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Hello everyone, 

So one of your Patreon perk is to invite you to watch a show with us live. We will go live on  Friday 5/19 at 6:00 pm EST but we are not sure what show/movie to watch, so you guys decide.  Whatever option has the most votes by Thursday will win :)

So get moving!



American Gods YES!!!


Magic Conch - "neither"

Randy Neal

I voted American Gods but this will probably be to early for me to join you guys. I'll be getting off of work and won't make it home in time. :(


For Black Mirror, can we have the option to vote on which episode since they're stand alone stories? I'd love to watch White Christmas or White Bear with The Normies, but I don't want to vote "Black Mirror" blindly since all the other options on the list seem very intriguing.


I don't see Ballers up there, something wrong

Manny D.

Oooh American Gods, I've been hearing great things about that. Can't wait to check it out


I vote ballers

LadyVenom Way

ugh it better be black mirror 😣

Marlene Beltran

Should watch "The Last Airbender" movie 😂 I wouldn't put anybody through that.. my vote is in!

Joe Mags

Hope so... although American Gods sounds good, I haven't seen it.


AMERICAN GODS. I also highly recommend the book. It's like they are doing a literal direct adaptation of it, some scenes are exactly like they are described in the book. The opening 10 minutes will catch anyone i guarantee it.


Soo glad I haven't seen any of these 👌🏼


Voted American Gods cause its new and different.


Man, why can't the Expanse get any love?

rickie woodson

american gods all the way! first two episodes so it plays like a movie. the second episode to me is so much better than the first and lives up to the greatness of the novel


CONGRATS ON 5K. Wow you guys really have come far


Didn't you say, you would watch the last airbender movie? I vote for it. Even if the movie is bad, the reaction will be a highlight! Please, reactions to last airbender movie are so rare, but where i see it, it's funny!! Please add a vote for last airbender movie! :(


Ballers! All hail Brown Pat


What!? Well then what do you want us to watch!?!? Magic Conch - "Nothing." *cut to Normies sitting on couch watching nothing in silence for 15 min


Hey Randy hopefully we can keep the volume of the show low so it doesn't get taken off for copyright on YouTube. Then the link will stay on Patreon forever.


For sure! ..if Black Mirror wins. If not, a few of us might watch Black Mirror separately starting with the first two seasons. If it comes to that we can have a poll on here for which episode to start with out of Seasons 1 and 2!


Been hearing a lot of great things about it. Maybe it will be a good idea to start a new show while it's fresh!


Haha I know! I binged the first season (Suraj here) and loved it. I want everyone else to catch up on it before possibly doing S2.


We'll definitely be watching The Last Airbender this month but it won't be a part of this live hangout. We will prerecord that and upload it on here as a separate treat for our Avatar supporters!


American Gods guys you have to watch and react this show is greatness.

Jayden Shepherd

The Expanse is such a great show with so much awesome things about it.


I found American Gods to be very boring


Are we confirmed to be watching American Gods Episode 1?