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Continuing on with our Toonami Normie Monday here we go with some more Cowboy Bebop!  What did you guys think about his slug goop thingy??


Session 11



One of the episodes on the bottom of my list... next few episodes tho.

Ruben Lopez

This episode was replayed to death on toonami, pretty sure this was alot of people's first episode.


I love this episode, it’s so weird and pointless


Fun episode. Nice tribute to Alien.

Kevaughn Hunter

Hallways are barely lit, too dark to reliably see especially something so small and quick. The thermal goggles are necessary.


This episode is why you guys need to start watching the episode previews.

Joseph Sanchez

I used to think this was a filler episode, but looking back on it now I think it’s a good set up for the themes of the rest of the season (in a very obscure way). In general, the plot of each session is barely the point of the story, if that makes sense.

Raymond Strand

The whole episode is an ode to Alien. They did the whole scanner and goggles in the Alien movie.




I know it seems weird how they're so broke, but think about how often they end up not getting paid.


They’re afraid of spoilers, so they don’t. They should just watch them though. They are part of the show


You guys have to watch the next two eps. back to back.


Not to mention the operating costs for the two fighters alone.


XD The editing on this one was great. I loved the slow pan across their faces at the end. And the slow zoom in when they started trying to predict what this episode would be about.