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Hello guys! Today we plan on releasing game of thrones reaction (last episode - sadness...) As well as Rick as Morty. Please bear with us as some of these might not be up today. Most of us have been overcome with sickness and needed sleep last night. In the meantime do let us know how you felt about the big moments in the finale!


Lego The Office

I hope you all feel better. It's totally understandable that the reaction would take longer, this is the finale and the longest episode we've ever had. It was so packed full of information that I watched it thinking that I did not envy Suraj having to edit it.

Lego The Office

I thought it was great, I loved all of it. I knew the Stark sisters would kill Littlefinger. It was nice to see them take down the man who ruined their family. But I was annoyed we didn't get to see the moment they came together. At first I suspected they knew from the moment Arya, Bran and Sansa all reunited and Bran gave the dagger, but then all the conflict between Sansa and Arya doesn't make sense unless they think Littlefinger was always spying on them. That seems like a bit of a reach so it had to be recently. Blah. It sucks not seeing their faces as Bran revealed some of the awful stuff Peterfinger has done. But it was great to see him exposed by Sansa, who has in many ways been his pupil.


Ive waited years for a song of ice and fire book, I know the real pain of the long night. I am a very patient person so I dont mind haha


Not for nothing, but Rick and Morty should take WAY less priority on Monday's than GOT.


Disappointed with how Sansa betrayed Peter. Disappointed with the incest between Danny and Jon. Disappointed that Jamie needed cersies pardon to finally be free. Still Disappointed that Jon bent the knee.

Burooj Ahanger

Did you want it so Sansa never has any character growth and always keeps getting tricked and fucked by others?


I wanted Peter to not die at the hands of the person who he keeps saving and loves. I don't really care about Sansa and her storyline, never did. Only the characters around her made it enjoyable, for example Ramsey, joffery and Peter


I have a question about the long term Avatar schedule? You've made a change to 1 time a week?

Jay M

No. From what I remember they said "Once a week on Youtube, but 2 on Patreon" but seeing as how everything's been going on, it seems to be once a week on Patreon as well /sadface/


The fact that he was so attached to Sansa was ultimately his downfall, he was so busy trying to teach her how to play people he didn't realize he was getting played himself. Sansa was Peters only blind spot, which is why the death was great.


I'm sorry but the lack of consistency on this patreon is frustrating especially compared to pages who consistently deliver their content on time without fail! It makes it difficult to support content creators who deliver no content


I don't like comparing to other channels, but since you brought it up. Name one other channel that released two episodes of a fan favourite series twice a weak for a whole season, and the perk for supporting them on Patreon is being FIVE to SIX episodes ahead of YouTube. Yeah, other channels may be more "consistent" with the posting schedule, but you only get an episode, MAYBE two as a perk for supporting. We are spoiled here to be a quarter of a season ahead of YouTube, yet we complain about "delivering no content". Are you serious? Yes, there have been set backs here and there over time due to technical difficulties and real life personal matter, but The Normies have been very open and apologetic about it, and did their best to get us more stuff as soon as they could. That's the best anyone can do in their situation. You said it yourself, you are supporting and we're not here to buy a product. And it's at a time like this when they need most of the support they could get. Especially for the guy who's working his ass off despite many things not going his way at his non-professional life. Any employer would give him the time off, but he decided to keep working through it and has delivered to us amazing edits on Game of Thrones and Avatar. Yet, that person gets backlash and many people seem to be ungrateful instead of appreciating his situation and thanking him for his hard work despite everything.


The Normies wouldn't. Their GOT reactions are the reason you're here right now.


lol. you put a lot of time into this letter. I'll name one the blind wave did the avatar series twice a week for all three season while simultaneously doing other shows for $5 i might add. it will be one thing if this was a once in a while thing but really it's been an every week thing. if it's too much maybe don't bite of more than you can chew. Also i don't think were spoiled we are spoiled, spoiled would be getting early access for free but it's not free no matter how you look at it.


also don't get me wrong. i love the normies i think they are a great group of personalities which is why their reactions are enjoyable to watch. i'm just voicing my frustrations which i believe is the reason a comment section exists. so they get feedback and improve their page thats all😁. if your mad at that well i'm.........not sorry!


I follow a couple other reactors. One of them works full time and still follows their two episodes a week schedule. And it's completely free, no Patreon or anything. I know it's different for everyone but I just wanted to show how odd your argument is.