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The Phoenix King reaction is here! Thank you to all for your patience! Enjoy!!


Avatar: The Last Airbender - 3x18 Sozin's Comet Pt 1, The Phoenix King - Group Reaction

The Normies react to the Series finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender! This is Sozin's Comet Part 1 - The Phoenix King! Enjoy! Early, Exclusive and Uncut Full Reactions on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies reddit.com/r/thenormies


Tabatha Cat



finaly YAAY


I expect tears next episode. You all know what scene I’m talking about


Your welcome :D!


Will you guys react to Korra, if so do you know when you'll record it?


I have to tell you, I watched Avatar with my children and I have loved watching you react to it second only to my experience with them. You guys are truly awesome.

Oscar Villalobos

Oh the Cabage guy will be fine. Actually way more than fine.


Dammm why you make us wait for the finale


Just curious >.< are you guys gonna do Korra ?

Keep It Zen

We... Need... MOARRRRRR

Burooj Ahanger

blue balls. the original release date was also al 4 eps at once D:

mariko 真利子

So stoked to see more of the finale!!! I do think, even if Aang end's up taking Ozai's life, that it's good for the show to spend time on what a struggle it is for anyone to use deadly force. He's thirteen years old and most Avatars don't take up their training, let alone their duties, they're sixteen. Ultimately, one of the main themes of the show is how evil it is to make children fight and die for the chance to have a future.


Don’t be too sad; if you can’t get enough of this show, you have to read the avatar comics that start from right where the finale left off!! It’s amazing it’s like watching a continuation of the show in literary form! It’s also canon 😄

TJ Frangie

Dammit...I have to watch the next three episodes right now. Wish we could see the reactions right now! Too much of a cliffhanger and the next three were amazing...You guys are in for a treat.


Are we really gonna be watching the final for a whole month.......

Keep It Zen

Please for the love of all that is good and holy, release at least Parts 3 & 4 together.

Anthony Dimas

3 and 4 together dammeeettt!!!!

Keep It Zen

Micky, you have seen a tiger-dillo during Aang's story in "The Tales of Ba Sing Se.


Pleaseeeeee Release The Rest. I can't wait to watch your guys reactionsss :) We would Appreciate it so so Much!!


I swear I remember you guys saying you would release all the 4 finale episodes at once


:( was hoping to see all four eps at once

Alexander A

Rana's dance at 18:02.


Aang’s attitude shouldn’t surprise you, he’s been a perfect pacifist the entire series. In a show with so much action, name a fight which Aang initiated.


PLEASE RELEASE PARTS 3&4 TOGETHER AT LEAST!!! I can't wait a week in between them. It would be torture because they are meant to be seen right after the other.


They will release all 4 eps at once on youtube. Not patreon :(


The northern air temple is the only one I can think of

Noah Burke

I have almost always stood by the philosophy that if the means betray the goal, then you have already failed. Peace cannot be attained through violence, not true peace anyway

Koala Banana

I'd like that too, but we could always simply not watch part 3 until they've also posted part 4.

Taylor Smithpeters

aang's a little bitch because he doesn't want to kill a person? the fire lord is evil sure however like aang said he's still a human being. aang is the avatar but he's also still a child - a child that is debating on whether he has to take a life or not. he has a lot on his shoulders right now and i'm glad some of you understood that.


Are the uncut versions of 3x11 & 3x12 episodes going to be released


You have to release 3&4 together,


As the Avatar, he must be willing to put the needs of the world above his own personal beliefs.


Yeah Micky definitely nailed the "it's not about you, its about the world" thing.


Atleast do 2 a week for the last 4 episodes??..

Kay Scruton

Try to think about it like this: Aang is the last surviving member of a society whose core belief was to not resort to violence to solve a problem. He is all that remains of that culture, and if he does kill Ozai, what's left of the airbender culture will die too. Also, I think a key reason as to why the others don't understand is because they grew up during a war, whereas Aang grew up during a time of peace. He remembers a time when the nations were getting along, and he doesn't want to end a war that started so violently with more violence. Like an another commenter said, true peace cannot be obtained through violence.

Keep It Zen

"The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light." .... Aang has touched the poison of hatred in The Desert, but his true heart or true self wasn't harmed. He didn't want to continue the cycle of darkness thriving in the void. And yes, whenever another human is forced to kill another human, no matter the reason—especially when the person being forced is a 13 year old kid—it is not a victory, it is more darkness which humanity brought upon itself. In Aang's spirit, there was always that purifying light that would make darkness yield. And perhaps, only he could be the one that ended the 100 year war peacefully. It makes you wonder if the Avatar is chosen at random, or if it's all a part of Destiny.

Andrea C.

It would be actual torture to not release 3 & 4 together. When the finale aired all 4 came out so even the creators weren’t that cruel. Lol


Please don't let us wait 3 more weeks :[


For those asking, they have confirmed many times that they will watch Korra after a small break. For those asking them to post the entire finale at once on Patreon, just let them stick to their schedule that they've been working so hard to maintain. If not watching it all back to back is too much of a struggle for you, then come back to Patreon when all the episodes are posted. In fact, they might even be ready to release Korra episodes after they've finished posting Avatar, so the wait between seems virtually non-existent for us. You can do that or completely ignore some of the core values this show teaches and continue complaining and whining like petulant spoiled children that don't get their way. Just a thought. Surely you all must have lives to distract you from Avatar reactions for a little while...right...?


I'm thinking releasing an unedited version of the whole finale is pretty reasonable. It doesn't make much sense to split it up. It aired all at once.


Sorry Brace, I don't speak brat. You're gonna have to do better than that...


There's not really a good reason to only upload one episode a week. And if editing takes too long, they could always release the unedited version of the whole finale.


You mean there's not a good reason from your perspective. Listen, I understand a lot of people love the show (myself included) and just want to see their reactions nonstop. We all love getting our way all the time. But that doesn't mean they don't have reasons for not doing so. The fact of the matter is, it's their channel and we're here to support them. Well, some of us...Others just want what they want and then they're gone forever and they know it. They're trying to sustain a channel here for multiple shows/audiences. Put yourself in their shoes. You can't cater to just one fan base. There's a reason for everything. If they want to give you more details than that, I'll let them. I don't speak for them, I just try to understand them instead of being selfish.


wait are they gonna watch korra?


Are you guys gonna watch Legend of Korra


The Deus Ex Island is here!


There's no good reason the way you see it. Blind wave did the exact same thing. They uploaded 1 a week to give the finale it due and discuss everything they saw. Youre being spoiled children as always. Learn patience and if you can't leave until it's done or go watch it on blind wave's YouTube. They have all of the there. Enjoy


Wow we gonna really watch the whole finale over 4 weeks great thanks normies


At a Certain point its not asking. Its just whining.


Yo Sam, why is it when I make a legitimate argument, the best you people can come up with is "shut up"? That's not very constructive. You need to do better than that, bud. You're right, there's nothing wrong with asking, but just look how many times it's been asked/demanded. You think The Normies haven't seen it by now? They're not posting the entire finale right now because they have a SCHEDULE and they're sticking to it. Ya know, like some people have been begging them to do during their growing pains. Now that they are, people don't like it...again. Can't please everyone. Get over it. Go do something else. I can give you some examples of what you can do if you'd like. :)


Khalil, telling people to go to a different reaction channel is never the answer. They are here because they want to see The Normies doing the reaction, what you are doing is worse than people whining about Avatar.


Ok, I understand why the Normies would want to spread out the finale because it means more $$$ for them. But you have to admit that it's a huge slap in the face when the people who actually give this channel their support have to wait 4 weeks while YouTube gets it all in one day. YouTube should have to wait 4 weeks like the rest of us.


Baldeagle, what about the fact that Patreon is SIX episodes ahead of YouTube? Is that also a slap in the face? That's a month and a half worth of content you get to see before YouTube. You can't ignore that. I support them with my own money, just like I assume you do. I don't consider that a slap in the face at all. I'm sorry you do. And honestly, I think it has less to do with the money and more to do with them sticking to their schedule. You have to remember, there's lots of things to consider when running a channel like theirs. This includes future content releases like Korra and its schedule for both YouTube and Patreon, assuming they continue early access with it as well. Again, put yourself in their shoes.


I understand what you mean Raph but they could just put the unedited version of the last 3 episodes like they have done with some of the previous episodes (they already finished the series). They had also mentioned maybe doing a livestream of the Avatar finale, which didn't happen. Also, YouTube is getting the last 4 episodes at once unlike Patreon.


ken, that still takes time and computer processing power to upload 3 additional full length videos, edited or not. Why do you think the current uncut Avatar reactions haven't been posted at lightning speed either? It takes time, no matter what. If they sacrifice time to do that, then something else will be late to get uploaded and the cycle will continue until someone gets pissed off at them again. They're not an exclusive Avatar reaction channel. They never promised a live stream of the finale, which they couldn't do anyway because they had to split it up and watch it in multiple sittings. And like I told Baldeagle, it doesn't matter when YouTube gets to see the finale. The fact is, we as Patrons have been WELL ahead of YouTube's schedule. You're still receiving your perk and will see the finale way ahead of them. Seems fair enough to me.


Raph, I don't think it's a slap in the face for us to be 6 episodes ahead of YouTube, that's why I support this channel. You didn't really address my concern that Patreon has to wait 4 weeks while YouTube gets the whole finale in one day. I only ask that they stick to the schedule they have been doing across both platforms so it's consistent. If we have to wait 4 weeks, so should YouTube.


So, you're saying you feel cheated or it's unfair that YouTube gets to see the finale all at once, despite the fact that you already saw it 6 weeks prior? I can see why you would feel that way but the way I see it, as someone who's here to support them, I don't feel like it's unfair considering the perk of having seen it super early. It almost sounds like some people feel like they're being punished for having to wait for the finale episodes, so they want to in turn punish YouTube viewers by making them wait also. I must admit, all this hoopla about a reaction video seems downright crazy to me. But regardless, I think we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm perfectly fine with waiting. And I think it's still fair to us, as long as the perks are being honored. If anything, I can see the simultaneous finale release on YouTube generating more traffic for their channel. They have a much larger audience to cater to and I think it's a smart decision on their part. There's lots to consider when running a channel.


Patreon has an empty slot this week since One Punch Man ended, could have at least done two Avatar episodes per week. But Baldeagle does have a point, a lot of patrons will sadly leave once Avatar is done so might be better for them to extend that time until they can continue directly to Korra.


Nahid edited and uploaded One Punch Man. Suraj edits and uploads Avatar. I'm sure Nahid's responsibilities are shifted to prepping other shows after OPM ended. I think it all still falls on Suraj. Agreed about the transition to Korra.


Waiting this long is torture. The finale is sooo good.


To wait a week for the next part is torture...


i would of loved if they post all 4 at once


Long ago the comment section live in avatar puns. But everything changed when the normies didnt post all 4 part to the series finale. Only suraj master of recording , editing , and posting could stop the comments. But when the patreons need him most he vanished .idk wher two go from there