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YO GUYS!! IM NOW A PART OF THE AOS CREW!!!  Its so good to watch this show again.  I stopped watching after season 1 but no complaints.  Season 2 is looking amazing and really well polished.  I hope you all enjoy watching with us.  This whole crew by the end of this show will be nothing but Super Fans of the whole Marvel universe.  Im counting on it....Yes even Chris will enjoy it! - Nahid


AOS 2x1


Joe Mags

Have fun Nahid!

Heru Muharrar

"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." Glad you guys are sticking with it.


Time to feel the Creel!!


aaaay, just what I needed this afternoon, been feeling a bit down today, thanks Normies :)


I know you guys have fun in these group viewings, but you're gonna NEED to pay attention going forward.

Justin Neason

Yess! I'm so glad Nahid is here, it only gets better too!


After watching season 1, fuck Ward.

Calculatus Eliminatus

I'm so happy.. You are starting to see it. And Season 1 did matter, truly.


Pat come on, ward literally said in the episode that he wasnt brainwashed and that he takes resposibilty for his actions. Great rection but you still talk way to much, which makes you miss scenes and dialoge, have subtitles on if you dont have them on already. Not trying to be mean, just want you guys to get the full experience and base your theories and opinions on that. And did you get that thing was the first 084 with an level 10 file to it.

Teddy S

Don't disregard season 1 just because season 2 is such a step up because there's quite some plot in this season and future seasons that is called and built upon shit that happened in season 1.

Robert Quill

These poor summer children and the hope in their innocent eyes. It's definitely gonna be fun watching the heart breaking moments.


Woop :D One of my favourite scenes is in next week's episode!


Season 2 is great...you'll see!

eric lemieux

cool little item of connection is carl "crusher" creel was the last person daredevil's dad fought before being killed


I love watching you guys reaction to this show! As soon as I finish it Im already looking forward to the next reaction then I remember I have to wait a week. Cant wait for more! It just gets better and better!!!!


Excellent reaction! Fun to watch. :) Ward couldn't kill fitzsimmons face-to-face. He chose to selfishly kill them from a distance, just like he killed the dog. That was the whole point. He was in no way "saving them."


Hey guys loved the reaction, so happy y'all enjoying this season so much more already. I'm telling you Agent of SHIELD is so good at reinventing itself, like just in this episode alone you can see everything shifted since season 1, the tone, the storytelling, my favorite part is how the dynamics between characters changes and it's so interesting to see unfold. But can I say, I don't understand why some of you are still debating the fact that by pushing Fitz & Simmons off the plane Ward was clearly unequivocally trying to kill them, and he didn't know Fury was coming, he didn't even know Fury was alive, in fact he still doesn't. Anyway, can't wait for you to react to the rest of the season. Peace


Peaky blinders


peaky fookin blinders

Calculatus Eliminatus

Remember in "The Matrix" when Morpheus said to Trinity about Neo, "He's beginning to believe". That's what I see here.. They are beginning to believe. I'm torn because I enjoy the reactions and them talking, but also they are missing some things with the side / back channel talk. Maybe hit pause every now and then, and then talk / let it out?


To me Ward is one of the best villains in the Marvel collective universe. He has a complex, extended backstory and as show moves on he becomes even more bad ass. I think you guys are going to enjoy it.

Mike Drop

I love 'sugar boy' Pat always rooting for the baddies. He is a nice contrast

Kelly Parks

Yep. "Crusher" Creel (aka Carl Creel, aka Absorbing Man) was a boxer who fought Jack Murdock, father of the blind boy Matt Murdock, who would grow up to become Daredevil. Fun fact: after being orphaned, Matt Murdock spent time at the St. Agnes orphanage, as did Skye.


As you would except from a show with the name Whedon on it.

Linsey Morris

today has been an awful day and this just made it better, thanks guys!


man, I somehow completely forgot about that Fitz-Simmons plot twist. Not saying it was forgettable, but that there's so many interesting plot twists and turns throughout season 2 and beyond that it still feels fresh rewatching this season several years later :D

Sou saetern

I can't wait for y'all to find out what happened to Simmons. Eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkll


Word of warning: Fitz is gonna rip your hearts out. Continuously. For 5 seasons. And pretty much everyone takes a level or six in badass.


Yeah there is now shame in pausing if you want to turn away from the screen and talk to someone for 10 seconds.


Ward did Fitz a favor by giving him brain damage. What a great guy.


Exactly. He was not saving them? He was proving to Garrett he was not weak. Again.


I love how you guys say how Skye is and will be manipulated while Ward manipulates most of you while watching. It's priceless.

Vincent Valentin

"Why is this wall sexy??" hahahahah dying.