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Hi guys. As everybody knows, it's December right now. The time of Christmas is getting closer and closer. And in my country ( i don't know how it works in different countries around the world) we have a small tradition at today. Let me tell a story behind it.

The tradition is mainly focused on kids, but adults play there also a big part as they play the main characters. There are 3 characters going from door to door. Saint Nicolas, devil and angel. They carry some presents for the kids. Well, it depends if the kid was behaving well or badly during last year. Angel carry usually some nice sweets, like chocolate, while the devil carries a piece of coal or/and has a huge bag, with which he wants to carry the bad kids into hell. And it's up to St. Nicolas to decide whether the kid was bad or good. He usually has a book (of course, parents tell to the actor what the kid deserves before they are invited into a house) where he sees all the good and bad actions of the kid.

Sometimes, you can see really good costumes of devils or angles and sometimes... There are three girls clothed as the devil, the angel and St. Nicolas. Damn, I wish these three visited me when I was young and the devil wanted to bring me into hell. I was holding onto a couch and he was trying to put me into a bag... But never mind. Enjoy the renders and happy St. Nicolas day!



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