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Hi everyone! To clear up some confusion I wanted to make a quick update.

Defenders will not be uploaded today on Patreon. Got behind getting Trailer Tuesday together and prepping for twitching South Park tonight! Defenders S01E02 will be released tomorrow along with a skit!

Avatar will still be once a week on youTube and Patreon. We decided we will post all 4 parts of the finale to YouTube on the same day. So we are splitting the two parters this season still. Thanks for understanding!

- Suraj



So you guys aren't live streaming the finale?


Awww yiss. Mutha fukkin Normies.


will they not be all 4 episodes uploaded to patreon aswell? only youtube? on the same day? :(


So, no Avatar today?


cool! thanks for answering my question :)


I'm still a bit confused, could someone reword if for me?


So youtube posts on avatar are dated so by the time it reaches up to the 4 part finale all 4 parts would already be edited so suraj would post all 4 at the same time but patreons will get each part per week but we are getting it way b4 it goes on youtube anyhow cuz dey have only reached episode 9 or so on youtube whilst we have reached 16 through patreon. At least that is what i understand from the post


So does Patreon also get the entire finale in one day? Or just YouTube?

Rich Cassou

Please don’t break up the finale for patrons


Please for the love of god livestream the Avatar finale, I don't think I can survive waiting an entire week for each part


Everyone commenting about Avatar and I'm just continually reloa


-ding the page waiting for Expanse Tuesdays! Also cats love to jump on the keyboard and press enter at just the wrong times


You can split the 4 part finale into 2 two parts.


I hope you mean that you´re at least post 2 parts of the 4 part finale of Avatar in the same week, otherwise i´m not happy with that at all!!! I mean why does Youtube deserve all 4 parts at once?


Is there an ETA on Avatar for today? Thx in advance


It may end up being a little late since we're filming some episodes of Community today. It will be uploaded today though rest assured.


Are skits not happening for season 3 of Avatar? Did I miss an update on this?


So we will be able to see the finale here before the normal YouTube crowd right?

Adam is Magic

I hope you post all four parts back to back. I can’t wait to see you scream with excitement, gasp for shock, and cry for sadness and joy.

3rd Eye Phreak

No, you didn't miss an update. They're just not doing them... Maybe they're hoping patrons forgot about them lol... But I'm REALLY HOPING that they do at least one big skit, maybe for the youtube release of the finale. I think they are FAR from over for making avatar content.


C'mon guys you can't give us the Avatar finale in 4 parts. I guarantee you, you will watch all 4 episodes at once!

Oscar Giron

Are you guys gonna live stream the finale?

Keep It Zen

Make sure you watch all 4 Parts together please. Schedule the releases however you wish but they're meant to be watched like a 1hr 20min movie. Also, don't forget to react to the End Credits of the final episode. Plus the "Avatar Spirits" 30 min. Documentary on YouTube, a little further down the line, but before Korra. Please :)


It's best if you watch all 4 episodes of the finale together in one sitting because it was meant to be like a big movie. But its great for reactors since you can stop at the end of each episode and discuss and then keep watching! and like everyone else said, please react to the end credits music of the last episode :)


For the love of Talos PLEASE DO A LIVESTREAM. Its meant to be one long movie not multiple separate episodes. Do a discussion at the end of it all and watch them back to back please. For all our sakes.


Yeah thats fucked if thats honestly what is happening. Might be afraid theyll lose their patrons if they release it in one day on here. But once a week? Thatll drag out the pay to a whole other month. Not liking this at all if true. What even is the point of the 10 dollars then if theyre doing this?


Is there no new avatar today?

3rd Eye Phreak

I agree with this, and we'd also appreciate a full discussion after each part. We missed that with The Guru, so you owe us!!


well, it's officially thursday now in my country :(

Rich Cassou

I’m not above begging for a 4 part finale livestream please do this for your patrons, you will want to watch all 4 parts together I promise you.


so are we getting an episode today or nah?


I personally dont want a livestream. I just want them to watch the finale all at once, idc if we get it one week at a time as other mentioned, just concerned for theitlr enjoyment.


Is there going to be a avatar reaction today on YouTube or Patreon ? The day is almost over


no reaction?


it will be coming out late tonight, its being edited right now


Evan If theyre gonna watch it all at once anyway, why do you care if there is a livestream or not? Just dont watch it. And at least 7 others agree so i know im not alone.


Since its only the cozy 4 who is going to setup the live stream and maintain it? Last time it was Navi. I feel as though it was detract from the reaction if one person is constantly having to check their phone. Even if Navi joins, she also hasn't seen the episode so she couldn't do it.


I wouldn't mind a live stream so long as they don't actually read/keep up with the chat and leave it alone. I think that's fair right?

Keep It Zen

I don't want a livestream. Being live changes the the tone of the reaction (I feel like). Not only that but the video quality isn't always great, there's a chance of technical difficulties, someone might have to keep checking up on it..... Better to just release the Unedited Reactions first, the same day. Then all 4 edited ones a couple days later (wishful thinking.)

Keep It Zen

Look at The Siege of The North PT. 2, Zuko Alone, The Chase, The Desert, The Tales of Ba Sing Se, The Awakening, The Avatar and The Firelord, The Firebending Masters, The Boiling Rock PT. 2, and soon The Southern Raiders... Some of their absolute BEST reactions, None livestreamed.

Lego The Office

Did you guys react to the newest Justice League trailer? It looks good and I was pleasantly surprised that they haven't spoiled the movie yet! Hope to see a reaction soon!


You guys are smart to drag out Avatar like this. The longer it goes, the longer people have to be Patrons to see the content, the more $$$ you rake in. Just like HBO and GoT, once Avatar ends, you'll lose at least a few Patrons, and who needs that?