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Thanks for sticking with me for so long!  I've been thinking a lot about how patreon affects me.  It makes me immensely happy that the work I have done pleases so many people. I always try to create a drawing that corresponds to my internal assessment of quality. I have created a mass of works that I am happy to display on my portfolio. But with an increasing number of patrons, regular orders, work in game dev and the need to develop my universe, I finally reached a breaking point. A burnout at which just opening a drawing program was starting to stress me out. A burnout that scared me, because drawing has always been part of relaxation for me. November wasn't the best month for my mental health, and now I'm taking steps to fix it. First of all, I'm taking professional help, but I'm also trying to take care of my fitness and my time in front of the monitor.  

In terms of tiers, the situation is as follows: 

-Doodles have always gone beyond the idea of a simple sketch. Just as it was not a problem with 3 patrons, now I am forced to impose limitations on myself.  At $15, I will draw simple black and white sketches. The only corrections will be for missing character elements.  For the present moment, the rank has been limited to 9 people. I will increase the limit if I feel up to drawing more of them. The rank is scheduled to be unlocked in early January. 

- Portraits will be replaced by symmetrical, shadowless headshots and their price will increase to $30.  At the present moment I do not know when I will unlock this rank again, but I plan to draw examples of symmetrical headshots as part of (several) Christmas orders. 

The dramatic lighting portrait will be available on my DA and Ko-Fi shop for 70$ 

- Suprem potatus is disappearing indefinitely.  

- The rank offering the comic page is removed permanently. Just as drawing pages was a fascinating challenge for me, it also depleted my creative resources.



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