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The lore behind ATLA and LoK is probably one of the best I've ever experienced. I see how some may find issues and think it is retconning certain things from ATLA but I personally don't find an issue with it. I feel like every discrepancy can be explained one way or another. 

I would have loved to have seen an entire Avatar Wan season! What an awesome journey this was.


The Legend of Korra - 2x8 Beginnings Part 2 - Group Reaction

Part 2 of the epic two parter Beginnings! This is The Normies reaction to The Legend of Korra Book 2 Chapter 8! The battle between Avatar Wan and Vaatu was INSANE. Series finale material right there.. What a fight. Hard episode to edit so I hope I got all the best bits in there. Enjoy! Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup/ Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies reddit.com/r/thenormies






Jarryd Thompson

Yew finally part 2 this bout to be fun



Tiang Maphosa

Vsjsvejsvsjdvdh I just had seizure


Fun fact, the battlefield that Wan died on is apparently the same one we see Zuko riding through at the start of Zuko Alone. Also I like to think that the air nomad lion turtle is in the same valley that the Western Air Temple is located in

Tiang Maphosa


Lalisa Truong

Said battlefield: <a href="https://goo.gl/images/Zb1ra8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/Zb1ra8</a>


But everything changed when Sony attacked


Yay! waited all day for this^^


I’m so happy u watched it the same day!


Best reaction and great theories :)


Xmas in Spring!!!!! Thank you! Has been a long day waiting for this lol


Yaaaa boi


I think lion turtles are the origin of the power and animals are the origin of the bending techniques, which is how Wan obtained fire from the turtle but learned from the dragon.

Lalisa Truong

Love how you can see what the first "Avatar State" looked like before Wan's permanent fusion with Raava. Instead of the eyes glowing white, his whole body was glowing white. The amount of detail!


Well, that's it. That's the end of the best episodes of Korra. NOW, THE TEN THOUSAND YEARS OF DARKNESS BEGINS!!!


So if it is acceptable for Wan to be a Rebel is it okay for Korra to be a Rebel...this one comment made me wonder if you can see that Korra is biases because its family and we don't give our own concepts of what we would do for family when looking at Korra and why she chose sides.


Once again the ability to bend was given to humans by the lion turtles. The martial art of bending comes from the "original benders" where they watched bending in nature and adapted it to their bodies. Like in the dragon dance where the bending of the neck and subsequent lunge forward of the head is imitated by a punch with a forward lunge by a human. Remember how each element is based around a real martial arts style. Water bending is Tai Chi with its flowing energy. Earthbending is Hung Gar a style of kung fu with a strong stances and rooting to the ground. Interestingly Hung Gar is based around the Tiger and the Crane in nature with the tiger represent strong power and the crane soft. Fire bending is Northern Shaolin Kung Fu known for powerful hand and leg movements and how dynamic it is. Lastly, air bending is Bagua (circle walking) a style constantly circling and movement, thus difficult to hit, just like air.


Hey Normies, not sure if you guys noticed, but this ep. cleared up how the sky bison survived the hundred year war. Those fire sages protected them secretly and finally presented them to Aang after the war was over. That's why there are so many bison now ❤ Also, like I said, ep. 5 of this book is the last time Korra shows brattiness she did in the first two books. 😘


Awesome video...I thank you for the edit because I could only imagine and thanks for a two parter that was worth the hype. This was the Wan to do if you were to do Wan!

Katarina Kurko

It will get even better . I can't wait for one scene and we all know what that is :D

Burooj Ahanger

.remember how toph learns to bend the badgermole way? if she was never born with the ability there's no way she would have been able to learn, i mean if that was the case then both the twins from the "fortuneteller" episode would be able to bend or someone from another nation could spend time with the moles and learn. this can be applied to katara, she knew bending without being taught by the moon(since her mom knew she was a bender, its clear she had the ability from a very very young age, and i doubt she would be capable of learning from the moon at that age.) or a teacher there's clearly an aspect of being born with the ability that was set up in the first show, non benders cant just learn from the badgermoles. Oma and Shu probably had the ability and learnt to control it from the moles.


I still find it crazy that the worlds greatest tennis player Serena Williams was discussing this episode on twitter. She’s one of us!


I mean isn't Wan whole story to show that Avatars are all fuck ups and there duty is to rectify those fuck ups? Cause that what I always looked at it as. The world wouldn't even be in this situation if Wan had just minded his own business.


In this season you mean? Oh yeah, i know what you are talking about :D That will be another "RIP headphones users" moment.


ive always thought of it like this, the bending began from energy bening, taking anf giving bending and when the lion turtles stopped giving the energy and eventually died off they were looked at as just legends or myths. then the people with bending mastered their bending by copying animals that had the same bending, the spiritual animals like badger moles, dragons and bison

Jen A. Blue

She was in Avatar! She played the one guard that's nice to Iroh when he's in Fire Nation prison.


TL;DW Wan finds two kites, gets one stuck in a tree.

Chai Tea

Thank you for posting both of these today! :D


BTW, the creators have said that the stone coins at the end of the episode are the same ones from Zuko Alone. How the hell they stayed in such great shape for 10,000 years is anyone's guess.


Yeah, like mos guys say, lions gave humans de power of the elements. And they learned how to bend them from the original benders ,original benders = they aleays had it, didn’t need to be given the power). Then, the ability to bend is pretty much all about genetics. Remember how we have two brothers with different bending (mako amd bolin) and one is crearly genetically fire nation and the other is clearly esrth (eye color and shit). When the lion says they won’t grant the power anymore, maybe is bc they know humans, and if there is one dude eho control more than one element there sure will be someone who will want to control more too... so the lions just disconected from mankind. That’s what i think at least


omg 2 korra uploads in 1 day! TY Suraj!


If you guys think about it Aang's journey in ATLA was the completion of this goal to unite the nations and teach the humans to live together with the spirits peacefully. With the formation of Republic City it may have been the biggest movement towards completing Wan's Multi-lifetime goal. I like this aspect because it amplifies just what aang accomplished.


You guys! Thank you so much for the double upload!


Korra is the worst part of the legend of korra

Edwin Wickey

Yes! Because the lion turtle told Aang that "in the time before the Avatar, we bent not the elements, but the energy within ourselves."


These two episodes tell a great story, let me get that out of the way first. Unfortunately, they are the two worst if you're a fan of the original series. There is so much wrong, but I'll just focus on the big one: the "Avatar Spirit." In ATLA, the Avatar Spirit was something that wasn't defined concretely. It was shrouded in mystery, which added to the character of the Avatar. I think what we can all agree on is that the writers based ATLA off of very Eastern philosophies and practices -- chakras (self-actualization), balance, being kind to nature/mankind, etc. Aang was such a relatable character because we could see ourselves in him through his failures and the human decisions he and other characters had to make. We obviously can't learn to bend elements from watching Aang, but like you guys said in the series finale of Avatar (great reaction, btw!), we can learn how to better ourselves and to be more compassionate in our every day lives from Aang's journey. "Beginnings" makes the character of the Avatar inherently boring. No longer is the Avatar an all-powerful spirit in human form (notice how I didn't say spirit-human mix, as Beginnings now makes it), on a quest of self-actualization so they can better understand how to bring balance, show compassion towards all things and serve the entire planet. There is no more balance. There is no more intrigue. The Avatar is now the literal fusion of a human and the spirit of good in the world. Huh? The story they told here is very Christian in nature, a Western religion. Ravva = God, Vattu = Satan. Let me be clear, THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT BAD, but it is a complete 180 from the very Eastern virtues, philosophies and ideas ingrained in ATLA. Now, the Avatar's (Korra) decisions have no grey area. SHE HAS THE LITERAL EMBODIMENT OF GOOD INSIDE HER. Therefore every decision she makes is inherently right and just. There is no more nuance to the character at all. No room for growth. The Avatar is now like a Pope, an emissary of a higher power, not an all-powerful spirit in human form on a quest of betterment. The writers did Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter. Concrete good vs. concrete evil, which Avatar was never about. Remember, we saw corrupt Earth Nation soldiers and good-but-influenced fire nation kids in ATLA. Grey area, nuance, questions and decisions that don't have concrete answers -- all things that make up good story telling. I'm very glad you guys enjoyed these two episodes. I did too when I first saw them. But I urge everyone to take a step back and examine the number they did on the original series. And like I said, this was just one of the MANY problems people have with these episodes. The magic shouldn't always be explained.


Could Wan be what Roku meant when he said to Aang that he's mastered all four elements in a year before in ATLA? He could've been alluding to other Avatars as well, but if you think about it Wan also only had a year to master the elements. What if Bryko were thinking that far ahead?

Noah Burke

I wish people would keep in mind that the creators of Avatar had this story in mind and wanted to tell it in the Last Airbender. People also forget how legends work, what you hear and what actually occurs are often different in nature


A few episodes ago the statue that lit up that Jinora saw was the statue of Wan


I think that the lion turtles gave the bending and then those people "learned" how to bend from each thing in lore. Wan received fire from the lion turtle but learned how to actually "firebend" from the dragons, like the actual technique and process of bending, not just shooting fire from your hands. And same with earthbenders learning from badgermoles, the waterbenders observing the tide from the moon and the moon spirit, air nomads connected and learned from air bison etc.


No, Too I was just saying Wang has mastered the elements before, like all his past lives did.

nefi uzumaki

its better than bojack


you're welcome for the Glenn knowledge Surj!! 😏 truly Wan-derful editing with this my good man!!

Bryce Nielsen

Why are you asking about unrelated shows and then comparing said unrelated show to another unrelated show?


Both episodes with Wan are single-handedly the best in this show right behind S4E2.

Lego The Office

I haven’t commented in a while, but I wanted to say something about Chris being part of the reaction as I was really all about him joining the Cozy 4 for AtLA. I literally paused to comment this. Thank you for including him in this reaction, I love the dude and it was amazing to see him included for such an epic episode. To put it into terms of Chris being the Zuko of the group, you have redeemed Chris’ honor this day. LOL! Adore you all, now I’m going to watch the rest of the reaction.

John Doe

And now.....back to your regularly scheduled teenage angst/romance series 😂

Lalisa Truong

Makes me wonder if people would've been fine if this was told in ATLA first. It just seems to me that during the time between ATLA and LOK, people made up their own ideas as to the answer for the origin story that when it was finally told in LOK, they had huge problems with it because they didn't like the answer that was given.


..the rest of the season is trash though


I agree with everything but your last point. The lion turtles only gave power to humans so they could survive in the spirit wilds but since the spirits all went back to the spirit world there was no longer any need to give bending to humans.


But in ATLA we’re flat out told that Oma and Shu were the first earthbenders. If that’s the case then who’re all these people running around (including wan)?

Alex sh

nahhhh 2 in 1 day???? You guys are too much, bless your hearts

Ben Wenger

Also Omashu was still standing in the days of ATLA, so clearly it wasn't a Lion Turtle city, so the entire Oma/Shu story must have happened in the "new age" the lion turtle mentions at the end of Beginnings.

Ben Wenger

Shooting fire from your hands isn't firebending? Wat? The backflips people do in their refusal to admit something is an obvious retcon.


Aaaaaaannnndddd .... Chris spoiled a joke from a future episode.


lmao at the coffee drinking, I loved these two reactions and am so excited to watch the rest of this season!


Thankyou guys for accepting the request for both episodes on same day.

Soisen the Guardian

Where is FMA you guys seem to have forgotten the reaction suppose to be uploaded on Wednesday?


Not sure if you catched it but the place Wan passed away was the same place Zuko was at in the ATLA episode, "Zuko Alone".


So... Best amnesia story?

Kamina 1

I really hate being that guy. But where is the FMA reaction guys. I very much appreciate the double upload for Korra this week (I mean I REALLY do), but not even an update? Come on bud. A small update goes a long way. If you are having the same technical issues as past weeks , just tell us AJ man. We’ll understand. Just communicate.


I always interpreted these episodes as the lionturtles being the creatures that granted the /ability/ to bend, but never taught people how to properly do it. The 'original benders' (be it the moon, the badgermoles, dragons, airbison) then taught the people how to understand their elements and use them as an extension of themselves. You can see that in these episodes when the dragon teaches Wan- when he then defends the Oasis the soldiers that came to attack say that they've never seen someone use fire like that. When you don't quite know how to handle a certain ability it's easy to forget you had it at all, so perhaps that's where people lost and found the elemental powers again until legends of first benders appeared- like Oma and Shu or the Sun warriors. Knowledge is lost and found a lot throughout history and our civilization history is also about 10 000 years old (give or take) Or well- that's always been my interpretation :p I like the original lore too much to consider it retconned. Not saying this lore is perfect or without conflicting plotpoints, but sometimes stuff changes as creators delve deeper into the world they create. Not to mention that the sources we have on pretty much everything aren't absolute. Unreliable narrators are a neat thing in storytelling people!


We also shouldn't forget that the legends of how bending was learned are that: legends. It's been thousands of years since they learned bending, and it's unlikely that the story of how bending originated is 100% accurate in ATLA, since we only hear it from people who were told the story themselves. And I agree, I always understood it as "Lion turtles are the source of bending, the original teachers are the ones who taught them how to use it properly". I was surprised that people thought it was retconning ATLA


It's good to see Chris :)


15:37 Rana.exe stopped working, dem feels overload detected


Please let Chris participate whenever he wants. His unsavory reputation is completely undeserved. #JusticeForChris

Cinthia Fernandez

I love Chris!!! For real! But maybe I’m just so used to the cozy four, but I like it when they have Chris off to the side 😅 not trying to be a meanie!

Justin Neason

LOL Chris Cam is lit. xD

Justin Neason

I honestly didn't really like the Rava, Vatu part of this lore, it didn't really feel like I was watching Avatar.. It really did feel like some Samurai Jack stuff.. But even still this was really cool. I think if it were a different show I would've appreciated it a lot more and been less biased, but I did really love the idea that the Avatar just used to chill with all the spirits like that!

Ben Wenger

You mean the one where the amnesia subplot is immediately dropped and has absolutely no relevance at all? Except of course for.... *****SPOILERS***** .... an excuse to get the love triangle subplot going again. The Mako/Korra fight is literally the only thing she forgets about because of the amnesia and thus is its only reason for existing. It's almost embarrassing how forced it is.

Ben Wenger

Have you seen seasons 3 or 4? Because they're both way better than anything S2 dumps out.


It's a lot better come out of Varrick for the first time and now it's kinda ruined


Your not mean but it is just good to see the Cozy Four's genuine fresh reaction with no spoilers. I hope I'm not a meanie for that :(


Not sure if you guys noticed. If you jumble up the text: "raava vaatu" it forms the word avatar. Also the avatar cycle is in the same order that Avatar Wan learned elements: Fire --&gt; Air --&gt; Water --&gt; Earth


Just a heads up Suraj, the timer gets a little wanky at some points, possibly something you might want to look at before putting it up on youtube for the gen pop. Great reaction as always guys!


The theory I always held to was that the lion turtle gave them the ability to bend, but they learned the technique from the animals. Like the scene with Wan doing the Dragon dance. He learned true firebending from the Dragon.

Anthony Mosher

Yep that's how it was supposed to be interpreted. The elements were given to them by the lion turtles just like Aang learning energy bending, but to master the techniques they must learn from the natural benders such as the dragon, moon/ocean, badger moles, and sky bison.