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Guys a Patron has uploaded our new Attack on Titan  video to youtube.  This is very sad and we are very upset that this has taken place.  This is not fair to all of you patrons that have spent your hard earned dollars to support us.  If anyone of you can please tell us who the owner of this channel is please let us know so we can block them from Patreon and prevent any further situations like this from happening.  We very much apologize that this has happened.  We believe transparency is the best way to speak with you about issues that are affecting out channel.

This individuals channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJw_isyM-9U&t=474s. 

We have already issued a take down of the video through youtube but the response time is very slow.  We are currently figuring out a new avenue of uploading this video so this does not  happen again next week.   

Also to you the patron that has violated rules.  You do not own our video you have no right to post it.  Do us kindly and remove the video.  I have left a screenshot of your comment when I asked you to take it down.  What you are doing is wrong you dont get to decide what goes on youtube when you do not have ownership of our video.




He/She edited out the part where they said the reason they wont take it down. I'm sure if they weren't caught, they'd upload all of your reactions that aren't on YouTube. Whoever that is, please remove the video.


Hey Normies, I found another channel that has stolen two of your videos as well. The channel name is "yusufM". He has so far posted episode 4 and episode 1 of Attack on Titan.


This is why we can't have nice things, guys.


The level of stupid oozing from this self entitled a-hole is unfathomable. Sorry this happened, guys. I hope justice is served.


ugh what a self righteous douche, no one owes anyone a reaction video. so stupid


I'm sorry this is happening to you :( All this over a reaction. I hope youtube gets the video taken down soon.

LadyVenom Way

Seriously what is the point?! Some people need to sort their lives out, I swear!


I don't get how people just blatantly steal other peoples work what a douche bag.


sorry guys ;((


Claims to be a big fan of the Normies...fucks them over. Theres gotta be a way to figure out whodunit.


Too many people on YouTube butthurt about AoT because they feel "entitled" to watch the episodes for free. Either support them here on Patreon or watch their other videos and get over it.


I don't understand how someone can enjoy a stolen reaction knowing the owner of the reactions would not want them viewing it let alone sharing. Its even worse than stealing an episode.


That sucks, "REACTOR" needs to go on a walk of shame.

Lauren S.

What an asshole! Why do people thing their entitled to certain things? It's baffles me how people think some things are their rights


I feel like uploading the AoT discussion video was like opening pandora's box. The Normies were trying to upload AoT content would not be copyright strike and maybe incentivize some viewers into joining their Patreon for those sweet, sweet, AoT reactions that can't simply be on Youtube, but what it instead do was make a vocal group (who I have no doubt does not watch any other Normies content) act entitled, selfish and unreasonable.


I feel like they should just use google drive


Copyright claim successful! Dude wasn't thinking clearly.

Cory Hawks

It's people upset about something they where getting for free, but now have to pay $5 for.


We deeply appreciate all of you that took the time to help remove the video or comment on it defending our honor! ALL OF MY HOMIES ARE NORMIES!


Fuck you too.


Is this "T Lopez" the guy?