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And y'all know what that means! Everybody is busting their butts to upload last night's reaction up as quickly as we can. The reaction will be uploaded on youtube some time today. We will also be uploading Rick and Morty today. 

What did you guys think about the live discussion? Should we do another one next Sunday? Let us know what you thought about this little experiment :)

P.S. Who remembers Drogon looking like a little chickie alongside his chickie siblings? They are too cute! Could not repost!




yess do another one next week their fun to watch <3


I enjoyed the live discussion but it needs to be a Patreon only perk (stream via Patreon) as this prevents idiots from spoiling stuff like they did last night and also having more Patreon perk is always good.


I had mixed feelings about this live discussion. I have always suggested that you do something like that, and I did my best to watch the episode live so I don't miss it. However, it was kind of a shitshow to be honest. 1.3k people posting at the same time was very hectic. The mods were doing the work of the lord of light out there. That chat was dark and full of spoilers. So many creeping on the girls, being offensive to some Normies, spamming links about supporting their causes, and many other random stuff. And for those of us who actually tried to discuss the episode, our messages were just lost in the chaos. Except, this time the chaos was just a pit of trolls and such. So Normies fans did not get to interact with one another as they normally do and have "their own thing" as you guys and girls discuss your stuff, and you barely got to interact with your fans. The only postie was you getting supported here and there (which is something I'll always encourage), but it was honestly just the same Patreons that support you donating while others talking about Rana's feet or the "delayed" Avatar. I really hope this happens again in the future, but it should be a $5/$10 Patreon perk in my opinion. Live streams, hangouts, and viewings go much more smoother, and we as fans enjoy it much more even when you're busy, and we're talking to one another. Once again, I would like to thank the chat mods for the work they put in yesterday. It was too much and I could tell that they were tired at the end, but it did make the experience better for the rest of us, and I know we're all here to support and help The Normies. So thank you very much mods and Normies!


I hear your points guys. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Maybe we underestimated the darkness of internet, but the reason why we did live discussion was to retain new subs on youtube. We will revisit this this week so more opinions on the subject are greatly appreciated! We don't even know .01% of what had been said but our mods definitely deserve the highest praise. Thank you so much for doing what you do guys.

Cinthia Fernandez

My honest opinion is that I'd prefer your usual discussion videos. I love watching you guys talk and the chat seemed a little too chaotic. I'd rather have a video where the quality is higher in terms of visual and audio. Either way I will faithfully watch your discussions! Love you all!

Manny D.

Can you shut off the chat during a youtube live stream? That way you could still do something live that includes YT subs without having the chaos that was that chat. Just a thought :D


That's a fanstastig idea, Amanda! Open up a live stream for everyone to see and to potentially bring in new subscribers, but have a separate live chat link for Patreons only where they can interact with The Normies and participate in Q and A. It would also give people more incentive to join Patreon because they could participate then if they wanted to, and still get inrodocued to the other perks. Maybe start a speraptw Twitter/Facebook hashtag that one Normies could sort through and pick out a couple of interesting questions that were not covered?


I love these ideas. Perhaps something in the Discord? Reading questions off Twitter also seems smart to do. Thanks for the suggestions everyone we will make the next one a much more pleasant experience for all involved.

Xavier Clark

Hey can you guys put up the uncut versions of your reactions for the game of thrones reactions I don't care how much I have to support I want to see you guys fully react to the whole episodes for game of thrones???


We have the first four uploaded in our vault here. Will be uploading the fifth some time this week. - Suraj


I definitely second what most said on here. It was fun to watch and get that immediate GOT discussion fix but the chat was super distracting. Big props to your mods because they were working hard. I was able to look away enough to not catch many spoilers but there were a few. It is one thing to theorize about future episodes but people were flat out saying what about blah blah blah "like in the book" which sucked. Even more annoying was the hateful things people were writing. Trolls are every where so it is to be expected but still seeing some of that stuff just makes me flat out angry and uncomfortable. I ended up not chatting at all and just focused on the group. A Patreon only live chat would be great and I think lead to a real discussion but at the same time Youtube is great for you guys to get more exposure. I don't really have any suggestions but just wanted to share what I thought and say THANKS NORMIES AND GOOD JOB MODERATORS.

LadyVenom Way

Yes and then maybe take questions from patreon at the end! Great idea!