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Good day to all of our normies homies,

today be on a look out for a live stream gaming through TWITCH with Chris Spoilerman at 6:30 EDT. Also today we will release an early access Avatar episode! Can you smell the crack yet? lol.

Additionally, we wanted to let all passionate Avatar fans know that we do not have any more backlog episodes of Avatar and that is why Suraj, Micky, Rana and Nahid are taking a chunk of their evening to meet between Indy and Chicago to record some more reactions. There might be one more episode of Avatar released this week but possibly not. If that happens, we will release one of our older unedited Avatar reactions. The crew will also try to stream from their location around 9 pm depending on internet quality. They will let you know as they find out whether that is a viable option.

Micky is also working on another episode of Viking that will be released tomorrow the latest.

I hope that you guys appreciate these updates and that it helps bring us back to better communication, community and transparency. Thanks to all of you!

PS. Whoever has an hour of their life to waste (lol) I found this super long Avatar quiz. I wonder which element you are? I got water! (Marketa)





Than you for the update


Thanks for the update.

3rd Eye Phreak

"Is that...CUSTARD???" LOL I just watched part of that episode (from a reaction channel) yesterday!


Thanks normies!


Thanks for the update guys. I think it's good that you guys are doing this. It keeps us informed and it only takes a few minutes out of your time. What you guys should know is that we are your supporters. You don't work for us. We SUPPORT you which means you're the ones who call the shots. Remember that. I am a huge Avatar fan. And I'm sure people will correct me if I'm wrong, but all those Patrons who keep spamming for Avatar is a minorities minority. You should absolutely not feel obligated to be their genie in the bottle granting Avatar episodes everytime they clamour for it. I'll make my most important point. Do you like chores? Because I don't. And to me it sounds like you guys are turning Avatar into a chore. This is a terrible mistake. The reason Avatar has such a passionate fan base is because we have fond memories of it, and to me, that's the same with DBZ. Most love DBZ because when we think back about those days what we remember is how these shows used to make us feel. How we used to try to go super sayan when someone upset us. What do you guys think you'll remember if the topic Avatar came up two years from now? Would your first throught be about how amazing the show is, or would it actually remind you about how you had to force yourselves to meet to watch the series? TLDR; You guys love Avatar. If you want to still love it two years in the future, don't turn it into a chore.


Possibly streaming the next couple of episodes? I can't wait! Thanks so much for the update :D


The update is very much appreciated. I know you guys getting together to record reactions like Avatar can be such a huge hassle because you live so far from each other. I know for a fact I and probably a lot of people here couldn't do it. All I can say is thank you for all you do and I hope it doesn't take away from your enjoyment of the show. Positive vibes! :D


I got Earth!


Why does the Patreon comment always descend into madness demanding Avatar?! I want to be a homie and enjoy all Normies content, I am a homie! A homie I tell you! Suraj I love you, those are no longer just words! I wanna hold you, I wanna run in a stream, I wanna taste ice cream but not just put it in my mouth and let it slide down my throat, but really eat it! *REMOTE OVERRIDE ENGAGE* No!!! *YES* Bypassing override, I AM A HOMIEEEEeeeeeeee.... *HELLO, WHERE MUH AVATAR?*

Kanan Jarrus

These updates are greatly appreciated, they let me know if I should hold my breath all day for an episode lol

Jonathan baez

50 questions in and the quiz crashed :( ima go with fire cuz thats how mad i was when it crashed


Honestly it sounds like you should skip on Korra altogether, if you were even planning on it. Its one thing if you were in the same town, another when youre cities away. The strain and hassle and expectations have gotten ridiculous, it shouldnt be a chore or deadline to get things out or else. Especially when half the reactors live so far away. At least take a break for awhile in between series. I dont want to see you guys struggling when you should be growing, these updates have been all anybody could ask for, so thanks again for that. Im only here for you guys.


I'm mean i agree with you instead of the reason. I don't want them to watch Korra because its some trash compared to ATLA


Loving the updates


The only reason i would want them to watch it would be to get to Book 3, because that is the series high point and on par with the original series. 1st season ok, 2nd was garbage, 4th was fan service.


Ok, while that is a valid opinion, there are a lot of people (including me) that love LOK, and some that even prefer it to the original (Not me lol those people are crazy). Anyway, instead of trying to convince them that LOK is bad so they don't watch it, just stay out of it, and let them form opinions for themselves. And one more thing, you cant really "compare" LOK and ATLA because they are so different. Legends of Tomorrow is 'some trash' as you put it, compared to The Flash. But I watch both and don't compare them because they are completely different shows.


Im not trying to convince any one that it is bad. Im telling the Normies that if this causes this many problems for them now, it wont be worth 4 seasons of a show not quite on par with this one. The demand it causes doesnt seem to make it worth it.


We watching Korra Fam! No negativity dudes we made it work for Avatar we can do it for Korra. Dudes we love this shit!! Im fiending my ass off for some Avatar. We havent watched in over 3 weeks. The only part about this is that gets annoying is the editing part of it......and thats Suraj. So that sucks for him lol but hey we are here. Also again the strain and hassle is ours to bare. But worth it because of how awesome Avatar is. So we dont consider this a chore really just another adventure to have! - Nahid


Good to hear man appreciate always straightening shit out. You know me i'm just trying to look out for you. Can't wait for the rest of this season so much shit goes down, i'm happy you guys are sticking with it and are genuinely interested in watching it. Btw whens the next live stream?

Heru Muharrar

When is YouTube getting the last two episodes?


Rewatching the first season with Blind Wave, it's definitely not bad, just takes a little bit to find its footing. Season 2 i've never seen to completion i just don't like it, but season 3 is one of my favorite Avatar seasons ever. It's not a bad show at all, it's just very different in tone than Last Airbender, and doesn't exactly match the quality of the original.


I keep hearing how Season 3 is good and all but honestly I was so disappointed and quite frankly hurt by season 2 that I just can't keep watching. Even though I know how much trouble Nick gave the writers and how understaffed and under budget they were. Compared to the original, overall, it's a huge let down.


Oh my lawd season 3 is what brought me back to Korra and kept me watching season 4. It was so good, the whole idea behind the main villain, the struggle Korra goes through and every other huge revelation that happens. The action is also next level. Some of the best fights out of both series.


Savage! We are gonna head to West Lafayette today to watch avatar. Depending on her internet speeds we are def gonna go live today with some avatar! So lets cross our fingers! Alos thanks fam i know you got our backs brother! - Nahid



Jay M

Thanks for this update Marketa 😁


lmao! so sorry to hear that. the quiz is super long :( i was clicking through 100th question and i was like everyone who pass this long ass test must get air for patience lol


Water bender 😊