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Sorry for the absence this month; I got the flu at the beginning of the month and been trying to catch up since. Here's November's poll winner!

Everyone in Request tier should have also received their November requests. I'm also posting a select few here. If you didn't get yours let me know and I'll fix that!

Suggestion collection post will go up shortly and then I'll be doing a 48h content poll on the 28th until the 30th. I'm going to be working all day every day to catch up for the rest of the month so thank you so much for bearing with me! Happy holidays.




Is there gonna be more of the ripped costume picture? Also I was sick too at the beginning of December! I'm glad you're feeling better!


I love the ripped costume and Deku's cute little expression! I just love him being tormented in every way, lol. Everything looks amazing, thank you for blessing us with so much amazing artwork!