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I flubbed the title again in the fair use bar. Not the biggest mistake in the world but still wanted to mention. Working from my laptop has been a bit of a change but I am getting a new computer built for myself very soon that will tremendously speed things up.

This episode though...woah... Not only did it somehow make Book 2 better in retrospect, but Zaheer is one of the most calm and collected agents of chaos I've ever seen. And what if he is right? Why DID Harmonic Convergence give him air bending? Was it purely random or did fate really deliver this gift to the Red Lotus to assist in throwing the world into chaos in order to be reborn again? His quips about the world leaders have never rang more true in our current time on Earth, but the solution should never be to throw it into chaos.... right??

I truly do wonder what Avatar Aang, Roku and Kyoshi would have to say about this. Perhaps even Yangchen. Korra has officially had her plate more full than ANY other Avatar that has come before her I can honestly say. At least when Wan fought Vaatu it was CLEAR who was good/evil and black/white. Here the villain is red. Red vs White because red is not entirely black. This show is operating in extreme shades of grey and I couldn't love it more. I'm not sure if this is better than ATLA just yet but the maturity and complexity in the philosophies that this story is dealing with is something I never expected to see. "Different cultures play the game differently." as Asami said. Wow..just wow. Without trying too sound any more verbose I'll end this here and hope you enjoy our reaction! Not one of my best edits but I tried to squeeze all the little comedic moments in there too. Leave a non spoiler comment please, I'd love to respond.

- Avatar Suraj


LoK 3x9



I like both shows but I like Korra more than Aang and the Villians but I like ATLA secondary characters better and the story connect better so I can't decide.


Book 2 will forever be the worst season imo. Only good episodes were beginnings 1 and 2. Anything before that is forgettable and anything after that was okay. Finale was disappointing.


Nah actually the second half of book 2 was good accept the jinor light issue and Zau from ATLA was forgettable until Korra brought it up.


Not working for anyone else??


its working for me just resolution is low


Thanks for getting this out for us today Suraj! You guys are seriously going to love the finale so excited for that reaction.

Eddie Gamboa

So up top, y’all are talking about Lavabending. I had the same issue about Earth and Fire until I rewatched AtLA. Guru Patik talks about how even the division between the four elements is an illusion, and I think about Lava bending in that register. It’s also like Iroh learning about his fire from waterbenders (and developing the technique to redirect lightning). Perhaps it is a bit random, but I like to think of it in relation to both shows exploration of the sameness of the nations and elements.


lava- and earth-bending is like Water- and ice-bending but on a much higher level... you just change the temperature of the element.


Whoo hoo! We are in the section that is non stop amazing!


This is the perfect example of why Korra villains are way better than power hungry Ozai ,because their ideologies and views on the world make us hate them but love them at the same time. I always had issues with Ozai because we have seen many villains like him before who wanted so much power for no reason. Bending wise, they would all crush him in a matter of seconds no doubt about it. My favorite villain of ATLA was Azula because we got see her emotions regarding her mother and that final scene when she went completely crazy was heartbreaking. Sorry, not sorry Ozai lol. Much love everyone :)


Suraj have you guys just finished book 3?


Voltron has 6 seasons on Netflix Btw


next 4 episodes are the best in all of LOK imo! Woo!


I love what you're taking away from the show, Suraj. I never really thought about how the pai sho game connects to the bending and to the nations. They really are social constructs!

Oscar Villalobos

Episode 10 has the BIGGEST “This is not a kid show” moment 👀👀👀👀👀

mariko 真利子

🎉🎉🎉 all the commentary got me stoked before I even watch it, will comment after too. Thanks Avatar Suraj!!! 💖


Zaheer is an anarchist, plain and simple. All the LOK villains represent a political philosophy/ideology. Amon = Communism, Unalaq = Theocracy, Zaheer = Anarchism.


From here on out...it's a ride!


Can't wait for the rest of the season reactions

Kanan Jarrus

This is why Zaheer is my favorite Avatar villain. He has sound logic.

Chili Chanda

Is it just me or is Korra's "I'm watching you" a callback to when Katara did it in season 2 to those two earth bending kids, when they were searching for Toph?

Ben Wenger

Since the gang is more acquainted with the Red Lotus, maybe now is a good time to share some wonderful fan art of their earlier years: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/FbJBBDf.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/FbJBBDf.jpg</a>


Can you make the $20 patreons drop two episodes of korra! I would pay !

Adam is Magic

Well at this point I think this more a young adult show then a kids show. Also can't wait for the next episode been waiting for that reaction to that episode since they started the show.


I think that Korra has a lot of really good and crazy moments throughout the series but a lot of them tie into Last Airbender. Like the Zuko and Iroh episodes in Korra are so special because we love them so much from ATLA. So without ATLA we wouldnt have Korra. I grew up watching Avatar and it is one of my all time favorite shows so when Korra came out I was hella excited. But I ended up hating it lol. Watching Normie reactions to it years later makes me appreciate the show a lot more and I can understand why people would like it better than ATLA since its sooo complex and mature at times. I also think that for Korra to be a successful show it had to be as good if not better (in some aspects) than ATLA. For me though it's ATLA &gt; everything else lol. But anyways love the Cozy 4 and the rest of the Normies! Keep it up guys :)


I think the reason Mako is easier to enjoy as a character is that at this point in the series, the show is pretty self-aware about how much of a tryhard he is.

hays collins

I love how you guys are like this episode flew by it felt like 5 minutes. Its funny because when the epsidoes first came out i felt the sammmmeeeeee way

Ben Wenger

Truth. As much as I endlessly rag on Season 2 (it's awful), they really did correct nearly all of the mistakes they made in it for season 3. That's actually really hard to do and I commend the creators for it. A lot of the excellence carries into S4 as well, which -- I know everyone loves S3, but I think S4 is the best one.


I just love Asami


My theory about lava bending is that it came from a generation where a time that the people from the 4 nations were having babies, like the kids who come from fire and earth parents have the capability to lava bend. idk. just a fun theory.

John Doe

For those wondering why Korra doesn't activate Avatar State under extreme duress: ATLA describes the Avatar State as "becoming empowered with the power of all the past Avatars". So the more Avatars there were before you, and the stronger your spiritual connection, the more powerful you become. This explains why Aang's Avatar State is absurdly powerful enough to change the entire landscape a battlefield, compared to Korra's weak Avatar State which is reduced to lesser tasks like boosting an Air Scooter or a brief, unsustained bending blast. However Unalaq severed Korra's connection with the past Avatars in Season 2 - making her the new "first Avatar". So her Avatar State will never be as powerful as Aang's even if she becomes more spiritual in the future, and in addition she can no longer interact with the past Avatars through meditation, Spirit World shenanigans or otherwise. She's all alone now, and when Korra dies the only Avatar the next Avatar will be able to talk with is Korra because the rest were obliterated.


I heard that they're double dropping Korra for the finale

Heru Muharrar

Suraj you played Mass Effect?


Great edit avatar Suraj


Meanwhile, I think Ming Hua might enjoy hurting people a little too much.


The way I see it, water benders can bend ice (solid) and water (liquid). Lava bending is the same idea, but since it takes way more energy to melt rock than it does ice, earth benders that have the ability are much less common.


The editing was good. Enjoy the Chaos references clips. lol. Also wanted to point out, in the end you guys ask why Korra has not enter the Avatar state to defeat the red lotus however she has not confronted them in the physical world yet, she was unconscious when they tried to kidnap her and then in the spirit world. The next chapters are the best, so glad we having the last 2 chapters together. Right? lol.


Nah The reason why Aang Avatar state was more powerful was because he was out of control all the avatar have unlimited power


Hey guys! This comment is for Nahid. What Zaheer said about the natural order of things being disorder is actually scientifically grounded. Within open and closed systems where there are any molecular collisions, and thus energy transfer, there is some randomness. That randomness disallows for complete conversion of the energy in that system to be converted to perform mechanical work. This phenomenon is called Entropy, and it is inherent in everything in the universe (to an extent). So Zaheer is technically correct; if entropy ceases to occur, so too does the entire universe in an event called "heat death". Hope that helps!

Cristina Totino

The lore drops just keep coming, I love it! Zaheer is probably one of my favourite villains ever in any show because he's so charismatic and just has that quality that makes you understand where he's coming from whether you agree with him or not and actually makes you think about his motives. THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT A KIDS SHOW! &lt;3


I actually didn't but was mainly looking for a third 'villain' character that used the word 'chaos' in his/her ideologies.

Alex Johnson

You can't apply natural phenomena to societal structures. The entire purpose of society is to create order because humans have a natural aversion to disorder due to having a fear of the unknown. Order makes things somewhat predictable, and therefore manageable. That is why whenever humans gather into groups, they create a hierarchical system which assigns roles to members of said group. This is true for a society of 20 people or one with 20 million people. Humans simply function more effectively when working in an organized fashion as opposed to there just being complete chaos and disorder.


Can't wait for the double drop book 3 finale!


Lol I love it when you put Littlefinger and Joker when Zaheer was talking about chaos

Monae Laudat

Zaheer is an anarchist


Iroh said that Air is the element of freedom. Zaheer represents the dark side of freedom; anarchy.


Yes, thank you my fellow friend up here^^ According to the culture from those of the Air Nation. The air nomads or monks didn't really have an established government that would rule their own people or even a military. Technically, they were free to their own will. They did not have nothing related to those from other nations. Instead, they would detach themselves from worldly desires and would focus more on their spiritual side. In terms of Zaheer's ideologies, instead of gaining power and controlling the world under their command as other villains like Firelord Ozai, he wants to bring freedom and at the same time anarchy, that is, to remove all governments and borders that exist in the present Avatar World that supposedly he beliefs its corrupt and unfair from having someone as a top leader to rule a particular country. Not only that, but also believed to free the spirits including Vaatu from the tree of time.


I agree with you about Ozai. Although Mark Hamill's voice acting for him was super cool, so at least there's that lol.


Purge is coming to the Earth Kingdom guys in the next episode!!! IN THE NEXT EPISODE!!!

Barky McFluffybutt

Yes. I would agree that Korra has had more on her plate than Aang. Probably a result of each book being a self contained story.

Raziel Slaughter

We Told You So! Book 3 is the best book. Not my personal favorite because that belongs to Book 4, but it’s definitely a great one.


I'm loving your reactions to this season! And if you guys ever decide to react to Voltron Legendary Defender, that would be AMAZING!! It's a great show that gets better and better with every season, and the group dynamics are definitely reminiscent of Avatar! (The show's seventh season starts this Friday, btw)


Did you guys forget the subtitles this episode? You seemed confused about a few things that were openly explained.


So excited to see your reaction to the next episode!


I remember on first viewing I had a problem with the pacing of this episode as I thought it was slow, but then realized its supposed to be because well..."The Stakeout"


Zaheer is basically the love child of The Buddha, Joker, and Bane. Btw, awesome editing job Suraj! So glad you guys are getting hyped! Stay rested and hydrated... Ya’ll aren’t even ready for what’s coming :)


Can you imagine an alternate timeline where Zaheer and Unalaq succeed and Korra is raised by the Red Lotus and they are her team Avatar? Good lord. But then since the Avatar is also Raava this raises the issue of how bad can the Avatar actually be?


Y'all are not even ready for the next episode...

Ben Wenger

Right? It's almost like the whole concept of Raava and Vaatu strip any moral ambiguity out of the show and reduce it to really basic/stupid terms of pure good and pure evil. Maybe they were a really terrible idea.

Ben Wenger

I never bought Amon as a Communism allegory. He's more of a vanilla terrorist if you ask me. For one thing his entire movement is funded by a wealthy, capitalist entrepreneur (failing Communism 101). And his idea of equality is to persecute a subgroup of people based on an arbitrary criteria. This would be like rounding up people who were good at playing sports and causing permanent damage to make it so they couldn't play any more. Not exactly something that comes to mind for me when I think of Communism. But persecution of arbitrary subsets of people is exactly what comes to mind when I think of terrorism.


It’s high-key from here on out.


I would love a new Avatar series. It would have to be more modern like the world we live in today. Or maybe post apocalyptic. Like the Earth Avatar fucked the world up so the Fire Avatar has to fix it. Bruh something 😩😭


lastly, why is the homegirl Bulma upside down?


the thing with magma bending is that just like how waterbenders are able to cool down water to ice and then bring it back from ice to water some earth benders are able to control the temperature from earth to magma and then back to rock


Also this was the same town that Aang and the gang went to in the “Library”.


I would like third series (with an earthbender) to be futuristic, kinda cyberpunk, but with spirits/spirit world mixed into the setting. And then fourth series as last, with a firebending Avatar, around 10 thousand years later. In a post apocalyptic world, where society starts to rebuild itself. And the reason for all the destruction to be Vaatu being reborn in Raava/Avatar, and the Avatar to go crazy because of that conflict. Or something like that :D


Am so so happy to see ya guys enjoy Book 3 :3

Eliot Blane

Dude just hold on to this in a .txt or something until the episodes drop. Spoilers here are playing with fire.


That bleep during Korra's earth queen rant. Priceless lol.


Suraj's impression of Unalaq always make me laugh way too hard.


Lava is just a different state of earth. Like how waterbenders can bend steam or ice, they don't need a firebender to cool or heat up their water.

Phonic Reassignment

zahear is an anarchist, korra doesnt rely on avatar state aang meditated for 100 years her spiritual side isnt on par with 100 year meditation


you guys have to do Voltron now that you mention it. It has five or ^ seasons already


"Before we can usher in the New, the Old must be put to rest."-Qyburn

Lavota Carter

I think Zaheer doesn't think you should do "anything" and be okay with being amoral but you have the freedom to "do". However, you will suffer the consequences of what you do.