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Link: https://thenormies.com/theboys/

Note: Reaction is on YouTube!


Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah so Sage has definitely been lobotomized. I initially thought that she did it to herself to cope with the morons around her, but the scene changed directly to homelander's face after the bloody implement was shown so I now think he did it because he couldn't deal with her being smarter than him. Like he told her, "I guess I *am* that petty."


I don’t think Homelander did it tbh as it would make no narrative sense for him to recruit her in the first episode just to render her useless by the third. I think she did it herself as a way to blow off steam and that she has regenerative abilities.


I have a few criticisms for this season but I'll wait and see how episode 4 plays out first.