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Hi guys,

wow, it is a long time since the last newsletter... 😮 But lets get back to it ... 

But first things first.

You know, im doing this kind art only in my free time. Well, during the last period between the newsletters, i had weeks with more free time, but also weeks with not so much free time. I am also practicing my skills in regular 3D art like doing cars and so on. That means, in one moment i am running 2-4 projects in parallel. But dont worry, boobs are on the first place and always trying to fing at least 2 evenings per week after work to do some booby stuff. Thats good, right? 

Second thing is, i have finally my summer vacation starting this friday. But dont worry, last few weeks i was working hard to have some spare renders just for you guys. As it keep simply, i have decided to run scheduled posts only on Patreon. The rest pages will receive updates later. I hope, that thats ok for everybody.

Third thing is, you know, there is a new character. Well, in general, there will be three of them. You already saw Cathy, based on character from Jurrasic world's Claire Dearing. Also saw testing render of Cortana. I need to try something with her, if it will look good or not. If not, i am aware, i cannot use her. But we will see... And third ... Lets say, she is regular girl, doing her usual job. And she will meet our girls ... The situations are just in my head, but the idea about them are really nice and i cannot wait to post them. 

Forth thing is .... i am thinking about redoing the shapes of the boobs for the girls. Make them more rounder, spherical... But this step will take a lot of time. Because if i will start it, i wanna do some library of boobs and their shapes. Daz is great software, but has also some limitations. And when you are doing extereme sized boobs, you are hitting the limitations almost everytimes and really fast. On the other hand, if i will start it, i will share the progress of the creation here.

So, what do you think about the news here? Let me know, what you think below! The feedback is always welcomed.

And now ... back to BOOBS!


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