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Our new editor, whom I will introduce to you shortly, has been working on Lost we owe you from last week. He received feedback from our experienced editors and will have that babe for you today. We would also like for him to take on the following episode of Lost that is also supposed to release today, but since he is training, things are moving slower. We always prioritize quality over quantity so we are allowing him to work in his own speed. We're excited to have him though, we can see that he will only get better from here :)

We will have Lost 2x3 for you today and Lost 2x4 within the next one or two days. 

Thank you all for your patience fam! All other videos are being taken care off and will be delivered to you in a timely manner!

Team Normies



Love the Lost vids, hope all is well


You said it best, quality over quantity! Any video of yours we had to wait for was well worth it and became timeless for many people to watch and rewatch at any time. So take your time!


Losties !? I thought they had a different fandom name. I like it

Danny Jasper

Looking forward to it! Thanks a bunch, everyone involved!


How do I get a position as an editor? Been looking for video editing jobs lately. Not a lot of them apparently.

Dean Cyphers

Awesome! But since Youtube is nearly caught up to us premium patrons with Lost are we going to get a hefty slew of Lost uploads to catch us back up to where we should be?


Couldn't agree more, maybe get another editor with that 30k a month.


Dustin and I will be tag teaming Lost edits to get them out for Premium faster - Suraj