New changes(and hopefully exciting)! (Patreon)
I want to thank all you for your support. Some have been here for a long while, some have only been here for a short amount of time.
Regardless I really thank you all for your support.
It's been true I haven't really figured out how to best approach this patreon page. It's been a constant work in progress, and no doubt it will always evolve.
I really do think the last few months the patreon page has started to hit its stride.
And I have plans to make it even better.
Starting hopefully next week I plan on releasing a full 20 page comic a month.
Actually for the first few weeks and months I plan on releasing 10 pages a week. I think for at least the first 2-3 months. And if this format proves to be more popular, then I hope to keep things rolling.
The Superman Vs. WW will be the 2nd of such comics I plan on releasing. And I got other really exciting ones lined up. These will be 3d comics, but I will be co-writing them with Philip. So they'll have complete text.
Now... With the changes... There will be an increase in the price of the patreon page. A comic for MFMC is now 8-9 dollars depending on the page count.
However, I will only be raising the patreon cost to 7 dollars.
So this comic that will be a patreon exclusive will be cheaper than a new release on my shopify page.
And of course you will still get early access to pinups and lots of work in progress and preview pictures. Along with the FMG and Muscle Drain Gifs...
And hopefully more MFMC Production videos. I mean that emery miller video is super hot and the Lindsay one is pretty steamy as well.
I've decided to add at least 1 more tier. I might add even a 3rd one eventually.
But, the 2nd tier I'm thinking will be a futa tier. It would have both Futa and muscle futa. Most likely muscle futa as I think that is what you all might like.
That tier is going to take a little bit of time for me to build up the content for. I have none readily. So when I do have it I'll post the tier.
I'm hoping for pinups, and full length comics and mini comics for the futa tier.
Lastly, while the new comics will be Patreon exclusives. After 6 months I will release them to Shopify.
I think all the terms and benifits and costs are fair to everyone.
I'm really looking forward to this change. That Superman comic I'd never be able to do (as that will never get released via shopify).
So expect more art like that too... And this is just the start of the evolution. I'm really jazzed about doing more 3d rendering. You're going to love whats in store and its going to be such a great variety too.
Let me know your thoughts. And stay tuned... As next week I hope to have the first ten pages of the first Patreon Exclusive comic!