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Hello everyone -

We were supposed to publish reaction to Madam Web edit on Youtube yesterday. It was actually published for an hour when we noticed it didn't export properly. Editor is having little issue with the edit, however here is the uncut for it :)

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/uncutmovies/


Ab$tract A$p

The most annoying part of this reaction is there obviously trying too hard not to like the movie because they were told to hate it 🙄 at least rana and navi gave it a chance, please don't start faking y'all reaction because of reviews tell you too

Digital Alikin

yeah that reminds me of one punch s2 how so many talked shit because everyone else jumped on the bad animation bandwagon

Chaos T

The reaction to this film is better than the film.

Ab$tract A$p

I'm a created YouTube channel reviewing the normies reaction because these fake reactions have to stop