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Avatar: The Last Airbender - 2x20 The Crossroads of Destiny - Group Reaction

Hey ya'll! Back with an episode of Avatar the Last Airbender. Thanks for your patience! At last here is our group reaction to the finale episode of Book 2! Enjoy Avatar The Last Airbender 2x20 The Crossroads of Destiny! Book 2 finale hype! Pre Book 3 Hype! Shameless plug is shameless: Check out our new T-shirt! Grab yours today! https://teespring.com/the-iron-couch Early, Exclusive and Uncut Full Reactions on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies reddit.com/r/thenormies



A minute in, and I already laughed twice. Suraj's editing is not only perfect, but also adds a lot of great moments to any reaction such as "in-sane -saily" and Nahi'd quick thought cloud. It just shows you how hard he works on those and his great attention to detail that brings us comedic moments from little shots or quick word blunders that we may miss. I guess the whole point of my dick sucking here is to say how much I (and a lot of us) appreciate the work he and the other editors are doing, and I hope that other fans understand that videos like these take hours and hours of sometimes tedious work, and Suraj is not lazy when he takes his time. He is just kind of a perfectionist who would rather take the time than give us a half assed end product to enjoy. Sometimes "deadlines" have to suffer a little to get this quality work despite all the work load, espeically when it comes to someone who tries to be perfect with their work. See: Geroge RR. Martain.

Jonathan baez

That is why i dont get people being impatient it's definitely worth the wait

Shane King

Watched the stream but was back for this. Need me some S3 now hehe. But seriously cant wait for you guys to see whats coming its amazing guys


There should be like an alternate universe comic of Avatar where Zuko is the avatar and its the Earth Kingdom that is invading the other nations.


Suraj! nice work men with the editing, i love the little details you put in your editing.!!!!!!!!!


Suraj's editing is on point as usual👌 You guys are the best, can't wait for book 3


Great job Suraj!


Wooo hooo!! thanks :D


When you guys were taking about Toph and if she'd opened her chi she could bend the other elements, only the avatar can bend all of the elements. Opening your chi just makes you more woke and stronger in your certain element.

Jill S.

"Yeah, Zuko!" Three seconds later. "Fuck you, Zuko!"

Jill S.

Also, great job editing, Suraj! I knew this would be a tough one.


Is it only going to be the cozy 4 for book 3? Or will Navi and others join in?


plz just 4, they have been the perfect group


Thanks for posting, needed something to cheer me up after hearing about Chester❤


I am heartbroken as well. Rest in Peace Chester Bennington.


Here comes Season 3 boy!!!!! 💯💯💯👊👊👊

Rich Cassou

Will we see book 3 this week or next?


this week, episode 19 was suppose to be out last week so 2x20 and 3x1 are the two for this week. they also did say they still plan on 3x1 this week despite the delay.


Disappointing Zuko is disappointing


Azula always lies. Azula always lies. Azula always lies.


Was waiting for this episode especially XD One of the best season finales I've ever watched (also, called the 7-episode stretch).


Thank you Suraj !


This was well worth the wait. Freaking awesomeness!


The payoff for everything that happened in this episode makes for the most emotional and satisfying conclusion ever. But Imagine being 11 years old seeing this episode for the first time and it not airing again for 8 months. It was torture.


"What part were you most disappointed happened?" *everybody starts yelling at once* lmao

Taylor Smithpeters

i thought aang DID actually die and the spirit water revived him. maybe i'm wrong idk. this is not a kids show


No you're right. It is implied heavily that he legit died. When Katara used the spirit water, the avatar state quickly kicked in to revive him.


I loved this episode but it's a bittersweet moment knowing that it'll only be one episode per week from now on.


If I remember correctly that is only for the YouTube release patreon is continuing with 2 per week. Could be wrong tho.

Jonathan baez

I like how mikey was in denial about zuko lol


I hope Margi and Navi can make it for some Book 3 reactions. That would be great.

Lego The Office

Suraj, your editing game is on point! Loved the thought cloud of Nahid and Azula! My favorite bits were Rana freaking out over Zuko. I adore how she went from shipping Zutara one minute to cursing Zuko after he went after Aang. And Mickey and Navi trying to find a way to justify Zuko's actions by saying he was faking his betrayal, like he had suddenly turned into some sort of Machiavellian genius like Azula, I think a lot of Zuko fans were also in denial when this happened. I was upset too, all I could think about was that desperate look on his face when he attacked Aang. Yay Navi is joining for Book 3! I hope the entire Normies Gaang reunites for the Book 3 finale. I know Chris and Marketa have seen it already, but I would love to hear their discussions/insight after they finish Book 3.


What's the time frame for book 3. I keep hoping it's out every time I come to check.

Jonathan baez

I need me some more a... aaa.. ATLANTA!

Jay M

SEASON 3 HYPE!!! I wish they'd just skip the first 3 episodes of S3, since they're honestly the worst part of the entire season for me, as everything else afterwards was just 10/10. BUT, they're sort of integral to the whole story and I'm sure they've reacted to them already, so... oh well


I dunno what you're talking about. The first episode has major development for Aang as well as world building. The explanation given was integral in showcasing what has happened in the world, and gave me goosebumps!


So are we expecting season 3 soon or are we waiting until next week.

Jay M

Was planned on Wednesday, but we might get it next week at the earliest


Suraj just tell us what's up dude. Did you exhaust yourself working on the South Africa Documentary and needed a lot of time to recover or something? Everything was postponed a week and I still don't understand exactly why.


At 6:13, if you listen closely, you can hear Nahid's heart shatter from the disappointment.


I've been getting hype for book 3 and been waiting non stop for it. If you don't have the time we will understand just tell us and we won't get our hopes up


Your getting your panties in a twist a bit early. Pretty sure earliest is this coming wednesday.

Jonathan baez

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein


Guys, I get that you're busy and that you have serious growing pains but you're charging us money regardless. You should be more active in posting updates, its not so much about you pumping out videos but more about feeling like we're informed. A quick update goes a really long way, and it doesn't take you long. If videos are late its only fair we know why.


Exactly. I feel like we should atleast be informed. We don't care if you guys can't post anything just as long as we're not in the dark.


Yeah, I think this will be my last month as a patron. The YouTube videos will come out slower, but they're a lot more reliable and there aren't any communication issues. It doesn't make sense to pay $10 a month and have no idea what you're getting and when.


Yo, like... I kept seeing people comment saying hurry up and complaining and I was like Oh stfu but for realsies. Dunno if I can justify spending 10 quid and there is a super long delay, I only pay for the avatar stuff :p


Its year 2037....the normies are still charging more for patreon content than any other channel while simultaneously lying about content releases.


Same. $10 every month is not cheap. We're paying for content we're not getting. If it's like this, then it'll be many months before we get to the end of book 3. I'm new so i don't know if this absence from them is common or not. I'm worried that they ran into some copyright problems or something. There was a problem with episode 19 with this Viacom thing. That would disrupt their youtube schedule so maybe they're holding out on releasing more until they resolve that issue. It's easy to redirect the patreons to a Vimeo link, but I understand how they can't just do that for the youtube audience.

Jonathan baez

Jesus lol what is it about avatar that brings this out of people


Maybe if you bothered to read the comments clearly explaining the problem you'd understand


Yeah I'm done too. it's been real norms but blind wave charged 5 for early access and were aways on schedule This is just a flat out scam no updates and and no info. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Asadullah Khan

I want more avatar reactions as much as the next fan here but I see no reason to start getting angry if the Normies are late. We're here because we like them, their reactions, their discussions etc, and willingly support them here on Patreon, so if they are late, what's the issue. Life happens, things don't go according to the schedule. A little patience goes a long way. Take your time Normies, don't stress yourselves out.




lol yeah the whole point was for us to be around 6 episodes AHEAD of the youtube releases

3rd Eye Phreak

You said you'd try to stay 6 episodes ahead on Patreon, now you're only 3. We're all pretty understanding, but you have to keep us updated guys...

Jonathan baez

I hope they read your comment because i think thats how most of us feel


and soon to be only 1 episode ahead. Tried my best to not complain about the inconsistency but it's getting a tad ridiculous at this point.


Its been 5 days theres no way a single episode takes 5 days to edit and upload, its either that Avatar isnt given any sort of priority, or that theres another reason that we arent being told which i just dont understand. you said it takes 4-6 hours to do one so how can 5 days pass.... I really dont understand why you wait for people to flood with angry comments before you speak rather than just communicate to begin with.


I think something happened outside of youtube lyfe, cuz i just checked twitter and they hadnt posted anything in days. Its the only explanation. Im sure all this negativity is getting to them by now in some way, but i cant see him straight up ignoring everyone and deciding not to upload it just cuz. If they dont say anything today/tomorrow then some shit definitrly happened. Like it or not we'll just have to wait and see.


something probably happened with them personally. lets hold up on the demanding and angry messages, they've mostly likely gotten the point by now, lets just see whats going on with them before we continue


Something definitely had happened cuz no GOT reactions either i hope they are ok

Jonathan baez

They were on snapchat and chris streamed yesterday nothing out of the ordinary. They were also doing skits


Glad that I spend 10 dollars a month for the purpose of only watching Avatar, and then get no Avatar.


there were two episodes last week though right?

Asadullah Khan

Game of Thrones reaction is out. YAY!