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Vaatu has been released! Enjoy our reaction early to The Legend of Korra! Harmonic Convergence is upon us!!

I gotta say, Bumi's entire storyline this episode was great. He would have made Aang, and the ATLA Bumi proud! Seeing Bolin and Mako team up to take on Unalaq at the end was amazing! When they are vibing on all cylinders they can do some amazing things together. Asami comes through with her versatile vehicular skills as usual.

What did you all think of this ep?? Who wants to see a Mover starring Nahid as Nuk Tuk?


The Legend of Korra 2x12 Group Reaction


Patrick RL

You guys are awesome. Please double drop 13 and 14! So amped for the finale reactions.


Will the last two be released on the same day like beginnings?


As greedy as it sounds I want them to drop all of season 3 at once so I can binge


Yes to Nuk Nahid. Nuk Yeah!


I'm glad you have seemed to enjoy season 2 so far! Today's reaction was great– any chance you could douple drop the two final episodes? I assure you, they are going to be breathtaking!


I'm really anxious to see their reaction to the end,of the next episode


drop the next one please <3


that Pabu purrr was on point lol


Did you guys seriously forgot about Yue? How could the moon surprise you? :O


You guys might be on season 3 by the time you read this but imo its the best season of Korra. 3 and 4 are the best exploration of Korra as a character and the villains are awesome! you should do live reactions with season 3X10 and 3x11. So good!

Philipp Lembens

You Keep asking why People say Season 2 is bad. It is not bad. It is just not as good as Season 3+4. Can´t wait to see you guys in Season 3.


yeah and i can tell you they are going to hate Unalaq even more for what he is about to do lol


And don't forget Unalaaq can bend only water and not the three others elements the Lion Turtles aren't here this time...


Exactly!, some people just hate it and do not understand how amazing this storyline is of season 2 in its own way and like you said it is not as good as season 3 and 4. I just hope the cozy 4 keeps on liking season 2 just as i did.


please release the next 2 together!!! I want to get to season 3 as fast as possible. You want a cool villian? season 3 is the best ever.


IMO, season 2 is not my favorite season. Sure the lore drop in this season is amazing, but storywise, i thing season 3 is the best! Really looking forward for your reaction in season 3 guys!

David Proby

Rana's reaction at the end is so me. Please drop episodes 13 and 14. Keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time


omg i loved the pun war at the end!!


Drop episodes 13/14 together please!


Can't help but think of Rita from Power Rangers everytime I heard 10,000 years. Anyone else??


If only Juji was alive.


I feel like giving my 2 cents about the quality of this season. I don’t think it’s bad, I just feel like it’s the worst season of Korra. It has a lot of great things (beginnings, the fight choreography, Iroh, spirit world stuff, etc.) but the problem is that it just has more stuff that I don’t care for than any other season of Avatar/Korra (unnaloq, relationships, deus ex SPOILER, the civil war, really the majority of the season pre-beginnings). That’s my opinion if that sheds some light on why people say it’s bad. Again, I don’t think it’s bad. It’s just not my favorite

Frankie H

If you're calling yourself a "Dark Avatar" than you're pretty much admitting that you are the bad guy. It would have made more sense if Unalaq had said "real avatar" or "new avatar." If he considers himself the good guy he wouldn't be calling himself "dark."


Early Access to this and supporting you guys are the best spent 10 dollars of my life (no shade to blind wave love them too lmfao)

Dake Weng

"he's not charismatic enough" "he's not cool enough of a villain" . . . hehehe, can't wait for next season


Just to help you understand on why Unalaq is doing all this. In my opinion, Unalaq has ideologies of theocracy, that is, of bringing back the spirits and turn both realms, the spirit and human, into one. Like he mentioned in the episode, what Avatar Wan did 10,000 years ago was wrong by separating the spirits from humans and that there should not be a bridge rather than living together harmoniously. That is why Unalaq was trying to release Vaatu so all spirits could live in peace in both worlds; however, by him having the intention to fuse with Vaatu and becoming a Dark Avatar took his ideologies way too far.


As much as i'm excited for the final episodes, I'm more excited you're almost to season 3! And I would vote for "Enter the Void" double drop for S3! :):)

Bryce Nielsen

Honestly, most people shit on this season because they couldn't stand the relationship drama, or how Korra acted in the first half of the season. The latter half is generally well received.


It’s because Unalaq studied spirits and knows that Ravaa is the light spirit and Vatu is the dark spirit so I guess he meant as he will be fused with the dark spirit and become the Dark Avatar Also Dark is not necessarily evil, it’s like saying Day and Night


I know right! My favorite season out of the 4. They're going to love it

Richard Dera

Vaatu’s laugh reminded me of the intro to “Feel Good Inc.” by Gorillaz


Question: Do you guys have reviews and discussions of the avatar comics? Or do you just read them on your own? And thanks for all the reactions! I live for them

Rebel Pilot

oh mickey. be careful what u wish for is all I am saying >:). Also we are the victims here you might watch it right now we still need to wait ^^ for ur reaction

Adam Vialpando

Oh man. As hit and miss as the beginning of this season was the second half is great. And I've been waiting for you guys to react to next week's episode since the season started, so I'm pretty excited to see your faces.


Jon Snow, is that you?

Oscar Villalobos

Oh man the puns at the end 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Phonic Reassignment

unolock would destroy ozai, oman isnt spiritual enough

Oscar Villalobos

The way I see. ATLA is the best cartoon ever made. Nothing beats that show NOTHING. Korra is a very good show compared to the rest of animated cartoons Korra stands above and beyond. Just because something is better than something else it does not mean it sucks. People Korra is a work of magic and the fact that they made something different yet still in the Avatar lore it is a feat FEW FEW can pull off. Ask Disney how is it going with the last jedi


"WE'RE WATCHING THE NEXT ONE!! WE'RE WATCHING THE NEXT ONE!!" Poor Rana... I can already see the tombstone "Here lies Rana, she who wanted to watch the next one."


"Oh they have a moon!" Well, Naheed now knows where the waterbenders are getting their power from.


why does rana pretend to predict everything? -_-