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Come join the crew this Sunday night at 10:10 pm EST for a Live Game Of Thrones Discussion!!! The link is below and it will be posted again couple hours before we go live. 


GAME OF THRONES S07E05 Live Discussion

We will do our discussion after the Game of Thrones episode live. This discussion will be edited and uploaded later on Youtube along with the reaction like every week. This will be our first time doing live discussion after the episode, so bear with us as we work out the kinks together :)


Joe Mags

I hope they air some of those CHAOS scenes in the new episode. Littlefinger got shook the fuq up last time


Yo I'm hype


Damn. That's right about when I start watching the show. Oh well. I'll catch the VOD.


Go live for the show??


No Fam we going live after the show to do a live Discussion!! We bringing Talkin Thrones back!! - Nahid

LadyVenom Way

AGH!! We dont see it here till Monday!!! GUTTED.. Idk how to watch it in time to make the discussion! Hashtag Talking Thrones FTW

Lauren S.

Get someone to stream it for you


I hear you, Lady V! I always loved the idea of being able to live discuss Game of Thrones with The Normies, but I unfortunately don't get to see the episode usually until later Sunday night or Monday evening. I've always wanted something like this, and it would suck and be very tempting not to click on it before watching the episode. Hopefully the find the time to live stream and do a post season wrap up/overall season discussion and we could talk about it all in general and discuss potential stuff/prediction for the last season.


I am way too excited for this! 🤗