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The Legend of Korra - 1x2 Leaf in the Wind - Group Reaction

Normies react to Book 1 Chapter 2 of The Legend of Korra! You must react like the leaf in the wind! What did you think of this episode and our reactions? Let us know! Early, Exclusive and Uncut Full Reactions on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies reddit.com/r/thenormies


Ben Wenger

Random Trivia: Mako is voiced by Dave Faustino. AKA Bud Bundy from Married with Children.


I agree with Nahid 100% on his first impressions of Korra.


The bison isn't Appa, his name is Oogi. A herd of bison was found after the war.

Burooj Ahanger

thats not Appa thats Oogi you can see it has different patterns on its back


Can you guys keep uploading Korra around this time? That way us Europeans can still watch it on Wednesday too :)


Korra is more mature in its topics. You're gonna like it very much

Andrea C.

I’m so excited for what’s to come with this series! You guys are in for a great time.

Burooj Ahanger

Don't forget even Aang didnt want to learn Firebending. The feeling you feel with Korra early on is similar to how i felt about Dany when she met Jon first time. Like you know everything Jon went through and know hes worth but she wont trust him, it makes sense for Dany to not trust him but as viewers who know everything about it its frustrating. You know What Korra can be because we have seen an avatar thats further along the avatar path but through her teenage perspective it makes sense for her to act that way.

Burooj Ahanger

also surprised you guys didn't point out the fact Mako and Bolin are brothers and do different bendings arts

Andre Ransom

Korra is a lot more mature in its topics, not to say ATLA didn’t have mature themes too, but it’s more blatant and addressed here. And yea like you guys said, it’s a more modern story. I personally align more with Korra as a person. Of course I love Aang, he’s one of my favorite characters ever, but if I had to choose one who was more like me personally, it would have to be Korra. I can’t wait for you guys to see the next episode 😫

Adam is Magic

Mako and Bolin are not related to Zuko, also that was not Appa that is Oogie a different bison Appa is dead. Every character from the original series is either old or dead. Sorry


Keep in mind also that as opposed to previous Avatars who traveled the Four Nations learning the elements, Korra has never left the South Pole. Most of her time was spent cooped up in that little compound where the White Lotus brought her bending masters to train with. So while she definitely is being a little punk to Tenzin, this is also her first real taste of freedom and I understand why she'd want to sneak out instead of staying trapped on an island


Korra is meant to be an extremely flawed character right from the start, which to me is part of why her development is so satisfying. It makes her frustrating at times, but I also understand where she's coming from.

Adam is Magic

The creators wanted a main character that was opposite from Aang to show a different form of the Avatar. Also don’t worry about Korra being annoying she goes through some great development. Can’t wait to see more!

Davimison Garmo

SEASON 1 GOOD SEASON 2 sucks. (Except certain parts) SEASON 3 GRREEAAT! SEASON 4 GREAT!


Love how they give an MMA feel to pro-bending, it makes so much sense based on the melting pot world of Republic City


Just have to get through "first half of Season 2 Korra", then I agree.

mariko 真利子

Korra runs so much on intuition and raw emotion that slowing down and learning discipline feels counterproductive to her, I think. It's also kind of like watching a home schooled kid attend a public high school for the first time. She does wanna serve the world, but she has to figure out how to do it her way and how to do it in a world that is much less spiritually in touch than Aang's. The world has been without the influence of the Air Nomads for nearly two centuries at this point, Korra's not the only one with a spiritual block

Davimison Garmo

The story of season 2 was pretty bland for me because of the guy who drives the plot imo but yeah the parts that are really good make up for it. But nonetheless they’ll enjoy it. Season 3 will give them that avatar high again.


i love you guys but you all said you wouldnt compare it to ATLA and you do it every min lol! remember its not ATLA.

fun fox

Korra tackles more mature topics but it doesn't tackle them in a remotely mature way


To be fair, LOK constantly references the original show. Making Korra and the world so different was intentional to provoke that reaction.


Flawed characters are the most interesting ones, imo.


Agreed. Making Korra difficult to like her initially makes me actually like her a lot more


Especially watching Korra grow into the person she be in S4


Season 2 will tell you more about the history of how everything started but Season 3 is the best season in this series.

Rebel Pilot

yes. Thats what makes this series so great for me. They put a real struggle and a lot of room for Korra to grow and learn. And especially makes sense as she was very sheltered and privileged living in a bubble. Also I love how over the 4 seasons the show deals with the fact that from her earliest memories Korra probably knew she was the Avatar and what that does to a person psyche to have their identity tied that closely to it. Korra is a different show as it delves into different aspects of life and struggles. and uses different Methods to tell its story. ATLA was an adventure epos clear goal from ep 2. Korra is an anthology of myriad problems in the world. I dont have any doubts that they will love it.

Sou saetern

Was that a pregnancy test? Why would you show that? Weird


By the way the actor who voices Tenzin is JK Simmons, if you play play close attention throughout the series you’ll find that some of the characters are voiced by pretty famous actors or actresses.



Oscar Villalobos

Legend Of Korra is a reflection of change that we experienced in the real world. Ignoring the timelines because this is still a kids show. In some ways. The way I look at it is in the first series the fire nation is this authoratarian state wanting to conquer the world much like Germany wanted in 1945. Back then the clear goal was defeat the nazis. Now Germany is a prosperous state with the highest standards of living much like the fire nation is on Korra. So in today’s world Germany is not relevant to be a threat much like the Fire Nation is no longer this tyranical country. The focus will change to themes like socioeconomic status the rise of the far right much like the anti bending revolution. Populism terrosrism spirituality. How democracies tranfer to dictatorships and vice versa. And oh boy season 1 the villan is just like Donald Trump!! This CAME OUT IN 2012! . its beyond me. Its grey. Not black and white. They myriad of challenges the Korra faces is fun to watch. Also this is Korra’s story. Aang sadly is gone and it will be more prevalent in season 2. But I like that the focus is Korra as the avatar dealing with all this insane crap. Enjoy 👍🏽


Honestly, I enjoyed Korra more...