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Hi guys!

How it is going? I hope, everything is going well by you. 

Well, as everybody knows, the year 2021 is going to end soon and new year, 2022, is going to begin. (woooohoooo, that was unexpected :D ).

I want to recap a little bit the last year. For me, but i think for everybody, it was pretty difficult and exahusting. First, we are all in the same situation about one virus  - i dont want to mention it. This virus took a lot from us, from somebody really a lot. By me, it was my mother on the begining of the year.

On the other hand, i was able to save some money for a new PC. Well, it is not the best PC on the world, but it has some performance. Its is much better that my notebook before. This is not burning when rendering :D

Then few weeks ago i also cought that virus. It wasnt terrible, but also not great. I have still some issues with breathing, but it is going to be better. 

Also lost some friends ... Dont worry, they are alive, but they dont speak with me anymore. Our ways just splitted out. Thats all. 

So, the year 2021 was not really great for me, and i know, 2022 will not be different. Sadly. But about that later. 

So, everybody is fighting their war with life. Somebody has it easier, somebody has it harder. But thats the life and life is going on.
Damn, i didnt expect, i will write too much off-topic, i just wanted to everybody wish something nice to another year :D Im not good at wishes.

So lets start from begining again:
Me, Claire and Danielle wish to everybody from bottom of our hearts just the best things in the new year 2022.
Wish you won battles in your lifes against the demons, which everybody takes with yourself. Also wish you new happy moments, because they are important. The new happy moments must replace the sadness which brought year 2021 with.
Wish you a lot of strenght to overcome the everday issues and move forward.
Wish you a lot of love, because that is the engine, which is moving with the world.
And last but not least wish you a lot of healthiness, because thats needed in these hard times.

See you all in the next year in full strengh.

O.B. signing off.



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