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爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/zhfx123 

MMDEditor pack contains the latest SuperMode, MMDPlayer, RenderToMovie, RenderToVR, and FastVaM plugins.

Download or upgrade here

Please note: If you've been active Patron for this month, you should already have received the link to version 4.3.0, with the same link you find version 4.3.1 and so on. Should you have any problem, please send me a message.

MMDEditorPack 4.3.1 corrections:

Optimized the default settings for MMD camera motion in VR mode so the view gets properly zoomed.

RenderToMovie Automatically starts and stops with the scene animation also in non-MMD mode. You just need to add RenderToMovie plugin to scene and press the Record button, it automatically starts scene animation and it automatically stops when the animation reaches its end. Two videos will get exported at the end, one with audio and the other(filename starting with "s" for silent) without.



It works fine with the latest version, but there's a problem. The latest version of the reshade doesn't work.


I think it's a problem to touch this file with the name dxgi.dll


Can the RenderToMovie plugin start at frame 1 of the timeline plugin to make a loop movie?