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I felt like drawing them this week! I miss big baby Shouto! I wish we could see more Rei and him together. Their relationship is quite special, full of love and forgiveness <3
I took this pose from this super reference artist :)

I'm a bit busy with commissions right now (yes, I resolved my paypal issues! Hoorayyy!) so I don't know if I'll be able to draw a lot of monthly requests for the rest of the week (but I'll try to draw the weekly NSFW art ;))

I'm kind of sad. The Netherlands is getting a bit more serious with the measurement (which I find it very good) but that means the comic-con has been cancelled. It'd have been my very first comic-con experience.
I didn't subscribe to any conventions this year as a seller because I was still scared of the virus. And I think next year will still be complicate. 

I do hope I will be able to join a convention one day! (but it is a bit scary to go there by myself haha)! I was very hype for Dokomi but my personal life is blocking me from moving around that time of the year lol! (so when it is not covid regulations, it is personal life that block my carreer, lol)
I am sorry for all my fellow small business artists who still can not work in conventions. It is a big source of income for us. So it is quite a rough time for all artists who own a business.

Well, I was not expecting to talk about my life but I guess I am feeling extra chatty today! :P

I hope you're having a nice middle of the week! Don't forget to drink water and try to be kind to yourself <3




Awww his tiny hand holding Rei's hair while he sleeps 🥺🥺🥺 Cons will come back, so you will get another chance when you're ready. My best friend and I had to skip Dokomi this year and last year because of the pandemic. This year would have been our 10th year in a row, but I hope that we can go there again next year and maybe I'll see your booth there in the artist alley one day :D


One of my little cousin used to always hold my hair when I took care of her 😭 young babies like to grab anything hehe! I am sorry you had to skip so many Dokomi! It sounds like the best con of the year! All the European artists I love go there! I hope you can go there in 2022! And maybe we could meet in 2023 :P I am planning to subscribe for the ycon in Paris, it is usually for the end of the year. I believe it is more focus on LGBTQ art which I'd really awesome! 💕


I love a chatty Chouy! One day I hope to attend Dokomi. Maybe it will be when you are there too!


that'd be pretty awesome to meet you there :D Dokomi sounds like a fun convention and it is apparently in a nice city (my partner's words)! :)