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Hello my dears!

Thank you for your supporting this month!

I'm sorry for the late post, but I was too busy with the cosplay Calendars for 2018. I've almost finished them and they will be avaliable to purchase tomorrow :3

Wallpapers and the new cosplay set should be up next week.

Patreon exclusive set will be mailed to my top tierers during the week end.

Discount codes can be found under that post :)

As for the physical rewards: I hope I will have time to shoot polaroids next week. If I will be in time all the physical rewards for November will be shipped till Dec 15th. If not - till Dec 23rd.

Thanks for staying with me!

With love,





I'll always stay with you!


gotta love ya!


Is there any kind of teaser image for the calendar pictures or is it suposed to be like a mystery blind pack?

Andrew Kranak

I love that shot! However, I think it is time for me stop commenting on every older post that looks great. I get the feeling that all of the pictures will look great.