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Vikings - 4x13 (Temp File)



Wow 6 reactors you should do a skit around TWD Reactors dying and then converted to Vikings reactors


What they were doing to Rollo was a less extreme version of keelhauling where instead of repeatedly dragging him across the underside of the ship they just held him there for a while.


There are only two things that I can recall that never gets an elaboration on, the whereabouts of Ragnar for that decade (might aswel say that now so you don't have expectations for it) I always assumed he went wandering, and the fate of porrun. But much else of what you guys wanted deeper explanations on will get elaborated on in one way or another.


all i remember that is said about Ragnar's leaving is by writer Michael Hirst who said he left because he knew his people would never follow him after Paris, however no one would ever bring themselves to overthrow the legendary Ragnar and so he would be a failure to his people and to the gods. but as to what he does yes that is never really addressed


This video is bullshit where is Appa and little Appa


Started watching Vikings again (I stopped after the first Paris attack) because of you guys...I'm only a few episodes beyond you right now...I can't decide if I should thank you for getting me back into the show yet cuz I'm not sure I like how things are going...but I still can't wait to see your reactions to them!