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I am having fun with designing what kind of skin Viktor would have for battle academia universe!

I wanted to go for a very early Machine Herald transition so Viktor is still a bit attached to his human features. He would be either a student or a teacher assistant.

I have to figure out another design for the last one and once I am done with the colors, I will make a voting poll so the winner will be his design for battle academia.

I will also make a design for his outfit, staff and maybe hexclaw! It is going to be fun! And I hope I will have motivation to make a full rendered illustration when his final design is decided!

My inspiration were various! The first design was inspired by facial prosthetic mask from world War 1, the rest were a variation of MH others skins or classy kind of masks. :)




This is absolutely amazing. I started saying to myself "I super love the third" but then I loved the entire first row and then also the entire second row. It would be SO HARD to choose. Thank you!

Bri W

Yaki oh my GOD these are the coolest!! I love seeing you stretch those creative muscles for things like this, it's so fun to see your designs and applying them to characters and it's just VERY fun to see how pumped you are about it o3o I LOVE these