is simply ANY object of unknown origin. Season one makes it clear that most (if not all) 084's are things not people. Skye even asks if an 084 can be a person and they basically say, "I guess its possible but they've never heard of it". GH325 = Drug created from the alien body. 084=We don't know what this is or where it came from. Hope that helps.


Holy connoly Suraj really doesn't know what an 084 is.


Stop letting your ignorance of what's going to happen paint your opinion of the show. Contrary to what you guys may think, this is not a predictable show. I know some of like to think you know everything that's going to happen, but believe me, you don't. You guys have been wrong about so many of your theories of things that are going to happen later, and you still let those wrong theories dictate your opinion of certain characters and the show as a whole. Also, some of you need to learn to think for yourselves and let go of the fact that season one was mediocre.


Damn, you guys really think so little of this show, it's a serious bummer. All your assumptions are so, bleh. You've been wrong so many times about what is going to happen, yet you still joke about everything assuming you know what will come next... Gonna take a break from this series.


I don't think they recognized the actress. She is also in The Orville.


Patnos - "Ward and Hydra and killing a billion people are bad, but this does put a smile on my face."


i feel like from all of the Normies here, Rana gets this show the best. She's almost everytime on point about characters and their way of behaviour and also predicts a lot of stuff correct during those episodes (like Raina sending that email). She also remembers a lot from previous episodes that some of the others don't. So in conclusion guys, when it comes to SHIELD, listen more to Rana ;)

Rufus May

A lot of people are complaining that the Normies are assuming certain things, but I think it's actually the intention of the show's writing to give them that impression so that later twists and reveals will have more impact.

Rufus May

So as long as they're enjoying it just let them go through and everything will be made clear in time.


BTW I get Pat's point. He is looking at it from a scientific aspect, Marketa is looking at it from a moral aspect. Pat is not saying it's morally cool to kill a billion people, he is saying that it's awe inspiring that someone would come up with a technology capable of doing it. The Atomic bomb was a horrible moral decision that killed hundreds of thousands of people. The ability to split the atom is cool that we have advanced enough technologically to be able to do it.


I definitely see that you are enjoying the show more. Especially with Rana, Suraj, and Pat.

Raymond Strand

I am thankful every day that Pat got into youtube and not chemistry or nuclear engineering.

Linsey Morris

you're really telling them to stop making assumptions like everyone doesn't do that in general about shows they're watching lmao they're taking things as they come that's not making assumptions they're just trying to predict where things will go it's something EVERYONE does when they watch tv especially reactors. you complain so much on every one of their aos posts, if they're not watching the show the way you want them to then idk.....stop paying to watch their reactions? no one is forcing you to stick around. you can't force someone to watch a show the way you want them to. ya'll need to learn this it's exhausting.


Good reaction, you guys are right the Fitz-Simmons reunion was so awkward and it's so sad cause it was like something was out of balance, there never was any awkwardness between the two, but now it’s like they are out of synch... Also, I’m with Nahid, I too worry about Pat. Lol I guess I kinda understand what he was trying to say but I wouldn’t call any man-made invention who’s sole purpose is mass murder “cool” and like Chris said if it’s purpose is killing people and we develop it, guess what we are going to use it for? It’s not gonna be to make Fish Tacos... See you next week

Aras Paty

This comment section for this show its always the worst when someone criticizes the show in any way..its ridiculous. You can't have any theories, or think the show is predictable without the fandom saying you're nitpicking or you don't understand anything blah blah..I think people don't understand it's there first watch and not everyone catched everything the first time. If you don't love the show there just going to keep attacking, if you love it there's another story all together.


Yeah I agree, that's how I saw it too. And in that way I get what Pat is talking about.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Early on, I think it was fair to ask to ease up on the nitpicking because it seemed as if they forgot they are watching a comic book TV show. It also prevented them from noticing BIG plot points and exposition. They are still having a bit of confusion based upon that. Fast forward to now: It's still their first time watching the show. They don't know what's coming, they feel like they've seen these sort of setups in dozen of TV shows before and they still are enjoying it. Just because those of us who have seen the show know where this is going, that we know (and notice) all the clues that were always there doesn't mean they have to. The surprises are coming whether the Normies can see them coming or not. Destiny will still arrive. My only real concern is that because they have a pre-conceived narrative that they will keep trying to force what they see to match their narrative rather than let the story take them on the real journey. For example, really guys, not everyone is brainwashed. We've only been shown (and directly told) that "high value targets" are brainwashed. We've only seen the Absorbing Man, Donnie (ice man) Gill, and Agent 33 at this point. And the show has done a good job making sure we know they are/were. Having said all that, the time is past for us (or me anyway) to try to tell them how to watch the show. They seem to be enjoying it. I'm enjoying watching each Normie slowly get it. Each at their own speed. Each with their own concerns and worries. Pat vs. Marketa (Marketa is right, IMHO) Rana being the one most in touch with the spirit of the show. Chris is enjoying it (even with the heavy eyelids in this one). He was genuinely happy to get the "Coulson has a plan" reveal with Bobbi. Marketa, I love how you react with care and compassion. Trust the show, very little drama is manufactured and once you know the full story every characters actions make so much sense.

Latt Mee

its easy to say that they're making wrong assumptions or what not if you already have seen most if not the whole show. they still are having the story uncovered to them. while stand on some high horse when you guys were probrably reacting the same way about theories and whats going to happen, etc.


I think people are just upset because they seem to be annoyed at storylines that they assume the show will do and don't give the show enough credit (in some opinions) when it doesn't do what they assumed it would do, they just find a new nitpick. Maybe this will change, maybe it wont. to me this is just how hey watch. its frustrating but what are you to do.


"Did Fitz ever find out about Simmons being undercover?" everyone answers 'no'. Seriously? He found out back in episode 3 that she was undercover in the same episode he found out Ward was in the basement. It's like you all complain about stuff but pay very little attention so the stuff you actually complain about is answered in the show but you are all too busy complaining to hear it. Maybe pay closer attention? I mean not one person got that right. You guys assume so much wrong stuff all the time, and I think it comes form paying so little attention to the details. Yeah I get you will assume what may happen but when you include wrong info that was already explained in canon and bitch about it - you look dumb. What is 084 juice? The stuff injected into Skye was GH325, which is what was injected into Coulson too. Skye is an 084 - an object of unknown origin. The obelisk is an 084. As for brainwashing - no not everyone is brainwashed in Hydra. They don't even come close to saying anything like that. Only a few high profile candidates are brainwashed. Why would it be either Bobbi or Hunter. That makes no sense. As for Hunter - he's still just a mercenary not an agent. Skye's father going to Hydra - go back and watch previous episodes. Oh and he did not abandon Skye. She was taken from him. No it is not cool to want to kill millions of people. Ever.


Season 1 was not bad. It had to set up everything and grow the relationships and characters.


They got many things wrong. They are equating 084 with the GH325. They forgot that yeah Fitz knew Jemma was undercover back in episode 3. They said Skye's dad abandoned her when he did not. So many errors that they deserve to be criticized. Especially when they assume stuff based on their errors.