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Young Justice 3x25

Reaction: https://youtu.be/dhppic6XLhI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/

Buffy the Vampire 6x18

Reaction: https://youtu.be/sEoC9i2r6SQ (link has been replaced, sorry about the mistake!)

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/

Angel 3x17

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/



Kavin Boodram

Oh no you guys uploaded Demon Slayer instead of Buffy lol!

Charlotte mellor

Hey, thanks for the drop!! I think you Buffy reaction cut may be demon slayer xx

Ren Davis

What I loved about “Forgiving” is that Angel is given multiple opportunities to forego vengeance and opt instead for forgiveness. He rejects all of those opportunities. We see him actually jeopardize his team in order to get vengeance by killing Sahjhan, but he just can’t help it. He’s hurt and angry and needs to release all of that pent up aggression. He understands that what he is doing is wrong. But he doesn’t care. Because he lost his son. The one thing that he thought would be a second chance and could make him more than a monster is taken from him because of the mistakes of a very trusted friend. Someone who he saw as an uncle to his son. Like the little girl in the white room said Angel could have used a Resikhian urn to trap Sahjhan forever. But that just wouldn’t be satisfying. No he needed “something that he could sink his teeth into” like she said. He needed something tangible to fully rage on. I love the depths that Angel was willing to go because it shows that he is fallible and can slip into darker impulses despite his need for redemption. He is tempted to relapse and he has an eternal fight against that temptation. Like he said in Season 1 Episode 21 “Blind Date” when he compared Wolfram & Hart to Angelus. Sometimes he misses the clarity of being soulless. The lack of doubt. The purity.

Kate Zimmerman

I was wondering why Navi was on the couch, just hanging like she’d been there the whole time and I’m the one who’s crazy


Yup Buffy link is for demon slayer

Tasker Thorn

Chris betrayed us?!?! *loses all faith in humanity*

Jackie Gibson

In this episode of Buffy we learn about the water hashira.


I blame mickey


I agree Suraj. Angel S3 story arc is better than Buffy S6. Buffy S6 last few episodes are good but the season was kind of bland. Wes Wes Wes!! What were you thinking? I completely understand Angel’s actions at the hospital. Angel is hurt, angry and devastated his friend took his son away from him. I would have reacted the same. The little girl in The White Room gave me the Resident Evil vibe. Great actress. 😈

Christopher simeon

Random request for Chris. Can you join the rest of the normies just for Angel 4x1 completely without context. Just want to see your reaction to what is happening.

Ren Davis

That would be hilarious. He should do Season 5 for the exact same reason 😂

Christopher simeon

#Sundayrundown All the things Xander was afraid of the alcoholism, the venomous verbal abuse, the uncontrollably anger and physical assault that made him afraid of getting married all of that was in this episode. Though his remark to Anya was mess up I think she should definitely feel bad for her actions this episode. This was his rockbottom EP. Trying to curse a man after he left you at the alter(who literally told you he still loves you and is just not ready) is not equal to trying to kill him or explode his penis or turn his friends and family against him. She was definitely wrong about that. Xander doesn't know she was trying to kill him he just thinks she slept with spike to get back at him which he is wrong about but her motives were exactly those motives to hurt him before that happened. You don't have to feel bad for Xander but Anya is definitely not the saint here. Attempted murder was her goal.


#Sunday Rundown. To me, this Buffy episode is one where Xander's behavior is at its worst. I don't hate him, but I am often critical of the way he is written, especially how he behaves toward romantic partners (or whoever he has feelings for, like back when he was pining hard for Buffy). Like, the holier-than-thou way he talks to Anya after she sleeps with Spike is terrible. "You let that disgusting thing touch you" he says, as if she is somehow "dirtier" for having done so. Because if it is about Spike being a killer, then Xander is a gigantic hypocrite since he's literally been sleeping with Anya for years and she killed loads of people in her vengeance demon past. Granted, the series treats that sort of thing rather inconsistently as Anya's past is usually played for laughs (as are her attempts at vengeance in this episode). But still, the statement is awful. Xander's value as a person doesn't change based on who he sleeps with, but he puts that judgement on others all the same! It's just...such an icky moment, honestly, and I think we are meant to kind of be on his side, or at least be like "well you can't blame him" but uh...no, I definitely can. You LEFT HER AT THE ALTAR. You have *zero* right to say anything about anyone she engages in sex with now. And that's not even getting into other ridiculous things like him actually thinking he and Anya can get back together like nothing happened. I'll have more to say on his character as we go through the rest of the season, but that moment has always been one of his worst in my opinion.


since the moment they started Angel this is the episode reaction I've been waiting for


Xander feels like he’s somehow entitled to what Buffy does in her life. This is why I’ve always felt like he never got over his crush over Buffy. Somehow, someway he thought he still had a shot with her, so when he sees even Spike got with her, he goes ballistic lmfao. He absolutely annoys me in this episode. PAT IS EXACTLY CORRCT. Xander wants what he can’t have. He wants to fuck Buffy. The next episode is probably 1 of the most anticipated to come! 🗣️

Petar Zvezdanov

the next 3 episodes of "Buffy " are absolutely wild. I remember watching this season the first time and the whole "evil nerds " plotline was really clashing with the previously established villain arks, but then everything led to one of the best Buffy plotlines.


that would be great but second you Ren if he's not going to then opening to s5 would be even better, now that would truly be hilarious

Michael Pamon

#SundayRundown I may be in the minority with this, but what Zatanna and M’gann did was actually terrible. Like Suraj said, it’s not even closure that she’s getting. People deal with grief differently and I feel like they basically forced Artemis to speed-rush (no pun intended) hers. And the fact that Zatanna says they may never tell her kinda proves that what they did may have been over the line. I’m also in the minority of people who believes Wally is still alive, just stuck in the Speed Force, so what Artemis’s mind imagined may not even be what he’d really say. Also Conner would definitely be pissed at M’gann if he found out about this, because she’s again manipulating a loved one’s mind 😭 Also also, Secret was the little girl in season 1 who was killed by her brother and could only say “secret” because that was the last word she saw before dying.


I don't think it's a morally correct thing exactly, but they weren't given a lot of choice. Artemis was refusing to move forward if they didn't do something. And they didn't manipulate what was said: it was all Artemis talking to herself, saying to herself what she needed to hear. Again, I don't think it's meant to be something where we think 'oh, they were totally in the right for doing that', but rather as a morally complicated thing without an easy answer.


Wow, I mean, wow! The unbelievable demonising of Xander in this reaction when the episode literally opens with Anya trying to..kill..him. As in murder him just like she almost killed everyone back in the Wish, including Cordelia who made the wish, before she became human. Reminder she starts with saying I wish you were never born, which means Buffy doesn't get saved in season 1 and Willow likely dies also. Repercussions. Also in this episode she says to Spike that the start of her thing with Xander was just a bit of fun and someone to basically play with...when he was a teenager! And the one thing you've absolutely had a go at him for is that he didn't communicate and tell them his feelings earlier, and then when he does communicate to her in this episode she doesn't listen and you have a go at him for it. She literally throws at him that he's a 'scared, insecure little boy' who uses humour as a cover, well that's interesting that she knew that much about him but still didn't have one single clue that he was struggling with commitment and was having an internal struggle. Xander has always struggled with not feeling good enough and undoubtedly has been told so by his father more than once, and he says as much in each of these episodes but were just happy to completely ignore that and go ahead thinking he's a crappy human being. Wow, just wow. And then the sympathy still for Anya at the end when she has not only chosen to be a Vengence Demon once more...what do they do for their job again?...but literally trying to kill a human throughout this entire episode and when she can't do it she tries to get his friends to do it without their knowledge tricking them, including Buffy who's been to hell and is just coming through, into something potentially horrific. Yeah, poor little Anya. And I like Anya she is one of my favourite characters, but the pass that she is given by fans despite all the things she has done, potentially will do and the choices she makes is just because people see her as funny, quirky, awkward Anya. Reminder she is over 1000 years old! She should know better.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Hey so I know we hate Xander right now and that is absolutely valid! But when you're saying "Anya did nothing wrong", let's all remember that Anya's response to being hurt was, "Well I guess I'm just going to start torturing and murdering people again 🤷‍♂️"


Xander annoys me too sometimes but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills in that I just don't hate him for what he did in Hell's Bells. It sucks for Anya, 100%, she didn't need to be humiliated on her big day. But this was a dude getting slapped in the face with not only the true reality of 'hey, look what an abusive drunk piece of shit your dad is' but chasing it up with 'you may well be him. In fact, have a vision of you being him'. He saw his ultimate fear play out right in front of him. Not to mention, Xander is a young man, he feels that he's just starting out in his life (and he is), and yet Anya, who is almost 1000 years older, is pressuring him for the marriage and the career and the nice, big apartment and the kids and NOW NOW NOW because her perspective is this is the end of her life. He got over his head and didn't know how to deal with it all, and I can't honestly say he's the villain for it. He doesn't deserve to be treated like he's garbage for what was clearly a lot of trauma and turmoil bubbling to the surface.


I don't think anyone in the comments is demonizing Xander. Yeah, them saying "Anya did nothing wrong" isn't true, but I don't think any of the comments have agreed with that. But what Xander does is a much more real world problem. Both in terms of leaving Anya at the altar, and his response to her having sex with Spike. That's more real world behavior than being a 1000 year old vengeance demon. So there are also more "real" emotions toward Xander's actions as a result. Because you're more likely to have to deal with a guy saying you're "disgusting" based on who you sleep with than you are to have an ex who is a demon that's trying to get someone to wish harm on you.


She also never really felt that bad for any of the stuff she'd done before, she even justified it a bunch of times that they were 'bad' men getting what they deserved. Like, Anya, they were cheaters, not child murderers.


I can’t wait for that special season 4 episode reaction. 😂


"he's gonna forgive wesley" "he's gonna forgive wesley" "a good scolding wouldn't hurt" "see he's gonna forgive wesley" ... ... well you were 1/2 right he did get a scolding 😂😂😂😂

Brendan O'Connor

“Forgiving” is one of the darkest (and best) episodes of Angel. The end scene alone is unforgettable.


also spidey "smother him with a pillow never forgive bitch" spidey just admit you're psychic already


I think that's a bit of an easy way out. In this Buffy world, it is the real world. And Anya's actions can be likened to a real world 'ex' wanting physical revenge including murder of a partner that has done them wrong. So it's not a massive stretch to get to that point. Also, I haven't read the comments section, my thoughts were based on the reactors opinions in this video. And I don't absolve Xander, I recognise the bad things he says, or the way he portrays himself. The way he lashes out because he doesn't know how to act in a mature fashion sometimes but we also the know the reasons for that and the show makes them very clear; however, if you think back to Hells Bells he did the mature thing by coming back and owning up to what he did, making sure Anya knew why he couldn't go through with the wedding and still fans say that he is the worst human being on the face of the planet. Even when he speaks with her trying to express himself in this episode her focus is on the fact he still wouldn't go through with it, she doesn't stop at anything to try and understand why or to understand what led Xander to making that choice, she's still where she has been the whole series completely obsessed with the wedding and marriage. She's heartbroken in this episode but so is Xander. He's 21 years old which for most people would be seen as way to early to be thinking of marriage or a long commitment.

ray s

Man, the ending to this angel episode is still so sad and shocking to me. On one hand angel knows (deep deep down) that Wesley didn't act out of malice and was genuinely trying to do the right thing but on the other hand, he's soooo angry and devastated that he needs someone to let it out on and Wesley ,of course, fits the bill. But, while he does want Wesley to suffer like he's suffering, in truth if he really wanted Wesley dead he would be dead and no one could've stopped him. So I guess it shows that while there relationship has fundamentally changed, it's not completely destroyed.


even the concept that he would ever ever have a son was long gone, but he did he had friends a family a son and wes a close trusted friend fu*ked it up took away his miracle child, its impossible to understand just how much rage he would have, but yes if he really deeply wanted wes dead nothing could've stopped him

Brandon Gibbs

What an emotional YJ episode that was. First Artemis and Will were about to confess their new feelings for each other but then Artemis just backed out cause she felt guilty about not having closure with Wally. So she got Zatanna to help her out and she finally got it and then she and Will decided it wouldn't work out after all. Meanwhile Conner took Foreger to the Genomes new town and Bedlam has escaped back to Makovia thanks to Terra and the light. Get ready for the S3 finale episode next week!


#SundayRundown I totally understand the anger toward Xander—he did a messed up thing and hurt the woman he loves—he definitely deserves some grief and shaming for that. But he doesn’t deserve to die. Or to be maimed or physically harmed in some way. I also want the couch to try to remember that Xander is a 21-year-old just starting to figure life out. I think because of how accelerated our characters lives are, we forget how young they really are. These are people who literally graduated high school less than 3 years ago. They all have a long way to go in their adulthood journeys, that’s one of the themes of this season. And as much as I love Anya (one of my favorite characters) she too often gets a bit of a free pass from viewers because she’s cute and quirky. But we have to remember that this woman is over 1000 years old. She is more than 5x older than Angel, and she started pursuing Xander when he was still in high school. She’s had more life experience that he will ever have and she has a higher kill and torture count than Angel and Spike combined!—a history that she has shown little to no remorse over. So while I feel for her and her pain, she’s not some innocent naive little girl. In fact the reason her wedding was derailed was because one of HER victims came back to seek revenge. Because she ruined his life. Like she has with countless people without a second thought. And after all of that, she chose to become a demon again to inflict more pain on others. I love her, but she made a dangerous and potentially deadly choice here.

The Evil Queen

#SundayRundown. I feel the same as you guys! I have no sympathy for Xander. He has no right to feel offended by what happened between Anya and Spike at the Magic Box. His outrage and indignation are misplaced. Xander is angry at himself but it's easier for him to direct his fury at Anya and Spike rather than himself. He is the one who left Anya at the altar, when he could have stopped the train wreck by cancelling the wedding long before that. I empathize with Anya, she was trying to find confort after the pain and betrayal Xander put her through. And same goes for Spike (even if i'm not a fan of Spike, at least i can give him that). Buffy treated him like a dog for so long, when he was the only one who was there for her, when she felt so out of the place, after being forcefully brought back to life. Spike was the only one, out of all of her friends, to undertand that Buffy thought she did not to belong with them anymore. So neither Anya nor Spike deserve Xander's and Buffy's disrespect or contempt. Also, i don't blame Anya for trying to curse Xander, because it was her way to make him feel how badly hurt she was. And at the end, she stopped the curse anyway. When Spike outed himself and Buffy to Xander, he was trying to finish the cursing process when he pronounced the words "i wish", Anya stopped him, because she saw the distaste and aversion in Xander's eyes and it was enough. As for the Nerd Herd, it's so frustrating to watch, because i don't understand why Buffy and Co would continue to blame Spike first rather than them when something tech-related is happenning. Since when is Spike known as a tech-savvy ? Seriously, the writting for those scenes are completely incoherent. I can't believe it's already the eighteenth episode and the Nerd Herd has not been dealt with.


You know its weird you always see a bunch of discourse on Spike, is he good is he bad hes a demon so hes not a person etc etc, but you almost never see any of it with like Anya which is kind of wild honestly.

Larissa Brewington

Every time Angel hits Wesley with the pillow, I LAUGH OUT LOUD. Hilarious and completely deserved!!


#Sundayrundown(yj) So Artemis and Zatanna actually met Secret all the way back in the Halloween episode of season One! She was a ghost and she was killed by her brother Harm because she was the only thing he loved and he wanted to become pure evil so he could use the sword of Beowulf. She was the first and only instance of a ghost in the series. Btw I was curious about Rana’s thoughts on what M'gann and Zatanna did to Artemis. (I was gonna share my thoughts on here but then I was like wait, that would partially influence Rana’s answer 😭 so I just put it on YT) Also the King of Markovia Gregor is just 16 minutes older than Brion since they're fraternal twins so he's also 17!


#SundayRundown (YJ) - of course the baby daughter of Red Arrow & Cheshire would be totally fine and having fun with getting kidnapped into another realm by a God 😭. Even though you can argue that she was manipulated mentally, I do believe it was a positive that Zatanna, Rocket & M’Gann helped their friend find closure and can move on peacefully. It was also a nice callback to when Artemis was there for Zatanna earlier in the season after she only gets to see her dad once a year I think you guys are either starting or started S4. It’ll be fun to binge it with you since I never got to fully complete it due to college courses taking over my time. Can’t wait!

Paul B

Okay what do I have to donate to get the next Buffy drop now? Particularly the last 4 eps?! I know S6 is rough going at times but it's all built to these next crazy episode run 😭

Christopher simeon

So you ok with Anya attempted murder just because she hurting from a messy break up? So you are a hypocrite because Xander is also lashing out because he is hurting. People's bias are really showing. At least Xander is attacking two people who murdered people for fun. But he is the bad guy for not getting married.

Christopher simeon

Don't think he still wants to fuck buffy once he and Anya got together. Buffy, Willow, and Xander are all best friends. They all use to tell each other about what is going on in their lives. Buffy is literally going against her own values. She had the exact same opinion on spike that Xander has. She is the one that always separated Angel/Angelus because he had a soul. If she is sleeping with spike she is sleeping with a serial killer. Would anyone be ok with their friend doing that in real life? Honestly? Would you not be disgusted if anyone actually ignored everything he has done without feeling remorse. Angel at least feels guilt and tries to do better but spike creates a mess everywhere. Anya didn't attack "innocent" people directly at least which is why she didn't feel guilt but she is capable of feeling guilt as we saw in the wedding EP.


Wholeheartedly agree, recommend Sarah Z’s video breaking down the writing of Season 6 https://youtu.be/UMC45v0ULCY?si=_NYAjhIlRjszXOpI


I think it’s because of how the series itself treats it. Like, it’s mostly just a joke. And it’s not the only thing the show does that with. Think about how Xander is responsible for several people burning alive in the musical episode, but that too is played as a joke. It’s definitely inconsistent about what murder we are and aren’t supposed to take seriously, but at the same time the tone of the show is like that for everything. Both serious and silly. Murder is wrong but punchlines about it are still funny. It gets messy sometimes writing wise, but most of the time it doesn’t bother me too much.


I’ve seen it, it’s a good video (even if I disagree with her Angel dislike lol)

Chris K.

well after the Buffy series finale maybe there is some need for more Buffyverse even for the Angel abandoners

Christopher simeon

Anya is human when he got with her. She has a soul and is not a monster. Spike is souless and still a vampire. Anya and spike are very close but the fact that Xander got with Anya is closer to when buffy got with Angel then it is spike. Anya can feel guilt and regret for her actions. Even if she doesn't often. While spike just doesn't feel that in the same way.

Chris K.

yeah the reaction to Forgiving's ending was really worth it. yall were GOOPED 😭

Chris K.

Also, the girl from the White Room is Killer Frost from The Flash (CW)


Yeah, I think Xander had put Buffy on such a high pedestal that her having flaws, weaknesses, etc is just unfathomable… He’s blind to the fact that she’s just as human as him, despite her supernatural powers

Yana Thompson

May I humbly suggest you double drop the next two- you’ll thank me

Ren Davis

That’s Danielle Panabaker on The Flash. The girl on Angel is Kay Panabaker. She’s retired now and is a zoologist.

Ren Davis

I will say that I can understand everyone’s frustrations with Xander. His is fueled by his self-loathing, insecurities, and fear of becoming his father. The vision that he saw on his wedding day was all of his inner fears being exposed like a raw nerve. He basically saw himself in a mirror and hated the man that stared back at him: a clone of his father. Xander hurt Anya, but he truly meant to spare her long-term heartache by ripping the band-aid off in the short-term. As annoying as Xander can be, I do appreciate that the writers have constructed a believably flawed character. They aren’t afraid to make their characters be unlikable and expose their vulnerabilities. This doesn’t mean they always hit it out of the park as I do still have problems with Xander. But I do like that they were willing to go to those lengths and let the audience decide how they feel.

Cory Stanish

Yeah like... what he did was shitty, but still. I hate to admit that I can relate to having made a horrible, terrible decision that hurt people you cared about and then having to live with the consequences and the knowledge it was your own fault.


Y'all . . . y'all were NUTS with the whole "Angel and Wesley should really just have a conversation," "Wesley deserves a good scolding!," "Awwww, look! Angel is already forgiving Wesley" line of conversation. Angel, a vampire, a being who never had the tiniest hope of becoming a father, had a child. A miracle child. He doted on that baby (well, except for the episode with Connor's blood in his blood). He was planning Connor's whole future. Many times you guys commented on how happy he was with Connor. Even the pain of an unrequited love was overcome by his love for his son. And Wesley, his trusted friend, kidnaps his child. An action that results in the child being taken to a hell dimension by Angel's enemy, a place where not only can Angel not see his son but where he can no longer protect him -- and y'all think Angel -- what, maybe six hours later?! -- y'all think Angel is gonna be FORGIVING?! Come on now. There is no amount of "Wesley thought he was doing the right thing" that would assuage the sheer fury, the anguish and grief and betrayal Angel is feeling. There is no justification for Wesley's actions that can break through those emotions. None. #SundayRundown

Christopher simeon

Because she became human so she is not a monster. She was sort of like angel without the still being demon. But now she went back which is worst then Angel. The demon is responsible for those people dying from dancing . Xander has no idea that would happen.c


Yes, Halfrek is Cicely, the woman that told William (Spike) that he was beneath her.

Christopher simeon

It is part of the reason buffy didn't tell her friends. She didn't want them to see her flawed and broken like that. But that is the big difference. Xander goes to willow and buffy when he feels broken. Buffy sucks it up and does things alone even if it hurts her.

Esther Boogie

Yes, same actress. It wasn't intentional for Cecily and Halfrek to be the same character, Joss just likes working with the same actors. Realizing fans would notice, however, they wrote in the callback joke of Cecily and Spike kinda recognizing each other later.

Esther Boogie

#Buffy At some point Suraj and Pat mention only eating "sugar free" foods. Please check the labels! "Sugar free" products usually have artificial sweeteners (sucralose, allulose, dextralose or branded as Splenda). Multiple clinical studies have linked sucralose with gastrointestinal cancers. The Journal of Toxicology found it to be genotoxic, meaning it cuts both strands of DNA, which is a very quick way to cause cancer (cutting both DNA strands usually kills a cell, or at least creates serious mutations that cause impaired cell function, followed by persistent inflammation that promotes further cell death. More inflammation, cell death, and mutations = high cancer risk). I work in Family Medicine, and the screening age for colon cancer was just recently reduced from age 50 to 45 because of an unprecedented rate of colon cancer being found in young people, even in their 30s. Even if cancer seems like a distant threat to you, artificial sweeteners are not healthier in terms of calories. The brain interprets them as several times sweeter than regular sugar, so it dumps far more reward chemicals (like dopamine, etc) in response. It will also up-regulate the amount of "sweet" receptors as a counter-balance to the dopamine dump, since dopamine has many other functions in the brain and too much can cause disorder. This translates to increased cravings for sweet things, regular sugar or otherwise, and a change in taste sensation so that sweet stuff doesn't seem as sweet. Making a person want more of it or something more intensely sweet to get the same response they got before. This can lead to weight gain and disrupt the glucose-insulin balance in diabetics. Basically, I like y'all a bunch and I want you to be healthy. Really enjoyed this week's reaction. So ready and so not ready for next week. Cheers!

Thee Chronicle

We need a double drop. The next 2 episodes are too big to be a one drop. Plus everyone should be on the couch.


#Sunday rundown s6 episode 19 trigger warning . Graphic content. Ahead . On the this next episode.

Yana Thompson

I think I remember reading that she was Cecily and Halfrek- that’s why she recognised Spike


The crashout will be Euphoric to finally witness. Pure vindication is on the way. Sleep tight kiddies.

Courtney Scott

#Sundayrundown No one liked Xander at the this point in the show. Actually this season was originally really tough to sit through for fans that the showrunners had to promise to tone down all the despair next season. After all this series was originally written for teenage girls 😂

Courtney Scott

I think a fan fiction novel wrote all about how Halfrek was pretending to be a woman named Cecily and that is why she turned down Spike and thought he was beneath her. It became so popular that the creators really liked it and it became a thing. I denied it for years until I saw Joss acknowledge it.

Courtney Scott

It’s moments like that I miss Chris on the couch. Just ask him if he forgive them if they kidnapped his child and accidentally handed the baby over to psycho killer who leaped into a hell dimension.

Courtney Scott

#SundayRundown you have to ask Chris if he forgive any of you guys if you kidnapped his child and you accidentally hand the baby over to psychopath that leaps into a hell dimension where no one can follow. I wish I could see Chris’ face if you asked him that hypothetical question. Feel free to add that you did this all because a hamburger told you he was going to eat his kid.


#SundayRundown I've waited so long for you guys to get to this moment in the show at the end. Even though Angel wanted to kill Wesley in frustration and anger, He restrained himself in the end. He easily could've overpowered the humans in the hospital if he really wanted him dead. It was more of a venting moment for Angel to Wesley.


#SundayRundown I've always loved Anya, but this episode is the perfect example of her writing's biggest issue. Tonal inconsistency. She obviously has an... interesting background, but the problem is how the show portrays her "demonic vibes". Most times they're played out as funny moments, even tho she says some of the most disturbing stuff ever. "This reminds me of that time i burned down a village, lol!". My darling. People died. You killed them. It's like the story wants you to believe that she does genuinely desire to live as a human, while also displaying that she has no interest in letting go of her demonic tendencies. Which would've been excellent material for an Anyacentric character arc, but that's clearly not what the show is going for. This is especially true in this specific episode. I want to side with her after what Xander did. I really do. But I can't. No way in hell I'm going to root for someone who actively tried to murder a person at worst, and horribly maim them at best. Like... even if Xander manages to somehow atone for what he did, am I supposed to hope for them to get back together? After multiple attempts to indirectly kill someone? Yeah, no. Especially cause I've always been against the "an eye for an eye" mindset. As much as it pains me to say it, I personally think this ship is absolutely dead in the ground. A shame, really.


Angel at least felt guilty about all the stuff he did; even Spike wouldn't have the balls to say to Buffy that his victims deserved it. Anya just never really cared about what she did, even said what she did was good a couple of times.


“ Even the pain of an unrequited love was overcome by his love for his son.” Thank you for mentioning. It was such a touchingly beautiful moment when Angel said he thought he was alone, but then gave kisses to baby Connor. A message for all single parents it’s ok if you don’t find happily ever after with a partner. Loving and raising your child is more important and all you need. ❤️


We should ask the editor to do a cutaway to what Suraj said about Willow and Tara being back together just before the end of the next episode...

The Evil Queen

#Sundayrundown. I'm sorry if my comment was not clear enough. English is not my native language. (I'm french by the way, so, hello from France). But i think you misundertood me. I said, "i empathize with Anya" and that "I don't blame her", that does not mean that i'm OK with her trying to curse Xander. It means i understand why Anya, who was a demon for more than a thousand years, would revert back to her demonic ways when she felt devastated. To me, it was a given. After all, Anya has only been human for a few years, it's not surprising, that she would struggle to have a suitable reaction to hurt and pain. It's very realistic (and to be fair Xander is around 22/23 years old which means he was human longer than Anya ever was). More over, when i said i had no sympathy for Xander, i emphasized on Xander's reaction at being offended by what happened between Anya and Spike. I think, at that time, his anger was misplaced because he lost Anya all by himself, Spike has nothing to do with it. How could Xander think that he could continue having a relationship with Anya, like nothing happened, or to think that there was still anything to salvage, when he left her at the altar ? Anya was despaired and crushed, and i understand that it would take her a long time to get pass those feelings.


every time Dawn's stealing gets mentioned I'm reminded of 2x21 when in the flashback Buffy's like "You're not from Bullex(sp) right? Cause I meant to pay for that lipstick" :'D

Kbear '97

I didn't realize it would be so difficult to re-watch Angel now that we have confirmation of how hostile and toxic the work environment was for Charisma Carpenter. Like sheesh, the writing is not subtle about it.

Daniel R

the end of Angel 3x17 was WILD! your reaction was top notch! Suraj and Spidey turning to each other at the same time was priceless!

Kato Boyd

So 19 & 20 needs to be a double drop…for both us & The Normies


Any ETA on Under The Red Hood, anyone?????

El Diablo Robotico

I guess Willow’s fear of Anya eventually exacting vengeance on Xander in “Triangle” was justified. ANYA: (angry) I wish you felt the pain of a thousand searing pokers boiling your heart in its own juices! XANDER: I know, honey. I totally deserve that. ANYA: (confused) I ... I wish you had tentacles where your beady eyes should be! I wish your intestines were tied in knots and ripped apart inside your lousy gut!