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Hey everyone just wanted to let you know Defenders will be posting in the late evening tonight on early access.

Avatar is on track for tomorrow. We have watched the finale and wow. I must say what an amazing and perfect show. We had to split up our watch a bit so because we were busy most of the day and couldn't find a 2 hour window for the finale.

I have so many thoughts and discussion points about the series. We may end up doing a livestream Q&A with the cozy 4 + Chris/Navi/Marketa about the series as a whole. Let us know your thoughts on that!

Take care!




Can't wait for that avatar reaction!! ☺️

Tina L

Oh my goodness, how exciting! I can't wait for the live stream discussion!


One of the best shows ever created.


Appreciate all the hard work! Any chance patreons can get an uncut like you did with the s2 finale?


Do you guys plan to do the Legend of Korra at all sometime in the future?


No uncut version????


Glad you enjoyed the series! Can't wait to see your guy's reaction to the Zuko vs Azula battle!


do you have a link to the uncut s2 finale, I could not find it here


Yes so happy you guys finished the show! Would love to see a Q&A livestream :)


In my opinion a livestream part doesn’t sound super appealing, however; what I would like to see is a discussion where you guys discussed your high and low points, characters, and thoughts about the show and episodes in general.


I was *obsessed* with Avatar when it was airing. Had a different Avatar shirt for every day of the week, dressed up as Aang for halloween, ran a fan site, was in the special edition of Nick Magazine. Going into Legend of Korra expecting it to be a continuation of my favorite show, I found it incredibly difficult to get into. I watched the first few episodes, but couldn’t stop comparing it to Avatar, and eventually just gave up. When it was in its fourth season, I gave it another try from a fresh perspective, and was completely surprised by how much I was blown away by it. It’s set in the Avatar universe, but it’s structured entirely differently as a show, and has a lot of subtlety to it. I guess my point is, y’all are going to really enjoy it if you go into the right mindset, so don’t let people tell you you have to start it immediately after Avatar if you feel like you need to take a break. I’m looking forward to you reacting to it eventually, but do it when you’re ready.


Shame you couldn't do the finale all in one, that's really how it's supposed to be watched, but glad you enjoyed it regardless (it's kinda hard not to)


Psh, they better do it right after considering their avatar fanbase.


Can't wait to see the finale! Years later its still as satisfying as it was the first time I saw it.

Oscar Giron

Can you guys treat us with more uncut reactions, like the Western Air Temple, the Fire Bending Maters and the Boiling Rock? Plz


100% please do a live q/a its great to reflect on the series as a whole I will certainly be watching if you all do so


Yes! I can't wait


I would LOVE a Q&A livestream for Avatar, I can't get enough of you guys' thoughts on the series! Also I'm sure you're all super hyped to jump right into Legend of Korra, but do keep in mind that it is a very different tone and story structure, and a very large chunk of time will have passed between the end of Avatar and the start of Korra, so it might be a good idea to take a breather in between. I remember re-marathoning Avatar for the tenth time before Korra aired just to hype up, but forgot to take into account the obvious-- if Korra is alive then that means that Aang is dead and all the characters I know and love are probably gone, and this is a very different world than the one I'm used to-- and I got swept up in mourning and a bit of culture shock. Unfortunately that made me bitter and I enjoyed Korra a lot less than I did Last Airbender, and I called it quits after season 2 (apparently too soon, because seasons 3 and 4 are where it Got Gud), but there is a lot to love about LoK and it's a fantastic show if you don't compare it to its predecessor.


Absolutely down for a live Q&A. Make it happen, cap’n. :)


So very excited for you guys! This show is flipping awesome and I love seeing you go through it. Can't wait to watch the next episodes. Really hoping you watch Korra so the journey can continue. It's really not a kids show.


How did you guys split the finale, I can see watching the first half and the second half separately being okay but watching all 4 separately would kill me.


Then at the very least i think we deserve 2 parts a week if you had the need to spread it out. 1 episode over 4 weeks just aint fair for this finale. Its super special and deserves a back to back viewing.


Predictions for the finale reaction: Nahid: “aaaaaammmmmmm fam, this is not a kids show” Rana: *holding her face* “I can’t even deal with this episode right now!” Micky: *opened mouth stunned silence* Suraj: “how the fuck am I gonna edit this dude!”

Andrea C.

I definitely want a live stream avatar q&a. I’m sad that it’s finally over for y’all. I can’t wait for Legend of Korra it’s so different and even more mature than Avatar but still such a good show.


Hey Normies, I'm so excited to watch your reaction to the finale! :D And I just want to write this here one last time, please take a decently long break from avatar before starting Korra. I love Korra and it's an amazing show but in the end it's a completely different show and some people didn't like it because they expected it to be like ATLA. I would recommend waiting at least 6-8 weeks before starting Korra, trust me, you'll enjoy the show more and your fans will enjoy your reactions more. But I'm really excited to watch your reactions to it when you get to it :)


Normally I'd be with you except right now I dislike all the other shows they are watching except Vikings/Expanse. I hope they start Korra right after because I need more content with good shows. I guess I can hate-watch Walking Dead sometimes but it's not always fun.

Keep It Zen

Aww, I'm a bit disappointed you guys couldn't watch the Finale all at once, but it's understandable. Either way, I cannot wait for your reactions. Please don't make us wait 4 weeks :T

Keep It Zen

And yes, a Q&A with The Cozy 4 + Zuko/Azula/Mai would be awesome.


ETA on Avatar today? Thx in advance! :)


Are you guys gonna watch Legend of Korra?


Live Q&A would be awesome


Dude you guys definitely should do a discussion. I am happy to hear yall enjoyed the finale so much and i cant wait for the reaction


Discussion would be great! Perfect way to pull in those that aren't in the cozy 4 to hear everyones thoughts. Can't wait for the reaction! Almost sad we are nearing the end.


what time does Avatar normally get uploaded on here ??????


It varies. Sometimes it's before noon, afternoon or night.


guys I bet a million dollars they will watch Korra, no need to ask, they are already big fans


It uploads a day or more after sometimes too, just so you're prepared


Wow nice. Uploading to YouTube with 0 update for people who are actually paying you.


Wow, nice. Why don't you wait until they actually miss their deadline before you start jumping down their throats about not getting an update? Last I checked, it was still Wednesday.


How bout when you set up a service where you're charging people $10/ month, the same amount as a Netflix subscription you have an actual time-frame when you upload so people don't have to constantly check. Or even easier, when someone asks for an ETA, you actually give them one...


The ones going up on YouTube were uploaded there already, too, they were just changed from unlisted to public. Last I checked it takes only a few seconds to do that, but uploading + processing a 25 minute video to YouTube and then linking it to a Patreon with all the post details like tags and which level of patron has access to it etc. can take hours depending on how fast their internet is and, y'know, how much free time they have between filming/editing/putting together all the OTHER content they make.


you are not buying a product. You are showing support.


It also takes 2 seconds to write, "Hey vids processing right now, will be up in a few hrs.". That's not what bothers me though. I don't care if it come up tomorrow or even later. I see comments from other people asking for an ETA or update, and they don't give response. I just subscribed to this thing, so I don't know how they typically run it, but that is unprofessional from my perspective.

3rd Eye Phreak

@Kev well unsubscribe now, because they WILL disappoint you many more times. This is a frequent thing. However, if you want to use your $10 to support them through their growing pains as a channel, and because they are 6!!! episodes ahead of youtube, then they would really appreciate it :)


You should have Navi and Chris moderate a livestream Q&A. That way they can get their thoughts out while the attention is still focused on you 4, who can concentrate on answering questions that we ask.


That's the thing, though. They shouldn't HAVE TO update you as long as they're sticking to the schedule. No point in asking for an ETA either. The ETA is today until further notice. And that's all you need to know. If you don't like that then unsubscribe. No one's stopping you. We're supporting the Normies with our money, not paying for a service. If you feel differently, again, leave...simple...




The 6 episodes ahead thing is bs, it's just holding out to garner more patreon money. If they really wanted to share their reactions, they should just release it once it's ready.


This isn't just a hobby for them, they want to build it to a business. It makes zero sense to release everything as soon as it's done. If you want to watch it for free then you can just wait for the Youtube uploads. Nobody has to subscribe. Patreon is more about supporting creators and not really a concrete contract IMO.

LadyVenom Way

Thanks for keeping us posted!


I guess you guys are making so much money on Patreon, you won't care about my measly $10, but I was totally planning on joining up to see the finally early, but with all the delays and broken promises, forget that.


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Lego The Office (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 19:28:59 I was hoping for this. I am glad that pretty much everyone who was reacting from the beginning of the series will be here at the end. I really hope Chris and Marketa host the Q&amp;A. I know you have used trusted Patrons to help moderate the Q&amp;As in the past, but since the House of Black &amp; White are Avatar Vets nothing spoilery about Korra which can potentially slip through that which would surprise them. (Also I think the idea of Chris and Marketa hosting is just cute, adore them.) Talking Avatar (Normies Edition). Since Navi will have finished it recently too it would be nice to see her get interviewed along with the Cozy 4. Yes Chris, I am giving you a new mission as Zuko of the Normies aka Spoiler Man. Your destiny is to protect the Normies from the spoilers &amp; restore balance to the reactions. :) Can we submit some questions in advance that they could pick to ask the Cozy 5? Maybe make it a Patron perk? Then go through the live stream questions? Just a thought. I'm so looking forward to this discussion!
2017-10-28 02:24:04 I was hoping for this. I am glad that pretty much everyone who was reacting from the beginning of the series will be here at the end. I really hope Chris and Marketa host the Q&A. I know you have used trusted Patrons to help moderate the Q&As in the past, but since the House of Black & White are Avatar Vets nothing spoilery about Korra which can potentially slip through that which would surprise them. (Also I think the idea of Chris and Marketa hosting is just cute, adore them.) Talking Avatar (Normies Edition). Since Navi will have finished it recently too it would be nice to see her get interviewed along with the Cozy 4. Yes Chris, I am giving you a new mission as Zuko of the Normies aka Spoiler Man. Your destiny is to protect the Normies from the spoilers & restore balance to the reactions. :) Can we submit some questions in advance that they could pick to ask the Cozy 5? Maybe make it a Patron perk? Then go through the live stream questions? Just a thought. I'm so looking forward to this discussion!

I was hoping for this. I am glad that pretty much everyone who was reacting from the beginning of the series will be here at the end. I really hope Chris and Marketa host the Q&A. I know you have used trusted Patrons to help moderate the Q&As in the past, but since the House of Black & White are Avatar Vets nothing spoilery about Korra which can potentially slip through that which would surprise them. (Also I think the idea of Chris and Marketa hosting is just cute, adore them.) Talking Avatar (Normies Edition). Since Navi will have finished it recently too it would be nice to see her get interviewed along with the Cozy 4. Yes Chris, I am giving you a new mission as Zuko of the Normies aka Spoiler Man. Your destiny is to protect the Normies from the spoilers & restore balance to the reactions. :) Can we submit some questions in advance that they could pick to ask the Cozy 5? Maybe make it a Patron perk? Then go through the live stream questions? Just a thought. I'm so looking forward to this discussion!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 19:28:59 Yizuz. Can't wait! The livestream Q&amp;A idea is amazing! Can't wait!!!!
2017-10-29 20:02:26 Yizuz. Can't wait! The livestream Q&A idea is amazing! Can't wait!!!!

Yizuz. Can't wait! The livestream Q&A idea is amazing! Can't wait!!!!