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Hello all,

this message is intended for those who have expressed dissatisfaction with the delays in uploads this week. We've been in emergency mode for most of this week due to unforeseen events. As mentioned previously, Suraj would like to keep his videos and upload them in his own time and we decided to honor his wishes. 

Aside from that, we as well have been trying to be here for him. There is a lot happening in our lives outside of the channel. Please understand that this is a tight knit community of friends and family. We are affected and worn out by what is currently happening. Comparing our team to a business team where relationships are purely professional is simplistic. In a community where relationships are simply about work, the entire team's performance wouldn't be affected by one person's hardships. I do not mean to say that we are not co-workers, we are. But we are also a family experiencing our friend's and brother's deep pain. 

Sudden changes occur and our presence may unpredictably be needed somewhere else than behind a computer screen. None of us is supposed to be working on Fridays and Saturdays as we like to keep those days as our weekend and only work on things like skits and such, but everybody is still working right now or is helping with other things.

For those who have been patiently waiting and offered words of understanding, compassion and wisdom to Suraj, we thank you. 

Schedule for next week will remain unchanged, but videos will be reassigned to different people. You may see small changes in editing styles and it is possible there might be delays in uploads next week as well as we are going to be short staffed + training a new editor (who will hopefully be a big help later during this period).

Thank you all again for checking in!





Noah Burke

Suraj! Get better dude, we believe in you! Those complaining can fuck off.

Jason mcconahey

Don’t take korra away from Suraj lol everyone takes vacation time lol and Idk korra and avatar are like his baby and I really enjoy his edits hopefully everything turns out all right and I pray and wish for the best for all of u


Anyone who doesn't understand is a piece of garbage. We are here for you guys. No complaints here.

Lalisa Truong

Again, take it one step at a time :)


It's absolutely fine! Please take all the time you need. Best wishes and all my love to you guys.

Darth Skhorrn

I've been there, so I totally understand. Anyone who's complaining can fuck right off.


People must understand that delays happen in very professional and even larger teams. Stuff and life happens. And you are still putting out content, people can wait and need to learn to be patient. Y'all are beautiful.

Kelly Parks

No worries. Family comes first.

Danny Jasper

Wow. Actual people don't understand personal stuff happens? Did not expect that.

Jordan Malloy

No worries guys. We know you’re trying your best. All love. Plus, it’s not like the videos are never coming out; just a little later than expected. No biggie. Family and friends are more important. I wish you guys all the best.


Hang in there Suraj!


I'm really surprised someone needed further clarification...

Júlia S. Spanopoulos

And I agree with Jason! Don’t take Korra from Suraj. We can wait.


So two korra episodes?


Sooo is Korra going to be uploaded before Sunday or are you maybe going to double drop the episodes next week? I hope Suraj starts feeling better soon 💚

Joseph Sanchez

The people complaining about things and saying stuff like “as a paying patron I expect videos to be released in a timely blah blah blah” are some of the most insufferable people I’ve seen in these parts. Luckily they’re also in the minority. Good on you normies for being good friends and knowing where your true priorities are.


It'll be worth the wait. Also a reminder that every fan is here for you as well 👍

Sean Penn

People are getting mad about delays because you all are going through rough times? What jerks. Seriously, I think most of us get it. Take your time and do things right. You all need to heal up. Best of luck!


Don't worry about it. It really is the vocal minority that is having an issue with stuff. We're here for ya

Ruben Lopez

I honestly wish those people complaining would go away, they contribute the bare minimum but think that's an excuse to demand their videos whenever THEY want. They also have the unmitigated gull to leave long explanations to why they're no longer subscribing anymore as if anybody who's isn't an adult cares about them or their bullshit childish reasons for leaving, sure they may get a few likes from passive aggressive "fans" but the majority of real fans always checks them with the truth. Keep it up Normie fan base!


I think some people often forget that Patron is simply for REWARDING creators and people who entertain you by gifting them funds to help them continue to do so. Any special videos or early access is simply a bonus. Anyone complaining (hopefully VERY few) please remember that. And if you can't do that, well...there's the door. Thank you to all the Normies for supporting your friend. THAT is more important than anything. Absolutelt the best wishes, Suraj. (Don't tell anyone, but you're one of my favorite Normies.)


Guys please, your true fans will always support you no matter how difficult it will be for you. I’m relieved that the people that are complaing are in the minority, they honestly don’t deserve to be a part of this loving and caring community!!

Miss Mewiththat

You guys don't need to explain yourselves so much, I'm sure anyone who doesn't still have the maturity of a 7 year old can understand


As a paying patron I am deeply disappointed in you guys. It can't be that hard editing videos, and some consistency for people who give you 30k a month should at least be the minimum you can do. Deeply disappointed in Suraj and the rest of the editors. You should feel ashamed. Deeply disappointed.

Heru Muharrar

The people who are complaining are tripping. I’ll say it once I’ll say it a thousand times this isn’t Netflix. Shit happens. Either understand or move on. It’s not like this is happening every week.


Honestly guys for my part at least don't worry, I have huge sympathy everyone involved and anyone else acting more entitled despite the huge effort you've all gone to to keep it going as you have aren't worth your time honestly.


You are being sarcastic, right? Like...to troll the trolls? It was right on point...you really nailed the whole "entitled jackass" thing :)


People get upset because they are paying for a service that has a clear schedule that isnt being met. This has happened before this situation occurred. People should not be bashed for having honest and valid complaints. People who bash them are just as bad as the people who have criticisms. Unless someone is being purpesly hatefull like calling him nasty stuff they have valid point. Lets say you pay for a monthly magazine or netflix and then with either no notice or a very late notice like 1 AM you dont get your magazine till next next month or you get no netflix service for a week. People would have valid complaints. Nice hypocrisy from the fans saying complaining is mean and ect but calling those people "stupid" "jerks" "false fans" "should be purges" glass houses shame.

Harry Utton

The fact that people are complaining is stupid, you are obviously all very close and are trying to make it through this time as a family. With that said take all the time you need to upload, we will still be here!


Sooo no korra then till next month 👌👌


If you’re complaining that a reaction to a show YOU’VE ALREADY SEEN isn’t uploaded at your convenience despite knowing that Suraj and the rest of The Normies have been going through shit, get the fuck outta here.


Hypocrisy hypocrisy everywhere. Edit sorry my phone has a bad auto check. But nice to know my point is proven below lol


Good thing this isn’t Netflix. This isn’t an MCN. This isn’t a service. This is a donation site and people with lives. You don’t want to donate, then don’t but there is no service agreement.


hypocrisy... if you’re going to be a jack ass, at least spell it correctly.


Hope you guys are ok

Chris Skalicky

If you're complaining about a delay when the are constantly releasing content, get the heck out of here. You're still going to get your videos. Just chill out. This isn't Netflix or Amazon Prime so just slow you're roll.


Don't mind being patient but a 2x post of Korra would probably make all the "disappointed" fans happier or willing to shut up ;D ...lol I'm just being greedy but hoping he gets better soon with it all. Ill be a editor foe the vids whats up..yall hiring


All of this. It’s best to keep everyone apprised of delays to allay any frustration. Personal information doesn’t need to be divulged, but updates would be needed.


Atleast give Korra to Mickey because I love his edits with Bojack and Vikings


Take your time Suraj. We’re all human and many of us can relate to the problems your going through. Take as much time as you want. I think I can speak for everyone when I say your emotional health is much more important than any video.


The lack of empathy is unfortunately unsurprising. Hope you're well Suraj.


The real toxicity are the ones calling the complainers childish and “not true fans”. Contrary to what some believe here, this is a service. It’s a subscription. In exchange for money, we get video content. It’s a transaction. The Normies are the creator and you are the consumer. People paying for content have a right to complain when the content isn’t delivered. That said, there should be some faith for them. This isn’t a problem that is prevalent with them so being late, although it is annoying, can be forgiven especially given the circumstances. Updates should be given, however.


Well, that was uncalled for. No need to call anyone a bitch but I'm guessing you do that a lot.


No, this is a subscription service. Even Patreon says it is a subscription service

Rosalie David

One of the reasons why I became a patron is because of the relationships you guys have. Watching things like unboxings and skits showcase how close you guys are and it’s incredibly fun to watch. It makes sense that you are all copping with what happened and helping Suraj out. I would expect no less. Please don’t worry about unsatisfied patrons. As people have said, they are in the minority. Take care of yourselves first!


Obviously people aren’t paying to see an episode they’ve already seen. They’re paying to see their reaction to the episode.

Andrea C.

We’re all here for you guys and completely understand what’s going on, thank you for the updates too. It’s really appreciated.


People saying its not a service are acting blind. Their are paywalls and teirs lol. Just like netflix and other services.


Honestly think it's shameful that people are giving Suraj or other normies flak for this. I wish you guys the best and hope the more supportive part of the community will speak out. I mean I thought especially Patreons would be more supportive. Isn't that what this site in essence is for.


I said this on the other page but I’ll just reiterate here. I have no issues with waiting for things to be sorted out... I think most people feel that way. But I do think you could squash some of the negativity just by stating what the changes are, specifically, as opposed to a generalized statement like this.

George Baxter

I think these situations are complicated. I am sorry personal matters have caused delays and appreciate the explanation. But these things do get muddy when people are paying to view content. Surely a community inherently stops being a community when people start paying for membership?? When you pay for a specific service you expect professional conduct. But the contracts on Patreon are fairly loose. Ultimately communities are built on friendship trust and patience and businesses are about the provision of services for money. Mixing up something so emotional is difficult to get right:

Joe Mags

Real fans will understand and support the Normies through these tough times, even if support is simply expressed through kind and thoughtful words. Those simply considering themselves 'consumers' or 'customers' and complaining like trolls, despite pleas for patience, should reevaluate their own attitudes.


Take your time guys, best of luck and wishing you all well ♥️


Communication goes a long way. Silence will only ferment frustration.


And for all the people talking like you're paying customers: patreon is a support platform. You guys make donations to support content creators' work and get rewards from them as a thank you. It's not a "paying customer" situation. The normies have no contractual obligations of releasing new content for specific pledges, the pledge only grants you access to prereleased content. Their schedules, their constant content uploading, these are all things they do out of good will and wanting to make the patreon experience better for us. And even without taking all of that into consideration, can you guys just please be understanding? This has never happened before and it's clearly a serious and difficult situation. We give these people money for the pleasure of watching shows and hanging out with them, their well being really should be a higher priority than getting ONE episode at a certain date. They're being very communicative and clearly concerned about us when a "we've had some unexpected issues and the korra episode will be delayed" would suffice, but they went out of their way to communicate to us exactly what's going on. Point being: quit being d*ckheads ffs

John Crosston

"Hi, we’re Patreon. We believe people who make things should get paid for the value they give to the world. Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for artists and creators to get paid. Fans pay their favorite creators a subscription in exchange for exclusive experiences and behind-the-scenes content. Creators get a meaningful revenue stream and fans get closer to the creators they love most. We think that’s the definition of a win-win."


The contractual obligation is simply you paying for content. If they don’t deliver content, you unsubscribe. Simple as that. Either way, you are still a paying customer for their content, prerelease or not.

John Crosston

That's from the Patreon home screen. This is a subscription service. sub·scrip·tion səbˈskripSH(ə)n/Submit noun 1. the action of making or agreeing to make an advance payment in order to receive or participate in something. And that's the definition of subscription. Everyone sitting here saying it's a donation platform is wrong. People who are paying for a service have a right to be upset. If they're gonna be dicks about it and childish, than that just means they're shitty people. But they have the right, as a paying customer to be upset and voice their concerns. End of story.


You don't owe us anything, we're here because we support you, not because you work for us. Some people don't understand that but that's their problem. Please don't let the fact that some people thinking money gives them power over you add to your stress.

Luis Benavides

Hey when I'm Emotionally Compromised at work they send me home that's essentially what you guys have to do. I'm sorry things have not been well and I can honestly Empathise with that but guys here some hard truths. You guys are essentially running a business and therefore should act like it. If suraj is going through some things he needs time off. Emotions can't run a business. He needs to forcible give his work to someone else more work does not heal you it only delays the reaction. take time for yourself heal yourself buy something for yourself etc etc. I love you guys too much I shouldn't even be a subscriber cause of my income but I Do it anyway. just some food for thought not trying to hate just being PRAGMATIC.


I don’t think anyone is saying that they have power over them because of money. However, people can choose to unsubscribe or not if content isn’t being delivered.


My brothers about to go to jail for something he didn't do... I still go to work lol. Stiff upper lip. My job is not watching cool tv shows either. If its a death or something serious obviously take time off though. Love you guys.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Wow. I'm astonished at the responses. I'm a relatively recent Patron, but I've always looked at this as "Would I buy myself a cup of coffee to watch a show with these people?" And the answer is yes. Heck, I only have to buy that cup once a month. I do understand that you could be a bit put out if you see this purely as a financial transaction and I suppose, based on some of the responses, that is how some people see it. On the other hand, it's not like I don't have plenty of other things to do. To my knowledge, this hasn't been a persistent, ongoing issue that has been brought up before. Given that, perhaps just a bit a patience, some concern and compassion would go a long way. I own a business with about 35 employees. And not a single customer of ours would be as upset as some seem to be over what amounts to a trivial delay of what is a trivial product. And when my employees have issues, I cut them some slack for a couple reasons. 1. Someday I might want someone to be compassionate to me and 2. Their work is much better when they are happy. Now, if this were to go on for several weeks, then steps would have to be taken, but it seems they already are. Finally, I've been were Suraj is now, many of us have. Yes, we may have had to "work" but it's likely our "work" wasn't up to par and we were distracted. He'll recover, sooner than he thinks, and all will be well. Chin up. Brighter days are ahead, even though you are in the middle of a storm at the moment.


I'd like to say good luck to everyone at the Normies and I hope your personal problems will be resolved soon. It is however true as some people are saying that if you want to grow as a channel and/or business you really have to look at the channel as more than just a bunch of friends watching videos and editing them. It is understandable that if f.e. Suraj has some serious personal issues, you cannot ignore those, but you also cant give in to either their pride or feeling of duty if it will affect them and the rest of the channel negatively. Most of us know what it is like to go through (what feels at the moment like) life destroying events, and we all know we probably shouldve taken time for ourselves instead of finishing that extra project at University, or help that extra client at work etc. You need rest and in some extreme cases, professional help. Sadly sometimes the answer isn't simply to 'just keep going', take some time off and hand over your projects to others (or make someone who needs the rest give up their projects temporarily). Anyways, again I hope all your personal issues will resolve and mend in time. And don't worry to much about the viewers, if people really appreciate this channel and all you are doing for us, a few extra days or weeks shouldnt matter to much as long as it isn't a regular thing.


I'm sorry to hear about all the strife that is going on in your lives, Normies. Personally, I have never held you to any schedule and I know eventually you will get to releasing your episodes as soon as you can. I donate to support you in what you do, not necessarily just for specific content, so nothing in short of you guys becoming creepy a-holes will change that. I hope all goes well in your lives and things resolve in the best way possible. You have my full support. Best wishes!


We acknowledge all complaints that arose in this threat and other posts. This is the reason why I have included information about next week. We are being as transparent as we can be with our Patrons and we fully understand if they exercise their right to unsubscribe from our page while we're short-staffed and having a new editor in training.


We will do whatever we can to deliver videos in a timely manner, just foreshadowing the obstacles we will inevitably be facing.

Eddie Gamboa

A pox on the houses of any taint swatches acting like entitled brats.

Ori Lotus

I'm making a spirit bomb full of the energies of baby alpacas and other cute fuzzy animals and imma send it your way! Whatever it is you're going through, just keep stepping forward and hopefully things will right themselves sooner rather than later.


Its very disappointing that after a part of the "community" gets berated for their valid concerns with personal insults and attacks their is not a response from community leaders on these attacks. and they continue the very next comment.

Jerry Pennington

Nothing but love for Suraj and all of the Normies crew, take all the time you need guys!


I mean even Netflix has to delay or cancel things sometimes due to unforeseen consequences; I just find it great that they are updating us almost daily on the situation instead of abandoning us. That said, I think it might be healthier for Suraj to take an official break from his projects at this point until he's able to let her go and move on.


C'mon, I think they have a right to complain, and there will always be the ones complaining; be it videos missing deadlines, unappealing reactions or even missed jokes. It's very naïve to expect everyone, especially people pledging money for content to act in the same direction with your moral compass and very hypocritic to call them "stupid", "purgeworthy" etc. What they should do and are currently doing is to keep up with the frequent and clear situation updates. Facing people's "lack of understanding" as you might say, is a natural cost to pay for content creators when they decide to prioritize their personal problems. Don't get me wrong, that's very noble in my opinion and in any case it's a choice they are free to make. The only stupid thing here is 2/3rds of the community attacking the more demanding 1/3rd for their rightful complaints.


Thanks for the update guys, hope you'll get better soon and return you your upbeat tone soon. I feel for you Suraj, these times can be really hard and depressing, but don't fall, you should face them head on, we believe in you, in no time all this gloom will be completely alien to you when you let it go and move on; just try to rationalize that bro and you shall succeed.

Afif Majid

Honestly, its just ridiculous, you guys should be able to take all the time you need, like even if you hadnt cleared that up it was obvious that was the reason why there was delays. We arent in a strict business deal here, and for Suraj he needs to realize that chaos is a ladder, and he shouldnt let the fall break him


Get ur shit together ...


Feel better Suraj and take the time you need! Ignore the nonsense! Hope everything improves for ya soon!

Raymond Strand

Take your time guys things got rough you guys are entertainers not fast food workers not that it's ok to treat them how you are being treated. The one thing I'd do is work on communication other than that is keep making quality content.


I am horrified at some of these comments. This is obviously a tough situation for Suraj and the other Normies and I don't think it's much to ask to show a little understanding with the delays this week. Suraj, best of luck to you and I hope you feel better soon, I'll be happy to see Orientation whenever it's ready


Sending waves of support to you guys, take care of yourselves first and foremost. Your fans understand and will be waiting!


People forget Patreon isn't paying for a service, it's supporting them. That's all it is. Your free shit is gonna get uploaded to youtube.


I can't say it's not disappointing that there's no Korra this week. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do Suraj. And as for the other just let them vent it's also what they need to do.

Mike Drop

Look guys, I wish Suraj all the best and I hope he recovers fast because I like him a lot. I've said it before and I'll say it again. For the good of your own sanity and the service towards your paying viewers. Why don't you create a buffer with edits. I really don't get the mindset of the last minute edits. If you're ahead 2-3 episodes of every show you can never run into any trouble, it gives you much more room for error. That way on time uploads are ensured and you guys have some sort of a failsafe. That shouldn't be too hard to do if you have 4 fulltime editors.

Lewis H

Some people are so entitled, you are not customers, or clients and they are not obliged to post anything if they don't want to. You are here to show support for something you enjoy, everything will eventually be back to normal and if you are so impatient just drop your pledge for a month and come back when everything is back to normal.

Lateralusian (Clem)

IRL comes frst. Take the time to take care of yourselves. It'll be okay.


I am not surprised by the comments half the community has always been awful. I remember the awful comments by the Avturds if another video was posted before theirs. Now it's the people that watch SHIELD, god it's a mediocre show too.


They are obliged in the macro sense in that if they don’t post stuff then people won’t give them money which would affect the channel severely. That said, we are all their customers. We give us money and they give us content. It’s quite simple.


actually read the post before you comment.


Honestly situations like this prove why Avatar reactions are a curse and a blessing to a channel on one hand it will get you lots of people that have not seen your channel before , but on the other hand you get the wretched hive of the fan base that comes with it. It is disgusting how entitled they are and if it was me i would just cancel the reactions to it and just finish the show in their own time and not deal with these idiots.


bro, your negativity is not appreciated, your shit is obviously the shit not together.

Cinthia Fernandez

I love you all so much. These messages remind me why I'm a patreon and why I cherish and enjoy your work. Don't let the muggles get you down!


Please fully grasp the situation before complaining about it, they just used up their backlog, they went on two separate vacations. Patience.


This is literally from Patreon. You are paying for a service: What is Patreon?Patreon is a way to join your favorite creator's community and pay them for making the stuff you love! Our goal is to give creators and artists a sustainable monthly income, so Patreon is recurring funding. You’ll be billed per-month or per-creation, depending on your creators campaign, while you are actively pledging to a creator.


I feel for Suraj but i dont understand why you guys love to go through hurdles. We just want you guys to enjoy the show and react to it, i dont want to see a "forced" reaction. If Suraj is having a tough time let him have a break and when he feels like coming back than he could do that, why must he edit it?? I want to see people who WANT to watch the show and enjoy it .


Also you guys seriously need to just pay an editor outside of your group because you guys take rather long editing videos.


Take your time guys! Mental health is far more important than these reactions.


take care dude!


Take as much time as you need! Much love, and wishing you all the best!


I’ve seen very few on our side of the argument resort to calling the other side names. From them, though, we’re childish heartless psychopaths. I actually question how old some of them are because as an adult, if you pay somebody money in return for a good or service, that makes you a customer.


I believe that personal stuff happens that interfere in life, and in traditional work environments there are (hopefully) ways to take off time and deal with personal issues. It is expected in life. I support Suraj and The Normies and hope he takes the time he needs to get better. For those of us with more leniency and empathy, we would do well to remember that this is a business. When we discard, discredit, or make a subset of their "customers" feel unwanted or like the "other," we are only hurting their business. We should leave the decisions on how to interact with their customers up to The Normies. It is their business and livelihood. Even negative feedback we might personally disagree with can be used by them to chart a good business plan of action to navigate waters when they inevitably get rough. I hope we don't let our support be so enthusiastic we actually do damage.

Mr. Big Stuff

Take all the time you need Normies you guys are great 😘... now with that being said... the crazy fake news WW3 battle I have going on in my mind palace is telling me that as of now... Blindwave is beating you guys... #neverforgetEricdrunkstreamdis


I hope Suraj navigates this pain with all the support he can get. He certainly has mine, and I am not too anxious to take away Kora from him short term. But to everyone hating on people leaving negative feedback, remember that you are hating on The Normie's customers. There is no "win" in that scenario. The Normies are best equipped to deal with negative feedback. It is their livelihood they need to protect, and there are numerous ways to deal with it--from good communication about delays to temporarily shuffling around who does what to keep a steady work flo. They need to decide what works for their customers and business. If we let our empathy turn aggressive to their customers, we can inadvertently drive away profit and remove their options on how to deal with rough patches. I see room in this community for even those who see a more transactional approach to their relationship to this channel, and their feedback, even if negative, can be used to help The Normies weather this storm and future ones. My personal opinion is Suraj should take a week or two off of editing and they should contract out someone to edit his workload. The stress of not meeting deadlines can contribute to the pain he is feeling. This would be a good opportunity to set up contacts and business relationships to help them out in a pinch. Suraj, if keeping busy is what he needs, could then be free to experiment with some personal and creative film making as a type of therapy. He might create something good for the channel or hone some skills, but he could do it in a stress free environment. Or it might be total garbage that was still able to help him work through his feelings. Personally I can wait a couple weeks, but I see business sense in developing contingency plans. Life happens to everyone. I am in my 40s in a traditional profession. The 20s and 30s are rough and raw. Crisis can hit anyone at anytime, and good employers carve out room for their employees to deal with it. What Suraj is going through, as terrible as it is, is also normal. I just want to support Suraj and The Normies and trust them to work through this with their customers.

Cilla W

Thanks for the continued update and for letting us know how you're working through this. Your efforts are much appreciated. Enjoy your weekend and use the time to bond and find peace!


Like what a lot of people have been saying, ya’ll should take the time you need and be there for Suraj. His mental health and your relationship with him is what’s important. I don’t care about waiting bc after watching you guys for so long, you guys feel like close friends to me as well and the only way I can express that is by waiting and hoping for the best. It’s rough going through that and Suraj is a great guy and I hope he sees how much the community appreciates him and all of you!


love and peace to all of you. Family first !


He's editing because he wants to be editing. Nobody is forcing him to do anything. They respect his wishes to let him edit and if it doesn't get put out by the end of the week they'll switch to an external editor, as explained in their update posts.


This is a lucid and much appreciated post that I hope won't go overlooked.


Completely understand. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. I like the way Suraj edits so I don’t mind waiting. I hope you all feel better soon. Life sucks bruh. We’ve all been there. Do you Suraj.


There's one or two people here obsessively shitposting on every comment, compared to tons of people telling you to take your time. Listen to the tons of fans. I guarantee, if you take things slow for a few weeks, we won't go anywhere.


TBH, I'm finding this response kind of annoying and unprofessional. It would be enough to say Suraj is dealing with some personal shit and we are supporting him as a team/family but multiple, lengthy posts about the situation kinda feels like your milking this for sympathy when there has been a history of upload issues well before this situation occurred. I would definitely take this as an opportunity to improve your PR game. We get that Suraj is going through shit. Just let us know when to expect the content.


It's cause mutiple fans are upset for various reasons...Idk if this is the first break /difficulty they've had due to a personal reason but its obviously much serious from their perspective...I doubt the Normies are milking for attention.


Communities, like this great one, is all about rallying during good and bad times. Thanks for the updates, you guys have our unconditional support.

Lauren S.

I’d like it point out to the people complaining that it’s subscription service that they are still putting out early content and therefore technically fulfilling their commitment... it’s just not the specific shows you want...

Heru Muharrar

Throwing shade at various communities or the quality of their shows isn't going to help anyone. Also SHIELD already came out this week so there's no reason for anyone to complain about that.


I understand what Suraj is going through, but i'm honestly a bit disappointed at how this was handled. If he needs to take personal time off, take personal time off. But when your work (No matter what you do for work) starts to suffer, then it becomes a problem. And as much as you want to spin this as you're all a family and such, you are earning $500,000+ a year from this. I just hope things return to normal soon


You don't have to be a Patron to get this stuff. If people having lives bothers you, unsub and go back to youtube.

Jon Coronel

I think it's completely fine for Suraj to take time off. It's understandable and I encourage it actually. But I do think that he should hand off the editing of Korra to someone else to help for the meantime. I know he wants to do it himself and feels like he letting people down if he doesn't do it, but the opposite is happening, in that he is letting people down by not letting others edit it and is delaying it from releasing. I would understand if he was the only that could edit Korra and so it had to be delayed, but when the rest of the normies are offering to help out and make sure everything is released on time and he refuses to let others help, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. It's just one episode and it's not a big deal. These are just my two cents. I think he is doing himself and the viewers a disservice by refusing help and wanting to do it himself when he's obviously going through some tough times.


I get why some people are pissed about not getting the content they are paying for at the right time (I mean who wouldn't be lmao), but I'd rather an authentic video than a forced one, especially for Avatar. Heal up Suraj and come back stronger homie


I understand Suraj's situation right now and the complaints of some of the people here. But calling those who complains immature, childish or whatsoever is completely unnecessary. I do believe that the people have the right to voice out their dissatisfaction since they are paying or rather funding this community. While most of you will argue that this is not a streaming site well sorry to burst your bubbles but it is, as what stated by Patreon itself. People can either voice out their frustration in a civil manner or they could unsubscribe to this community. Also, if Suraj needs a time off, so let it be for his recovery but he must also understand that the way he hoards the editing of the videos to himself is doing more harm. Let other people do the editing because as we try to be considerate to him, he should also do the same to his fans. Just a suggestion, why don't they do double drop to appease those who complain? Moreover, instead of vague promises, they should give the people a definite deadline or timeline of how long should they wait for the videos. Lastly, wishing for the recovery of Suraj. Life is life, you need to face it no matter what. The only thing we can do is to continue living. Continue our lives and try to fight our pain so that we could be a better person.


I feel really sorry for Suraj and what he’s going through right now. On the other hand, these updates don’t really clarify on when we are getting our reactions. Are we to expect Korra and other episodes Suraj is responsible for next week? Next two weeks? Or in a month? I think this not knowing is what is the most unsettling of all.I don’t think Suraj and the rest of Normies deserve to be cursed out or anything like that, but people are paying for a service that promises we get certain reactions on specific days. Of course there’s bound to be something that gets in the way of that sometimes. It’s easier on us if we are given an actual timeframe in when to expect the delayed reactions.


You're a paying customer on a donation website, you say? That's interesting...customers paying for free content. I wonder...is there any particular reason you can't stream this free content on YouTube...ya know...for free. You'll know exactly when to expect your free content. No dissatisfaction. No frustration. It sounds like a handful of people would be much happier doing that. Just a suggestion...Anyways, like the majority of people here, I'm still wishing all The Normies the best. Please take your time. The last thing I want is for your craft to suffer just because you felt rushed. Peace y'all, peace.


some people here that watch your stuff take this shit too seriously lol. readin some of these comments it's like there's a bunch of people here like that one guy we all know that goes to the movies, doesn't like the movie and walks out wanting his money back. don't worry about it too much because this is the internet and you'll always have these types of people with nothing better going on in their lives than to complain about content they're paying $5 or $10 for per month to see. besides to all you salty peanuts out there, can't you cancel your pledge if you don't like the fact that their reactions are delayed? seems like much simpler than whining online like a bunch of manchildren lol. you're literally paying one or two packs of cigarettes worth to watch these guys per month. they told you why the reactions are delayed and apologized, now get the fuck over it. and yeah to any normies reading good luck to y'all, you seem like a great bunch.


you all are great people, otherwise, why would we be here if we don't love you and wish all the best for you all?, however, supporting your friends in shitty situations and being right next to them whenever they need you, and making the shitty situations that your friends are going through a reason for your job to be undone are two separate things. Can you imagine how many families there are out there that run even bigger bisness together? At the end of the day, these are just videos that I could watch any time and even though I'm paying 10 dollars per month, I don't mind waiting for a few days because I love you all and I want to support you. I think you need to find the line between your personal life and your Job just like every professional person does since you're not dealing with a couple of kids but you're running a business that contains a giant amount of content with an audience from hundreds of thousands of people from different countries around the world making tens of thousands of dollars at the end of every month. If people stop working or at least stop working as hard as usual when they or their beloved ones go through shit, then the world will stop, literally... I wish you guys all best, love you and hope you get rid of your problems, make up your mind and be happy again as soon as possible. I'm sorry if this sounded mean or anything English is not my native tongue lol

Jules Eris

Don't stress guys, Suraj just take all the time you need and get better. Sending love and happy thoughts!


I feel your spirit bomb coming. When it gets here I'll bounce it right back to you. - Suraj


Eh if it was on YouTube that would be fine but it’s not, I am paying for certain content that I’m not getting and from my understanding it’s because one person doesn’t want to give up his videos for a week that’s unprofessional you think I could charge my clients for a service and then not provide the service because of a relationship issues hell no they would drop me in a heartbeat The second you guys started collecting money you essentially made a contract with each one of those people that in return for how ever much they pledge they would get a certain amount of content I am literally only here for Korra and game of thrones I don’t care about the other shows so when I can’t even get Korra my motivation to keep paying is diminished I don’t want drawings I’m not 5 I don’t want the discord which seems pointless when your videos have a comment section I just want Korra I payed for Korra so I think I should get Korra I guess I’m a piece of garbage or a horrible human being I don’t care I work hard for my money so when I spend even .25 cents on something I expect to get what I paid for if you wanted donations make a kickstarter but this is a business you guys are running you can give an update about people getting mad about this issue but you can’t give me an update with an estimated date on when Korra will be up


While i do Think you are being a bit harsh, i do agree with you.


People who are complaining are acting like it's so hard to be a patreon. If you are truly unsatisfied then just unsub. There will still be plenty of people still supporting them after you're gone. Their channel blew up in one year and are still having growing pains. Comparing them to other channels that have less people involved and different personalities and lives is pretty unfair. You guys are acting like nothing was released this week. The only thing that has been delayed is Lost and Korra. For a reaction, the amount of outrage these guys have been getting is ridiculous. All of you guys have already seen the show and are only looking at the reaction. The fact that you guys care more for the reaction than you do for the actual people reacting just shows just how shallow you some of you guys are. These are simply people, creators not a company.


People keep saying writing off complaints saying that they've already seen the show. 1) people are watching for the reactions. 2) if anyone here are watching because they haven't seen a show, then they are being assholes not supporting the creative work.


Personally, i pay them as a supporter of their content and not really much for reactions - i payed to watch only one show, and few early episodes are not worth ten euros for me as my financial situation is not ideal, but i still am supporting them. I like them as creators, and there is a lot of work and time that goes into this. That's what I payed them for and not just the one show reactions, which, for me wouldn't really make much sense to pay for anyway, as ten eur is too much for the count of ep i am watching. So not everyone really sees this as a 'business' where we are 'clients' but more as a support system for their favorite creators However, i do agree, that if a creator is not able to provide content, they should give their workload to someone else or specify how long something can take, esp considering people are spending their money. I personally have no issues with ANY of this, but i can see why other people are not happy HOWEVER some of the viewers seem to be acting a little entitled and rude You are still getting your content you payed for, just a little bit later. You are not paying for a specific time, my friends. You are paying for the specific reactions and/or all the other stuff depending on the pledge. I do think, The normies should be a little bit more 'professional' and give us proper updates and make sure content is given on time, esp like now with suraj, imo with this specific situation, it's common courtesy and makes the most sense BUT some people are acting like normies are not delivering on what they promised, which technically they are The pledge page with all the pledges for each one of them even describes what you are paying for. Go read it if you are confused. Anyone who is saying this is a 'contract', if you read the pledge page, that's the 'contract' you signed, and as you can see, no point has been broken. It's just weird when people are complaining about something they should be aware of And don't get me wrong, you can tell what you have issues with, just try not to come off as entitled and rude-ish, be more understanding and empathetic. Normies are trying to explain what is going on and are even teaching a new editor to make sure WE ARE getting the content we want, and that's literally more than some other creators would even do. I'm sure they will figure out what is the best way, so just be patient


I am a little shocked. I left a very reasonable but critical comment that had likes. It was just after Rick Despiau's. But it has been deleted?

Reaction Junkie

omg a post u made online got deleted?? write ur congressman... Seriously Suraj and company are going thru an emotional traumatic time right now, and you're complaining about a random post being deleted?!?! give them a break will ya, this is nuts!!


To summarize: We need more real, concrete information regarding delays rather than getting a vague "it's done when it's done". Your friend needs you, sure, but please let us now exactly how it affects the schedule. A lot of people would be less upset. I don't think it's too much to ask. Also, have back-up and contingency plans. Create a structure in your organization that can prevent or mitigate disasters like this from happening. I don't mean what happened to Suraj, I'm talking about how it affected the channel. Is this still a channel, though? At what point does it become a ligitimate business? I mean, you have the employees, a steady revenue, and (mostly) loyal customers. Every company has to start somewhere, after all. I really hope Suraj can get through this without too many serious scars, since he is the heart of the channel imo. He is always on top of everything, and is involved in pretty much every show it seems. "Not Coral"!!


The Patreon page is huge but I think the project is still just a 3-4 core group of people. Definitely still some growing pains to go through and hopefully soon.


Not at all relevant to the post, but why the heck are some comments auto liked by me?? I am reading these comments for the first time and as i click "load more comments" I see that some comments have already been liked by me when ive never seen them before.


Dude, same. That's a weird thing that's happened and I can't figure out why


dont care


ya'll are honestly being so dickish to these guys


Just wanted to say that you can take the all the time you want for my sake, I'll keep supporting no matter what. Surajs editing on the Lost reactions so far have been amazing and I wouldnt want to trade it for anything so I'm totally fine with waiting to get the best possible videos.

Jenna Creighton

Personal emergencies come first! We should all be hoping Suraj makes a great recovery!