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Watch out ya'll Omar comin'!  Omar comin'!...  Oh wait, it's just Professor Kane.  Can't believe we're in Season 3 already!!


Community - 3x1 Biology 101 - Group Reaction



Season 1 and 2 are classic. Season 3 though is pure amazingness. These are the ones I ended up going back and watching over and over again the most!


Aw man, I wish Suraj had been there for this, or Chris

Trent Bowles

Aww, this was one of those episodes I wouldn't have wanted Suraj to miss, especially because of the song. Unfortunately, no one that was present understood what it meant. It was basically Dan Harmon's middle finger to NBC that wanted Community to be more formulaic and drop the crazy stories. To open with a zany musical number sarcastically saying they were going to play things safer and produce some forced romance. In other words, be more like early Season 1 when the show was more mainstream-friendly.

Trent Bowles

And, spoiler alert, but Season 3 is crazy as hell.


So excited for season3 (best imo) !! can we also get double drops of community?? just putting it out there :)

Sean Barbante

I can't wait until they get to Digital Estate Planning. Unfortunately it's 19 episodes away, still.


Man, I wish more of them watched The Wire. They won't even understand the reference later on . Someone should make an executive decision and just make them all watch it. Oh well!


Exactly. I don't know why they didn't pick up on that, though they are watching it so long after it ended, so they haven't lived through all the crazy NBC drama that the show went through. Also, in their defense, niche audience shows that are weird are really commonplace now, but not so much when Community was on. Scrubs was wacky, but much more formulaic and "network friendly", yet still awesome. The Office too. Yeah, some stuff is out there, but it has a much broader appeal. But at this point, Scrubs was over, The Office was doing well, but Community and Parks and Rec were struggling in the ratings, and NBC was always on the verge of cancelling them.


It's my favorite season, too. So many great episodes in it.


I like Digital Estate Planning but it's always seemed like it's placed out of order in the run? There is a big 3 parter going on and it completely interrupts it and has nothing to do with it. always was weird to me

Drew M

Cant wait for episode 10


I hope Suraj is back for Chaos Theory, nobody should have to miss what is possibly the best episode (or at least top 5)


I tried to listen to the discussion but I could only stare at the adorb doggo.

Kelly Parks

Did you catch the reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey?

Kelly Parks

Side note: I got to hang out with Travis Richey (who plays Inspector SpaceTime this season) at the Marseilles web fest a few years ago. Really cool guy. He had some Chevy Chase stories. Not good.


No Suraj and Micky 😭😭😭


Season 3 is the best season because Dan Harmon FULLY embraced the complete wackiness and weirdness of the show. Some strange shit goes down in this season.