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Hi there!

How it is going? I hope, everything is fine.

First i want to apoligize littble bit as i wasnt here last week / s as i should. Well, even I want to enjoy a nice weather outside and then i dont have much free time for booby stuff. 

Second, i have started preparing of a story. We will if it will be just short one, or longer one, or even infinite :D During the story i wanna introduce a new character. Hope, you will like her. Her name is going to be Elleanor. In shortcut El. I will create for her similar intro as i did for Claire and Danielle. But El will be little bit special. I will not say more as i want to keep it in secret.
About the story, you could see here some screenshots from DAZ which are prepared for rendering of the scene for this story. I will be adding them here and on my DeviantArt account. 

The story and these screenshots will be available there as well, but under a new kind of gallery available just for the subscribers. 

I hope, you like my plans about my way and once again, sorry for that break. Next time i will write it in forward.




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