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Hey guys, so one of our goals is to post a schedule for when we release videos on YouTube. We had to discuss some details on how we want to go about doing this, which is why it took this long to meet our goal. Sorry. So, we decided to post a draft weekly schedule every Monday. This will be subject to change but hopefully this will help us stick to the schedule and be more consistent as well :) 

Below is the schedule that lists which video will be released on what day and who edited it. Please let us know if we should do this in a different format:

MONDAY: Samurai Jack and Attack on Titan (Suraj)

TUESDAY: Dragon Ball Super (Nahid)

WEDNESDAY: Avatar (Suraj) (released early access on Patreon as well as publish two episodes on YouTube)

THURSDAY: Flash (Nahid) and React Wheel (Suraj)

FRIDAY: Rick & Morty (Chris)

SATURDAY: Vikings (Micky)



Thanks for the information guys! :)

Burooj Ahanger

Any update on when you guys are going to react to Sense8?


YAY! Attack on Titan and Samurai Jack !!!!!


We are trying to get the crew together that originally reacted to Sense8. I think we should be able to find some time this week or next.


Yes! AoT !!!

Asadullah Khan

NICE! I can't wait for more Avatar and Rick and Morty. Oh and congrats on reaching $4000 goal. That was fast (3K to 4K). :D


woot! thanks guys


Will the cool thumbnails be back for avatar this week!


When you put it like that, that's crazy busy. It's even crazier to think that you also do skits and other stuff on the side, besides the weekly react wheel show. So I am guessing no LOST this week? Needless to say, that's still a lot of work and I commend you and thank you for everything you're doing!


Sorry guys, just not a cartoon / anime person. Will hold out for "Lost" and "Santa Clarita Diet" on Netflix.


This is a good idea. I've seen other youtube reactors post a schedule and it seems to work well for them. I think it also works for people who are anticipating a certain reaction. They'll know when to expect it.

rickie woodson

cool. written schedules work for me!


Suraj desperately wants to start Lost. He uploaded the Lost episode last week to see how many views it receive. I think once we finish Rick & Morty and Samurai Jack, that will free up some time. We are also in process of figuring out who should be the second full-time person, which will also help Suraj in editing.


No worries. Samurai Jack is nostalgic show for us and most of us used to watch anime when we were kids, so we kinda opened Pandora box for ourselves and we can't resist the urge.


There should be two hopefully released on the same day just different time


Around what time will they be uploaded? I live in Scandinavia, so your afternoon is my night.


Hi Olof! At this time we can't really say for sure what time of the day each videos will be uploaded but I think afternoon might be safe bet


It looks good to me.


Sweet. This was all i was looking for, doesn't matter how long it takes it's just good to have a heads up. Got so used to having Avatar episodes throughout the week.


attack on titan! can't wait til you witness the greatness of episode 6!


This is great! With this I know which days I can feverishly hit the refresh button on your channel and which days to skip that all together. Hopefully in future draft schedules we can know which reactions will have skits or not.


Im new to patreon, will the AOT episode 6 be posted here?


For sure. We will definitely try to add those as well. We are working on some skits.