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here's this month's schedule! 

  • streams will be on the 6th, 13th, and 20th at 5pm MST
  • the first exclusive art piece will go up by the 15th, and the second exclusive (poll decided) by the 30th
  • content suggestions will be taken from the 1st to the 7th, and the content poll for  suggestion and above tier will run from the 7th until the 14th
  • the request stream for those in that tier will be on the 27th at 5pm MST
  • comic pages will upload whenever i can get to them!

i did have a question about streams for those in non-Americas timezones: would any of you like me to switch one of the streams out for a time that works better for you? if there's a few of you then i'll swap one of them out for some afternoon/evening in Europe timeslot, since i decided this time when there were a lot less of you. :) let me know! thanks!



I'm european, and I would appreciate a stream at late afternoon/evening. But only if you don't have problems.

Just anon

I'll be up whatever time you'll stream, but definitely would be happy about an evening stream every now and then o/