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Here we go guys!  Lets blast off into Season 2 and begin the crazy journey we started a few weeks ago!  Also we got another Normie to join us along for the ride.  Tell us what you thought of the Season 2 Premiere of The Expanse.


The Expanse 2x1 Safe



Nahid you're the best


I've come to think that Amos is a sociopath or psychopath. He wants to do what's right but doesn't know how to, that's why he's latched unto Naomi. I've also read theories that he's autistic. What's your guys take on him?


Ohh snap I don't pay attention to the upload schedule so this is an awesome surprise!


Probably not quite a sociopath but almost there. He lacks a moral compass but he's aware enough that he needs to get behind someone that can guide him. I think he had severe trauma or psychological damage as a kid. A really cool character and great actor. Much better actor than the guy playing Holden.


Come on, Mikey! You missed Bobbie rallying the troops!

Asadullah Khan

Awesome to see Suraj joining you guys. I hope he stays for the whole ride. Great reaction as always.

Chris V

Yooo! I was screaming for him to listen to that speech. It gives a great insight into the mental attitude of the martian troops. Oh well, i guess there will be other chances.

Chris V

17:30 You guys might know this but the reason their put their mask together is so they could talk. That way the vibration on thier masks could carry their voice to the other person. Just one of the many cool little attention to detail from this show.