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Hellooooooo my normies!!

I hope you enjoyed our collab reaction with Imon and Sean yesterday! We had a blast and a fun weekend with everyone. And the episode was freaking amazing, even though it left some of us scarred for life (couch, couch, Hannah, cough, Marketa).

Today Micky is working on Viking and hopefully will have them up here for you by the end of the day. Additionally, Nahid is working on his DBS but I am not sure if we will be able to finish that before the end of the day. Lets hope for the best and hope you don't mind if we deliver on DBS tomorrow if things go wrong!



LadyVenom Way

Loved the reaction with imon and Sean, nice one guys! Thanks for the update Fooking Normies! reeeee



Rich Cassou

No update today?


Water. Earth. Fir. Air.


Some of y'all need to chill


Some of the people on here need to chill the hell out. I mean come on man i love avatar too but you people freak out everytime any little thing happens. Now they told you all and everyone else on here LAST WEEK that that suraj is going through some serious family shit right now. But even with that he still put out the episode for last week the day after putting out that update. But i get it. You all expect him to just say fuck his family shit whatever it is and get back to editing so you can get what you want. Shut up snd gain some damn patience. If we get the episode. Yay. If not shut up and wait till next week. They did an hour long stream of the day of black sun. If you chose not to watch it thats your damn choice but they are more than allowed to say that that meets their promise of avatar for the week. And i know there are some idiots out there who are gonna say something like "oh so he can show up for the reaction but not edit and post the episode" stfu. It takes maybe an hour to film the reaction to two episodes (an hour and 20 actual for the full live stream; cause, the discussion). IT TAKES HOURS UPON HOURS TO EDIT ONE FUCKING EPISODE REACTION. not to mention the time it takes to render. So sit the hell down. If they didn't mention in that update its probably because they already talked about it and you missed it. And if you dont like that there is no edited reaction evrn though there is a full damn stream of 2 episodes...leave. Simple. Stop moaning and whining and threatening...and just leave. Its that simple. And for the people who say they always make excuses.. You try running a youtube channel. Then talk. Honestly dont even know why im bothering. You ungrateful idiots will continue being ungrateful idiots and honestly im just wasting my breath trying to explain reason to dumbasses. Honestly. Stop complaining. And whining. And bitching. And pising. And moaning... And just....leave. Simple as that


Oh one last thing. For anyone whining because "they promised two episodes this week".... Let me show you something. Its the exact text that suraj himself put under the last episode of avatar uploaded, The Avatar and The Firelord. It reads: "Sometimes when you're going through something you can focus on work to take your mind off it. Hope you enjoy this episode and will do my best to bring you two next week." Those words confusing? "Will do my best"? Let me put it a different way for you. It means " i will try". It is not a promise. Nor a guarantee. Nor a binding contract since you people seem to think it is. And there has not been a update about avatar since this except for the livesteam and they dont mention promising episodes anywhere on there. So no he did not promise you 2 episodes in the lasg update. Sit down and wait. Or leave. Choices


Ok taylor. 1. Nobody said avatar fans specifically need to chill because all avatar fans arent freaking out. 2. I definitely didnt say that cause im an avatar fan (personal favorite episode is either the crossroads of destiny or sozin's comet. All of them)


Finally. What you just said is basically an outright lie. Well. I wont disrespect snd call you a liar but you're incorrect. Because for the ladt month and a half i think they have updated every single time anything happens every single week. In fact they started doing it because of the last time people complained they didnt update.


They missed one update. Which as i said, they may hsve mentioned it somewhere and im just missing it but idk. But no you (not you specifically but you said we so i reply with you) are not entitled to make it seem like this is something they do all the time when they only missed one update. You're making their lives harder than they need to be and if you keep it up dont be surprised if they just stop doing youtube all together or even just stop doing the avatar universe when tla ends so no korra because all that would bring is more of this. Im just saying. Everyone needs to relax and learn to be patient


Khali, be more like Iroh and don't let it bother you


I'm more peeved by the countless "goals" that stated they'd hire at least one person to help with editing their content and after 10,000$, they still put the full burden on Suraj. Why even have the goals when you won't commit to them? So above all, that's really all I'm peeved about. Those fake goals. I mean, I've seen goals never being met but damn, they usually help the Patreon, not make it worse!

Manny D.

They're not getting 10k though. Each month so many people back out of being their Patreon that the amount of money drops during the pay cycle by 1.5-2k$. And then after pay cycle is over those people jump back on again.


I get what you’re saying Khalil, but I don’t agree completely. You simply cannot tell people who are paying $10 for a service and not getting it on time to sit down and wait. As content creators receiving money for said content, they at least have to update. Consistently. Otherwise people will leave, which in the end only hurts them.


I know but worst case scenario, 5,000$ and at that tier they still mention hiring people to help with editing the content.


Y'all got one of them avatar reaction vids? *scratches neck* 😂

Jake Rush

I'm not complaining about the lack of Avatar, I would like to point out that I expected an update on the progress of avatar in the update post.


Youre telling everyone to chill the hell out and be patient, meanwhile you go on a rage spree writing paragraph after paragraph complaining about complainers.

Noah Hoorn

Khalil, I'm perfectly fine with waiting and am not upset at the normies at all. However, I think if you review the comments in this thread it is pretty obvious that you are the one that needs to chill, you're being extremely hypocritical. You went off on this long angry rant because.......... someone posted a one word comment saying "Avatar?" And someone else asked, "no update?" Is there any other comment that made you freak the fuck out? Or just those two? Cuz I don't get it.


"Finally. What you just said is basically an outright lie. Well. I wont disrespect snd call you a liar but you're incorrect." What a brave keyboard warrior.


But once people "jump back on" they get billed for it right away, same as an upgrade.


Noah i dont mind those two. They literally dod nothing wrong. They just asked questions. If you go to the thread of the GOT video (which by the way had nothing to do with avatar. Just saying) theres people talking about how "they promised 2 episodes and no update" not what pissed me off. Theres one guy talking shit like they make up all these random lame excuses for everything all the time ans that's just what they do. That kinda pissed me off..but i digress. Happens everytime anything happens then soon as they say anything they're the same peoplr kissing ass but whatever. What set me off most was the guy saying it was his last week as a patron cause they missed an update on avatar, like itd happened so much in a row and they didnt try to fix it. And this is just the straw that broke him.


I will admit i did freak the hell out. Thats on me. Im sorry. But this literally happens anytime anything even minor happens. Everytime you have all these people talking about how the normies are so bad and they do this all thr time and they're leaving. Then as soon as they say something they're kissing ass talking about how they dony need to feel like they need to stress over this all the time...when just the say before they were the same person saying "here comes some lame excuse for why they're late this time like always" or some other shit, like they cant see it


But yes. I did freak out. I shouldn't have done that. I got pisssed and lashed out. Conor is right. I need to learn to be more like iroh


John...really. Please shut the hell up. Im trying to be calm. Take your bitchness somewhere else. I talk how i talk because i have basic respect for everyone, even when im pissed off. I understand if you dont understand basic things though.. Sorry if i offended your little heart


I agree soren. But you have to understand you're not paying 10 to get avatar. Your paying 10 to help the normies. Now. I'll say that the main reason i became a patron is to see avatar reactions. I love avatar with a damn burning passion. And it does upset me when they're late. But maybe i just have a little more understanding. The normies is a large group of people. It takes a lot of planning to get them all together to even record. Each shows editing is handled by a different person, which suraj is responsible for avatar. Now suraj is going through some family shit. I dont know what. But i know how it can feel. So i am a bit more patient with him since i know it can be hard to focus on stuff when you have so much shit on your mind and your heart. More over. Like i said the normies is a large group of people. And every single one, i believe, has a job outside of YouTube, because they dong make enough to only do this. Maybe im just a bit more patient cause o know how much time i spend at my job. Literally i have no time to do almosy anything cause im either at school or at work. So i understand where youre coming from. All im saying is yelling about how we're all gonma leave isnt gonna do anythjng but stress them out and lead to them all hating doing youtube like suraj is beginning to hate editing avatar. Do we really want that? I don't think we do. So why not all just sit patiently and wait? Or better yet, if we are going to continue with this, can we stop yelling hateful stuff about how they always mess up and how were just gonna leave and just calmly ask "hey. You guyd didnt mention avatar. Can you give us a little status update on if there will be an episode this week or something "? Thats all im asking


Should probably clarify. Avatar isnt all i watch now. But it is why i became a patron. Just saying. Don't know why i felt i needed to but there you go


Lord commander. I did go on a rage spree. Thus why i apologized for it. Doesnt make what i said untrue. Im just apologizing for freaking out like that. I got pissed. Thats on me though. Doesnt make what i said wrong. Just how i went about saying it. Could have been handled better. But youre right. I was angry. Doesnt make it right but at least i admit I was in the wrong for raging


That first shit was waaay longer than i intended it to be 😂 like damn. Looks like im on a rant again. I understand if you don't read that shit


I gotta complain about the no update as well. I'm wondering if they thought having a stream would allow them to put off atla this week

3rd Eye Phreak

Northern Bro, if that's the case, that's complete Bullshit. They weren't even planning on doing it, it was supposed to be Defenders. A livestream should just be extra, Suraj already said he was going to do 2 regular episodes this week.


Patrons are only getting billed at the end of the month. NOT when they sign on. Something we might change in the future. This is how plenty of folks have been getting away with watching for FREE and cancelling their subscription before the end of the month.