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Cobra Kai 3x10

Reaction: https://youtu.be/6ra15-27ov4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/cobra-kai-premium/

Harley Quinn 2x2

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYSqDIQ75tk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/harley-quinn-premium/



Jeff K

Fun fact: when this season of Cobra Kai initially came out, there was a massive, worldwide shortage of chills because the final scene of the finale gave every last one to me.

Aldo Gonzales

#sundayrundown Cobra Kai arrived on Netflix shortly after Agents of SHIELD concluded. With that in mind I quote Fitz when I say with a Scottish accent that Tory “is being without a doubt the supreme absolute worst!”

Daniel Sessions

#SundayRundown First off little fun fact. The title of this episode December 19th is a nod to the first movie, cause the tournament took place on December 19th. Also Navi and the rest of the couch did y’all forget Robbie fought in the championship round in season 1 where we was wearing a black belt? What is all this he’s just a white belt the others are more trained stuff coming from?? This is the Karate Kid universe belt colors don’t mean anything! Robbie is a serious threat. And lastly as I’m sure you know Blind Wave has also reacted to series and this link is to a shift from their reaction to the finale. Which I think you’d all enjoy cause as the title says it’s the most HYPED Rick has ever been. https://youtu.be/wT8MVkGn81A?si=6EpURnVLslKRIQU-

Chaos T

The fun fact was cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Steve Harvey Dent

I dont know whats worst robby joined cobra kai or that krees called robby son infront of johnny.

Aldo Gonzales

Robby joining Cobra Kai. “Son” is what old men call boys even if they’re not related.


Robbie is a white belt in cobra kai karate but in a tounrmanent you dont have to use 1 dicispline of karate lol


Why do they keep calling Robby a white belt. I think he started trying around the same time as Miguel and longer than anyone else besides sam ???


I think just because he was wearing a white belt when Johnny went into the back room of the dojo at the end of the episode and maybe reading too much into that.


#sundayrundown I think the entire couch missed the fact that Kreese’s commander was trying to murder him. Yes, you can say that it was still fucked up to kill someone, especially once their rescue was assured, but that guy was literally going to kill him first. He stated as much. It was a kill-or-be-killed scenario. Can’t wait for your reactions to season 4. In my opinion it’s the most interesting season (and by far my favorite).

Jeff K

That's true about the "son" thing but Kreese was very clearly using that term to twist the knife.


Shoutout to whoever created that DC Universe map 🔥


Robby is the second best kid fighter in the series, the first season finale was literally Miguel vs Robbie in the tournament final and the second season was their rematch again, they’re around the same level. And then the Kreese thing, Kreese’s move was still done in the moment which is what the other people on the couch was saying. Maybe not a split-second decision moment like Robby kicking Miguel, but the emotional compromised state was still there. The Scar-mufasa thing isn’t comparable because Scar orchestrated the plan for Mufasa to die. Kreese was in an extended state of red and gave in to his immediate impulse. Not the same thing. So all three are different scenarios and not exactly 1-1-1, but Kreese’s situation is still more similar to Robby’s in that they weren’t a carefully preplanned multi-step murder like what happened in lion king lol. Scar had to set up moves after moves.


Agreed, but it was still a war crime. Leaving him to fall would not have been.


It’s literally cause he’s wearing a white belt 😂😂. I think they’re reacting to too many things and bandwidth is being stretched thin a bit.


Very hammy and anime season finale 😂. What was kreese’s plan? Actually murder Johnny there in his own dojo? At least during the flashback there was a lot of stuff going on so he can get away with it. Also they presented it like daniel was about to send kreese to jesus, but i’m pretty sure he was just gonna knock him out? But the energy of the kids pleading for him to stop had the gravitas of asking him not to become a sith lord or something. Or was daniel really gonna murder him there? I like how over the top the show has gotten. If i remember correctly either the next or the 5th season was really anime-y as well.

rickie woodson

im pretty sure the L is for his last name, larusso. so daniel with the L

Jeff K

No, it's because Ali introduced herself as "Ali... with an 'i'" in the first movie. He was making a joke about being "Daniel... with an L" in an effort to flirt.

rickie woodson

rana is serving season 4 willow with that skirt in the cobra kai reaction


Cobra Kai is such a fun watch and this couch really had even more fun than I was hoping for during this season finale! Loved itttt such good energy

rickie woodson

criminals dont care about laws navi. they caused damage to the school, that gaming spot, miyagi do, plus they snuck into the zoo without paying (trespass) to steal a snake. this isnt above them at all. they are A GANG!

Daniel Gonzalez

Eh fragging was part of the culture in Nam at least according to Platoon plus the guy didn't have to be a dick about it literally inflicting that psychological attack on him right before their fight


Yeah like a telenova. That’s a much better way to describe it.


Well miguels clearly better and the battle for second is close tbh

Brandon Gibbs

This was another funny one of Harley! Going to college to take down Riddler next and also meeting Barbara Gordon who they just helped to discover her inner hero and now she's gonna become BATGIRL!!!🦇 Also Clayface was really playing that Stephanie role hard!😂


the small asian dude yall keep talking bout in Cobra Kai his name is Nathaniel or Nate for short lol. And Bert is the small scrawny white kid with glasses.


Well I said Robby is the second best, but he's also around Miguel's level. It's not like Miguel beats him in one-sided fights. Miguel is clearly better than Kyler. Against Robby, he struggles more (first tournament fight he even used Robby's injuries).


#SundayRundown Harley is voiced by Kaley Cuoco, and Batgirl is voiced by her little sister Briana Cuoco.

J. J.

Put some respect in their names, BERT AND NATE

J. J.

Navi thinks Robby is just picking up karate here in season 3

J. J.

Navi kinda just blurts out stupid comments without thinking, Ali says shes going to look for her parents, Navi: whys she going inside?, Robby's just starting? he's been at Miyagi-Do longer than anyone else and has the most 1 on 1 training the entire series. He would've won the All-Valley if not for his injury.

Daniel R

Cobra Kai Season 4!!!!


I hope they didn't miss that this was the origin story of John Kreese and his philosophy, No Mercy (you finish the fight). He states as much to his Captain. There has to be some suspension of disbelief. Grievances are not settled in the court of law in this universe,. They are settled with kicks and fists. The whole Cobra Kai mentality is this and Kreese has been feeding that to this gang, hence the finale outcome. Go to where they are gathered and assert dominance, finish it and show No Mercy.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Soooooooo just to clarify, Kreese killed his commander not because he was "seeing red" or even because the guy told him about his girlfriend. Kreese killed him because of the guy's callous disregard of the lives of the men placed in his charge. Because the guy basically said, "I have no problem killing all of you and I'm not going to feel bad about it. And not only am I going to kill you, I'm going to belittle you the whole time." Does it excuse it? No. But he had his reasons.

Chaos T

Vietnam saw probably the highest rate of soldiers killing their own officers in US history. The commander's callousness was a common story in that conflict.


bugs me Navi keeps saying Robbie is a white belt, Daniel never got a belt until myagi stole one, Robbie is the best fighter of the kids in the entire series ffs


Miyagi Do Robby was a clown. Cobra Kai fits him so much better.