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MMDEditor pack contains the latest SuperMode, MMDPlayer, RenderToMovie, RenderToVR, and FastVaM plugins.

Download or upgrade here

MMDEditorPack 5.1.0 update:

MMDPlayer optimization: reduced random lags during playing. 

Interpolation calculation is optimized so random lags during playing are reduced although might still happen at times depending on hardware configuration as well.

RenderToMovie bugfixes:

Fixed the problem that recording scene animation doesn't work unless restarting VaM after MMD Player is loaded once.

Fixed the problem that recording stops quickly in some scenes where there is a very short scene animation.

Fixed the problem that a console popup appears during encoding the video.



Just realized I was in the wrong tier and upgraded to Gentle. Lol. And upgraded VAM and got new client ID: 4813-582-9988-240925 Kindly send the files key. Thanks!


Thanks for your support! I have sent you the files to upgrade per Patron message.


Thanks for the update. I'm having some issues with this version, likely related to the stuttering optimizations: 1. camera movements now seem to jump around and not be smooth 2. on motion play start there is a huge lag before the motion begins, sometimes with the audio starting first, then the motion catching up ... in my thread monitor I see a single thread pinned when this occurs 3. stopping the motion resets the timeline, but doesn't reset the actor to the frame 0 position - have to hit play and wait for the motion to start, then walk the motion back frame by frame in super mode


Thanks for the feedback, I am testing these issues and will try to fix soon.

Chocolate Cream

Still hoping to see option for side by side /SBS default jpeg image output for render to VR! Most porn movies today are SBS as are default playing settings on players such as DEOVR. Please consider this soon!