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Hey guys so The Flash is over and we have been trying to figure out what is the next show to watch.  I wanted pick our own new show to watch but there are soo many options at the end of it I feel its better for you amazing people to decide.  Im gonna list 3 that Ive narrowed it down too.  All three of them are my all time favorites.  Luckily Rana has not seen anyone of em.  Except for Buffy but she said she only saw a few episodes of that. Tuesday at 12PM Central time is when the Poll will stop.  



Breaking Bad would be amazing but dont people have copyright problems with it?


VOTE LOST. Suraj can guest star finales


As big as a Buffy fan a I am. I actually want the Indy crew to watch it (as they never seen it) while you and Rana have (so its not as fun). I think Chi Normies should go for LOST, while the Indy crew should do Buffy. Don't do Breaking Bad though as channels are being copyright strike'd over it.


Wow that's difficult, but being a big fan of Breaking Bad, I gotta go for it


Breaking Bad Breaking Bad


Yeah. I would have voted BB but Sony Pictures really goes after YouTubers.

Heru Muharrar

If BB has copyright problems don't even risk it man. Also I'd need Suraj for a Lost show. Whichever you guys pick I'll probably watch anyway so it's all good. Except Buffy.

rickie woodson

picked buffy. not interested in the other two at all so of course they would be winning out. yall have fun. i wont be watching


breaking bad as too many copyright issues, watching it will be risky

3rd Eye Phreak

BB is the obvious winner, but don't do it because of copyright issues.


Changed to Buffy because everyone is saying BB has copyright issues. If that's true, don't even consider it. It's too big of a risk.


Voted for Breaking Bad, but if it has copyright issues I'dd go for Lost as 2nd vote.


LOST for sure!


Danggg you seem to me like the type of person who doesn't like something just because other people do. Breaking Bad is a very well crafted show and I think as long as your mature enough for the content you can enjoy it. Sorry if this seemed angry, but you really should give breaking bad a chance it is a good show.


Would have voted for Buffy, but Nahid's already seen it (and is clearly a huge fan), so the reactions would be less genuine.


Why pick shows you already watched? Kind of negates the purpose of a reaction doesn't it?

Kelly Parks

Lost is a giant scam. There should be a Congressional investigation into Lost. Do not watch Lost.


Lost lost lost


I vote FMA:B. Everything else is irrelevant.


Breaking Bad would be incredible, but if copyright is a problem, I have to go with Buffy. It's a long show though.

Jonathan baez

Never knew buffy had so many fans lol no one i know has ever watched it

Alisha Brayboy

Are you kidding Jonathan!! Buffy is a classic. I was nine when I first discovered Amazon and I begged my parents to buy me a season of Buffy on DVD. They didn't watch it so they accidentally got the 4th season but man did I watch that all the time!! Buffy the Vampire slayer is a classic and one of the reasons I hate Twilight is because it ruined vampires for the general public. Now people are put off from watch this show because they think it will be like Twilight and it deserves so much better than that!!!!


Breaking Bad is so good! so farr.. im on season 3 sTILL !!

Jay M

Breaking Bad for sure! One of the best shows on Earth 😂😁


Oh this is so exciting 😸- Rana