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Hello, my dears!

Till we are waiting physical rewards to be ready, I have an important question for you.

I'm thinking of adding only digital tiers to my patreon. Many people ask me about that. And I have these options:

1) Add digital versions of the current tiers: replace cards and posters with HD pics, polaroids to selfies pack for them. Hold the existing tiers.

2) Full tiers rework. Add main cosplay sets to the patreon rewards and make them avaliable digitally for the month of release. Old sets as a books and prints will stay only on Etsy and on my website in the future.

3) Your own options and suggestions.

I really want you not just to click the poll - I really need your opinion in comments. 



Maybe digital content for lower tiers? I know it may be asking too much but maybe a totally SFW wallpaper would be awesome :)


I think if you offer the same rewards just digital options it'll make it easier for some people. Also it'll help you with cutting some of the cost from the prints and shipping.


Я больше заинтересован в полностью цифровых тирах, т. к. мне они кажутся более удобными- не надо мучиться с доставкой, а нужные принты заказывать через твой сайт


Since physical rewards cost money to ship I believe they should be separate tiers. Digital tiers should be slightly discounted in my opinion.


Keep the posters/wallpapers the same. And polaroids/selfies. But for those who want the physical rewards to pay a little more since it's costs you more. Think of it more like a Gold tier and a Gold Tier+


Поддерживаю, Владимира. На мой взгляд цифровые тиры, наиболее оптимальный вариант, как для нас, так и для Хелли. Спасибо, Хелли, за то что заботитесь о своих фанатах


I personally enjoy the posters the most from the bundle of physical rewards. You could create Patron Tiers with focus on posters only or focus on polaroids/cards only. For example, a poster focused tier will get maybe 2-3 posters (mix of 16+ and 18+), whereas a Polaroid/card focused tier will get 2-4 of each. Perhaps this will help with shipping costs so posters can be sent in tubes and polaroids/cards can be sent in envelopes. You could also add more HD wallpapers to the higher tiers with 18+ ones included.


I may be in the minority of voters here (which sucks for me) but I personally LOVE receiving the delivery from Russia each month with the posters, cards and polaroid... It always makes me happy when they arrive on my desk =^_^= gives me something to look forward to each month...(even though the polaroid gets bent badly and wont flatten out) lol As a Master Tier patron the only thing I would change would be a choice of content, so the higher tier patrons could choose between fully SFW, or SFW & NSFW (the current tier setting), or fully NSFW.


Personally I don't favor fully reworking the existing tiers but for those who prefer digital it might be possible to create an equivalent 'digital only' tier for each corresponding physical tier. I think that might be the most time-efficient as well.

Renaud Jouan

Hello. I think current rewards are cool but being able to see or get some digitals version of your posters (and other "physical" gifts) at lower tiers could be great :) Jim Geary's option is very great too : having a "digital only" tier for each "physical tier" I don't undersatnd why some (or worse, many peaople) prefer download digital pics instead of receiving great cards & posters from you :/ Do you know why? Maybe they do think it will make the tier cheaper than now...Stange :/


Anyway, price for the digital version tiers will stay the same. Or my head will explode to keep all that in mind :D


I just received my first master reward package and Etsy purchase and have to admit I really appreciate the time you take to sign everything and ship out. When I first signed up I had wished they were digital, but the quality and experience really changed my mind. If that's getting to be overwhelming, I'd be fine with switching to digital, but my preference would be to keep them as they are and go with option 2 to add digital copies of the cosplay sets. I do like being able to order physical prints of my favorite pics on Etsy, though. I think you should keep selling physical items on Etsy. Maybe add the option to buy the sets either digital or physical. Those books are very high quality and I'll certainly be ordering more.

Aedi (Cointreuversial)

Physical is too much work for you! I think a lot of us are fine with digital. Save some money in postage.

Andrew Kranak

I voted for a full tier rework, but I think you should do whatever you think is best. I signed up, eventually, because I really like the work that you put out. The most important thing is for you to remain happy to work, and for this not to feel like a grind. I will add, as our opinions were asked, that the biggest reason I delayed as long as I did was because the better rewards were at such a high level tier. I eventually decided that I was willing to drop a smaller amount each month to show support, combined with an occasional store order, and a bump in a particular month if you were doing something for which I really wanted to get everything available. A full rework of the tiers, along with only digital rewards, might make it a little easier for me to justify bumping my pledge a little. I repeat, though, that what I want most is for you to have a system that you are happy with, so that you can continue to enjoy your cosplay projects.


I think the current physical tiers are fine as they are now but you may make new tiers for those who want digital stuff. As other people said, there are some people who are just fine with digital rewards. By adding digital tiers, they may finally decide to become patreons thanks to the cost compared to the cost of physical tiers. Personnally, I enjoy receiving physical rewards (whether they are from your Patreon or Etsy), they are really good, with great quality but it must take a lot of time from you (So, thank you a lot). Unfortunately for my bank account, I won't stop ;) Still, it also depends on the time you can spend on all these tiers.


I believe that what you are doing now is phenominal. If you feel the desire to expand your options, I am sure that whatever you want to do is in both your best interest and your desire to work with us. I think that if you desire an expansion into pure digital tiers, it will appeal to some people, and if you decide to go with a full rework, your fans will all adjust.


I see the appeal in offering digital-only tiers for those who wish to spend less, or have their collection a little more discreet, while still enjoying the NSFW content ;) But I myself would be quite sad for the phsical rewards to completely disappear. They just feel really special and exclusive, like something one-of-a-kind that can't be copied/reproduced. Love your work Helly! Please keep it up and know that we appreciate knowing that you yourself have carefully packed and sent the monthly rewards we wait for in the mail <3


I voted for the full reworks, but really all I want is to be able to buy digital copies of the physical photobooks on the Etsy store. Ignoring the whole NSFW conundrum, the much bigger issue for me is that I simply do not have the physical space to add more physical media to my collection of various physical media.


Besides, I'd much rather show off character figurines or little sculptures than photos :P