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Hey guys,
So sorry but yesterday's update was misleading. We have a skit for Defenders and it wasn't properly edited, so Defenders first episode will be postponed till Tuesday but we released Narcos yesterday instead. Hope that we could have Narcos season 2 released every day until the new season is premiered. Again so sorry about Defenders. That was my fault




Quick question. When do you think the next One Punch Man will be ready?


Dammmn that sucks but the skits are always worth the wait. Episode 3 will be a great episode to react to.


Suraj here. The normies are outside watching OPM right now 1x6 and 1x7. So I'm positive you will have 1 this week. Defenders will be MUCH worth the wait I promise you guys!


Hi Suraj hope you're feeling better now! :)