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Enjoy a FMAB today everyone! Shoutout to AJ for editing these bad boys. I will be serving up a nice fresh Korra in about an hour so please be patient with me. Will let you know if there are any hiccups but since I know there will be those that will ask, it will be up sometimes around 3.

If it's not up by then. IM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN to get it up (thats what she said) :D If you want me to update you by the minute if it's not up by 3pm EST, I'm just letting you know it will only slow down the posting process if I have to update every nitty gritty technical aspect going on with the export on my laptop. Love you all and hope you're enjoying FMAB because it's slowly risen to my top 5 fave shows!





Except for the fact you left out the Ed callback to the Freezer, you are a true friend of the Crown! Dilly Dilly! ps, Navi how you doin? 😏

Raymond Strand

Suraj spending too much time on Youtube watching conspiracy channels.


Navi is looking really cute

Lalisa Truong

So looks like everything has finally come full circle! Who knew the first episode, despite being non-canon to the manga, did a great job setting this up. When Isaac (Freezing Alchemist) asked Ed if he knew what the shape of this country was, he wasn't really talking about the state of it (well maybe a bit), but the actual shape of the country - a circle. With that said, Hughes is also very smart for figuring this out before everyone else. Too bad he had to die for it :(

Jen A. Blue

Oh good, antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jews stealing the blood of children. That's definitely what I come to this channel to see--bullshit that's been used to justify the slaughter of my people for centuries.


This is one of my favourite FMAB episodes. Such a great show. Btw, the last names of the characters are, according to the mangaka, based on WW1 and 2 aircrafts, weapons, tanks etc. The first names are basically picked at random. Then there might be a few names taken from different people throughout history.


I don't think anyone brought up jews or antisemitism. That may be conjecture from you.

Briana J

"I'm just kidding, I'm soory."


Navi looks a beautiful

Justin Neason

Chris, Kimbley could walk because the "Gold Tooth Doc" helped him. Suraj was correct about that being the guy who crated Bradley. The guy's a god at using philosophers stones for purposes involving human bodies, so he used medical alchemy :D

Frankie H

Marketa's line at 25:51 minutes made me spit out my coffee in laughter. That's a good one.


You are crazy. You should check and see how the Rothschild conspiracy started and perpetuated from anti-jewish sentiment and changed over the course of time to fit whatever the current scapegoat target was. From post-Waterloo all the way up to pre-WWII american anti-semitism and Nazi sympathizers. You are playing into the same kinda people that stoked the worst of the country into action (or inaction) for the past 150 years. This leads right up today's Trumpian deep-state nonsense. Deflection from real problems and creation of boogeymen.


dam u guys ramble is just as good as the actual reaction!


My favourite discussion yet. I love this series for how it portrays the possibility of this Rothschild conspiracy. I'm in no way an anti-Semitic and I understand the origin of this conspiracy but can't rule out the possibility for the following reasons... I'm currently getting a bachelor's degree in Economics and I found the way fractional reserve banking works results in extreme inequality and poverty. Put simply, when money is created by central banks, it's lent to the population (with commercial banks as the middle man) at a rate of interest. Here's why it's unfair... Example: I just created a new economy, created £100 million and lent it to farmers at 1% interest rate. That means the farmers owe me £101 million. Collectively the farmers have £100 million. That extra 1 million hasn't been created so it's impossible for them to pay it all back. At least one of them will get into debt, default on their payments and go bankrupt. The consequence is repossession. They could borrow more but it just makes them more likely to go bankrupt so it's inevitable. At least one person is literally destined to meet this fate. There is no way to have no one going bankrupt, becoming unemployed and going into poverty. The least wealthy are most likely to be affected. You might be thinking the farmers can just invest and then trade with other economies to earn that £1 million but then that other economy suffers instead as every country in the world has a central bank. The poorest nations will suffer the most. I think it's the biggest reason why 1% of the world's population has 50% of the wealth yet there are 3 billion people living in extreme poverty along with historical colonisation and wages that don't rise with inflation. *Did you know when the economy is growing and your wages don't rise with inflation that you're actually taking a wage cut and your boss gets the difference? 😰 They teach you the reason for fractional reserve banking is because bankers need a way to make profit so that the banking system can be sustained. There are alternative methods on how the money supply should be handled but it's a massive debate that isn't at all talked about in mainstream media unfortunately. I just think making people suffer for not being able to pay back money that doesn't exist is wrong... When hearing that the Rothschild family allegedly owns every central bank in the world besides Cuba, North Korea and Iran, I was intrigued. I was even more intrigued by how old the Rothschild seniors are and the number of heart transplants and blood transfusions they've allegedly gone through to be that old. The way this show portrays a military that starts countless unjust wars based on lies for immortality made me think of America's never ending involvements in foreign affairs that lead to hard military intervention and the possibility of the Rothschild's involvement. Maybe there's a nugget of truth somewhere I really don't know. What made this discussion so great was how well such varying opinions on not just this conspiracy theory but conspiracy theories in general were articulated by all of you. I indulge in countless distracting forms of entertainment all day but I think the critical analysis and speculation of historical and current world events is the one I'll regret the least when I join the UN. Please just understand the only debatable part of the Fractional reserve banking conspiracy is who's to blame but not actually what is going on. Everyone is too hung up on pointing fingers and people even used it as an opportunity to commit genocide by blaming all the Jews and now no one takes it seriously or you're labelled a nazi sympathiser for just bringing it up 🤔🤷. We know nothing, don't rule anything out yet... P.S. When I pitched this anime I purposely framed it so you would think about applying what's going on in the show to real life and I'm so glad Suraj sparked that thought provoking discussion. I knew he would anyway from watching him react to The last Airbender which I thoroughly enjoyed. There's another layer to the economic human farming for immortality conspiracy that involves religion and is also portrayed by the show (Father = Lucifer/Amestris = America) I see why you didn't go into it though because you would first have to debate the existence of God lololol Btw sorry for this monstrosity of an essay...


Yes this show is based on real Alchemy and mentions real Alchemists. Of course the only difference is that they can perform Alchemy by clapping their hands and drawing shapes. In the real world Alchemy is actually possible but only with the Large Hadron Collider (The big circular particle accelerator that people thought would destroy the Earth because it can create black holes that's located in Switzerland) although using it for transmutation is extremely inefficient and expensive even for just a single atom. There's an anime Suraj might enjoy that involves a conspiracy around CERN (the makers of the Large Hadron Collider) and time travel. Einstein's theory of relativity states as an object gets closer to the speed of light, time for that object travels slower (Time dilation) like in Interstellar. At the speed of light, time stops and even though light has no mass so is never affected by gravity, light is still sucked in by the gravitational pull of black holes which is how they got the name. Because of the uncertainty of the event horizons of black holes, theories of time travel are still debated. There was an internet hoax by this guy called John Titor who claimed to be a United States Soldier from the year 2035 and had very interesting descriptions of it and made a few predictions about current events. He even claimed CERN are building a time machine and in the future they have a monopoly on the time machine market and start wars blah blah blah... This anime is based on this John Titor conspiracy and is called Steins:Gate (26 episodes). It has a non canon movie after that's amazing and has a second season called Steins:Gate 0 that's airing now also. I highly recommend it. It takes a while to get going but you won't regret it. A reaction series on it would be awesome so maybe put it in the polls. It's dub is great because of the way the main character articulates his crazy poetic science with rich vocabulary so I also recommend you watch the English dub. It may not seem like it but I always usually watch anime subbed as it's superior but there are a few exceptions like this, FMA:B, DBZ and Black Lagoon. That's it really.

Rafael Benedicto

Chris is delving into relativistic BS here. There's no such thing as "your truth" and "his truth", there's only "THE truth".

George Byrd

Wait is it the next episode or the one after when the shadows come out


Them freezing him is completely humane. Freezing is one of the most painless ways to die.


watch the bloopers after you finish the show

Albert venegas

now I gotta go home and look at all these conspiracies 👨🏻‍💻💆🏻‍♂️