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FAM!! I am so sorry accidentally put the uncut reaction to this week's Hunter x Hunter instead of the real one.  Forgive me! I dont make mistakes like this SO PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I reposted the correct link back on the actual post.  Here it is now as well.  All you people that expected this earlier I am soo freaking sorry again if this is posted while you sleep.  Expect a treat next week for this mess up! - Nahid


Password: beware x of x prisoners



Thanks and no problem


No worries

Cpt Falco

Thanks mang


Thanks Nahid sorry for complaining earlier i know you're probably the best normie when it comes to dropping videos and extra stuff.


Dont ever say sorry for complaining if I mess up bro. If you dont complain I cant fix my errors. So its needed! I appreciate the love always man. You all make this possible - Nahid

Cpt Falco

Fun fact: there's no fair use timer on this video.


Its all good mate.


I don't get why you need to feel sorry for this because people takes this to seriously. I mean it's just a mistake, take it easy people.

Sou saetern

Ok, I gotta ask. Does it gnaw at anyone else at how they pronounce Killuas' name? I don't know why but it makes me cringe every time lol. I'm not criticizing, just stating a personal preference I guess. 😜😜😜

Steffen Bauknecht

I waited for it yesterday, and when the link was wrong I just went to bed, so I finally managed to sleep earlier :D But yeah, I am here for the fun not some sort of drama, so don't sweat it.


It definitely bugs me a little. Only a little tho, that is a small reason of why I personally watch dubs first, because generally you can get the names correct the first time you hear them. Subs are good too tho, i usually watch both


Take it easy, Nahid - we won't lynch you because you made a mistake.


its ok bro!


Hey Nahid, I really appreciate your responses to everyone and your enthusiasm! Mistakes happen and you've been great so far with your deadlines and double drops. Just to let you know though, the vimeo link on the actual youtube page is still to Episode 5 uncut.


It's all good man it happens

Siraj Khalid

I expect my treat next week bro, that was some fucked up shit lmao